Friday, December 31, 2021

HAPPY 2022

 THURSDAY -  Will need to go to the tip our black bin does not get emptied today it is going to be next week it is full now I need to take some bags to make room for further waste , I will also take some waste from the green bin and bottles to the bottle bank .

We took all the Christmas decorations down three trees which we had in doors the indoor trimmings and the lights outside all down and back in the loft until next year hopefully I will be up the ladders taking all the boxes back out  for Christmas 2022.

I was supposed to go for a drive through test at the hospital I work at they rang me and refused to do it because I have a slight cough and sneeze slightly tied and feel warmer than usual .Trying to get a Pcr test online waiting for an email for a code to enter which so far has not appeared in my inbox .When I did get the code I was told none left where this leaves me I have no idea no one seems to have any PCR test kits .

Helen finally received her £981 refund from Ikea it is back in the bank we can order order our corner sofa from Ikea.


Finally managed to get a PCR kit should get it in the next few days not sure if New Years day holidays will affect its due date or not it might come special delivery by courier either way I can not go to work until I have the results of the test , I have also agreed to do an antibody test.

Started to play on the 'Guardians Of The Galaxy its really good just getting used to the controls but so far I am enjoying it .

Took the second turkey crown out of the freezer it is going to be for dinner on New Years day it is why too much for the two of use guess both cats and dogs will ge to pig out again.

Helen tried ordering the corner sofa parts are not n stock until end of January that's next year .

Here is hoping you all have a great new years eve and a wicked 2022 hopefully we all get to see Christmas 2022 fingers crossed .

Thursday, December 30, 2021


 WEDNESDAY - Another Christmas been and gone all for one day a big commotion loads of preparation organising and buying more food and drink that you will ever eat .I think I over spent this year I did spend a lot on Helen I think off it is to do with covid also my ex wife died two days after Christmas got to big it up and live it whilst you can , because we do never know what the future holds .

Its no good predicting what 2022 holds just going to have to wait and see hopefully less and less people die from covid . Hope a war in Europe does not happen and Russia does not invade or attack the Ukraine if it happens who knows it really might be the last Christmas that lots of people have just celebrated hopefully not.

We have both finally finished with 02 our phone provider for the last five years we have made the move over to Vodaphone unlimited data cheaper bills and a one year less on contract hopefully a win , win , win for us .Watched a You Tube video about Tesla phones I reckon both Apple and Samsung are going to loose customers they look and perform that good maybe we should have waited before upgrading ,The iPhone 13 pro is good but its nothing much new apart from the camera the sound quality is better and the battery life lasts all day which is good .

Watched the first Matrix film with Helen we have the other two to watch before the latest release I think you need to at least watch the first one for the latest film to make any sense .I have not watched the final film only a small part .Think for the last two years there has been a major glitch in everyones Matrix ,

THURSDAY - Booked a PCR test yesterday morning have still not got any reply other than my application had been accepted as far as I know they only work a few hours per day so it could be Friday New Years eve ,I do feel ok I have a slight soar throat and a very mild headache which comes and goes sometimes I will also feel warmer for no reason and I will need to stand outside if this is Omicron I  am not worried in the slightest , saying that I believe I have just got a mild cold .

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 MONDAY - Loaded the Guardians of The Galaxy on to my x-box one . Its back to work enough side .

TUESDAY HELENS BIRTHDAY - Bought Helen a Michael Kors brown leather bag she chooses before Christmas but as she knew I bought it as she was with me . I wrapped up a bottle of Lady Million and dropped it inside as a surprise present .

Had to leave work half way through my shift had a phone call from Helen someone we have been in contact with over Christmas  have tested positive for covid .

WEDNESDAY - Booked a PCR test not sure when I will get my appointment could be tomorrow which looks like I won't be back at work until Monday, now I have booked the test I feel shit ..Give me time to play on the X-box .My Son also text me to say he was not feeling well he stayed with us Christmas Eve , day and Boxing Day .

To be honest I did not want this to happen chances are I will go back to work then if I get snowed in it will mean more time of work , but either situation I have no control over its out of my hands .

Order three tubes of face wash gel and a large pump action shaving gel from Amazon using a gift card I received for Christmas .

Tuesday, December 28, 2021



We was up most of the night cooking the gammon joint soaking it, boiling it then roasting it took the past part of twenty four hours .It was glased using honey and maple syrup it was perfection .We then slow cooked the turkey starting at four in the morning  I got up at half past six to baste it .Dinner was at four there was my Son Guy and Helens two sons Liam and Steve we all ate Christmas dinner there was plenty off food although between us we each ate more than what we should have done. Including both its and the dogs .It was also the first Christmas I have had with my son for in a long time even years .On the evening we sat down together and watched the new Matrix film with Guy , Helen had gone to bed .

Below Bentley tucking in to his gammon and turkey .

BOXING DAY - Went over to my daughters house with Guy obviously his sister and stayed a few hours before dropping my son of back in York . As much as I like Christmas all I have seemed to do is to loose sleep and drive forward and backwards to different locations for the benefit of others .

Friday, December 24, 2021


 WEDNESDAY - Helen bought a new ironing board and I bought an electrical steamer its better than the last one but not has good as I thought it would be perhaps my expectations are too high .

Helens phone went of her O2 sim had been deactivated we put her new Vodaphone SIM card in and it was back to normal she also  had a voice mail from Curry's telling her that her new iPhone 13 pro max is in and ready to be picked up .We will pick it up tomorrow mine should not be too far behind maybe in time for Christmas we was both  supposed to get them on the 31st of December .

Went to the Red Lion had beer batter fish sandwiches with a portion of fries we ate in the car .

THURSDAY  - We both picked up our new iPhone 13 pro max so far so good only thing I cant do is set up my online banking app at the moment I am not receiving text massages due to changing SIM cards and network providers next twenty four hours should sort it out .We are both impressed the sound picture and camera quality have all been updated .

Went to see my daughters new home its over four floors it has a cellar do miss hot having a cellar I thought it looked great they need to do nothing in the bathroom its ultra modern the attic room is big the stairs are in the middle it has another rteo bedrooms on the floorr below .The kitchen id big and has patio doors leading to the garden all in all its a nice house they should be very happy.

Went to Asda did some last minute shopping magnet to get bread , milk and fresh orange juice , mince pies and some chicken pieces for my tea .

CHRISTMAS  EVE - Went to the local farm shop at Flowery fields was there just after half past eight I picked up two turkey crowns and a joint off gammon that I had ordered cost  £85 the turkey crowns are for two meals .

We have to drive over to York to see helens parents and to pick my son up as always too much to do so little time .

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 SUNDAY - Helens son Liam rang me he wanted to know if his mother would like a. Gucci necklace or earrings I said necklace hopefully she gets what he said he is going to buy her  because she over heard hopefully he is true to his word or she will be upset all of her sons have never really spoilt her at Christmas or her birthday which always annoys me maybe this year its different.

MONDAY - Still waiting for Ikea to refund us £981 so we can buy the corner sofa hopefully this week it will be returned on to Helens card , will be well into the new year before we get a delivery slot .

Two days at work then five days off including Christmas even , Christmas Day and Boxing Day which I am quite happy about , a pity there is no Christmas bonus specially after working through covid the last two years .

Will have to pick the turkey crowns and joint of gammon up either 23rd or the 24th more than likely be on the 23rd if I go early enough I won't have to queue but no choice otherwise it will be a tin of Pek instead .

Shopping yesterday there was loads of food nothing seemed to be in short supply only thing we couldn't buy was our normal dog food as it was al sold out that was three stores that have sold out think its a delivery issue rather than people panic buying .

Be interesting to see if there is going to be another lockdown either before or just after Christmas guess its a case of not if but when ?.

The is a saying "if we aint got it now we can do with out " as there is only so much food and other essential items you can buy in any reasonable quantity unless you are mega rich and buy everything in packs of twenty fours . 

Dish washer tablets , washing machine pods , toothpaste and shampoo obviously  toilet rolls , shower gel cooking oil , salt and pepper and other seasoning herbs and spices otherwise food is bland but where do you draw the line for Helen its a must she has dry roasted peanuts polo mints and chewing gum for me its coffee pods and cider and brown sugar . I cant live without mouthwash and shaving gel I have an electric shaver but prefer a wet shave if I can .

TUESDAY - My Daughter moved into her new house in time for Christmas and I break up until next Monday which is good news for me .

Sunday, December 19, 2021


 FRIDAY - Helens card came from Paperchase its a card that is musical it plays "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" there is a blade inside a globe that spins and creates a snow effect its quite good ,Helen liked it any way .

The shit might be hitting the fan at work with the new covid variant Omicron they are expecting hospitals to be over run including the hospital I work at . More than likely they  will be an increase in staff that are off with the new strain so will want the others to work more shifts any do longer hours and cancel annual leave .Should have though about that when they gave us a shitty 3% pay rise , all in this together not this time Boris .

A week today is Christmas Eve how the year as flown bye and the events that have happened has made for a strange year 2022 does not seem to be looking any better who knows who wants to predict what the future holds hopefully we can all live in peace in a better more caring world , not going to happen is it as we never learn .

SATURDAY - Helen had a few readings to do at the salon I sat in the car watching the first few episodes of Squid Game .After we went to Morrisons at Meltham and bought some food and other bits for Christmas including three boxes of Christmas cards and first class stamps  ,

SUNDAY - Went to Asda bought a case of Budweiser as well as more food bought Indian food for sunf=day dinner I also bought a case of cloudy apple cider bought two cases of dog and cat food should keep them going until after Christmas that's over £260 over the weekend .

Thursday, December 16, 2021


TUESDAY - I  have been watching  You Tuber Kieun Choi she does amazing vlogs from South Korea the beaches and cafes look fantastic it is a beautiful country which is very modern in architecture and design it is also very clean there is nothing drab about living in South Korea .

WEDNESDAY  - Up at eight took Helen to the dentist in Huddersfield they have decided to sedate her before commencing the treatment which is now going to be after Christmas .

My daughter Tuesday  yes that's her name what a cool dad was I . She is now moving house next Tuesday a few days before Christmas .First Christmas with Helen we moved in to the apartment  on the 21st of December and was one of the best Christmas ever .


THURSDAY - Roll on the weekend did some food shopping bought some steak and beef mince as well has duck straws and tempura prawns and sausage rolls bought some peanut butter and Nutella so we can make some more cheese cakes , will need to buy some more cream cheese and digestive biscuits .

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


SUNDAY - Wrapped some presents up of course need to buy gift tags and bows well no ones perfect .

Went shopping to Fox Valley outlet to Andersons boutique store and bought Helen  another Michael Kors handbag for her birthday and a silver spoon ring what is made out of a old antique silver spoon then bent in to a finger ring .Had a spray of the Initio Oud mens perfume  still love the smell got some free samples of the  Pegasus and Percival range not heard of them and they do smell good but not better than the Initio , one day .

Ordered two turkey crowns and a joint of gammon for Christmas dinner from the farm shop I need to pick it up on the 23rd or 24th of December least we won't need room in the freezer as it will be fresh .

MONDAY - Asked my son Guy over for Christmas will pick him up Christmas Eve and he will stay over two nights at least he won't be on his own this Christmas .It will be the first Christmas in a l long time I will have been with him on Christmas Day .

TUESDAY - Finished work at 02.00 am at three a.m I was pushing a trolley round Asda buying some essentials for Christmas like stuffing goose fat and two jars of cranberry sauce goes with the turkey as well as other bits like flour and pastry didn't get everything but there is still time it was nearly four when I got to bed after having a shower and a juice .

Up at half past nine a.m chopped the veg and onions for the braising steak I am cooking in the slow cooker we are having it for tea put some red wine and Worcester sauce in should be nice .

Still need to get some beers , cider and other drinks not going mad as we are running out of money I have spent the most ever on Christmas presents its not been a cheap Christmas . I know many people who put their Christmas tree away last year, was for the last time we are all in dangerous times not just with covid but with Russia amassing troops ready for war , China building weapons for use in space   . And all other natural disasters floods , tornadoes and earth quakes .So better make the most of it . 

Friday, December 10, 2021


 THURSDAY - Took Bailey out he has not been out for a week the vet said cage rest plus the weather has not been great he seems to be a lot better he has nearly finished his medication and seems to be walking fine I know he won't be fully healed hopefully his improvement continues .

My Daughter Tuesday has recovered from her bout of covid her smell has slightly returned but her taste buds haven't and she cant taste which must be annoying .

Not sure when to buy the turkey for Christmas dinner will need to make room in the freezer to fit a turkey crown in the latest is born flu thousands of turkeys have been slaughtered if I do decide to buy one  it will need freezing will also need to buy turkey gravy , cranberry sauce brandy sauce and Christmas puddings and pigs in blankets and veg special parsnips and sweet potatoes .I wouldn't mind a decent leg of lamb if the turkeys are a no go .

Thought we might have had a email saying our iPhones where ready to pick up. Helens phone as started to over heat and mine I can only charge wireless so once we get the new phones the better , plus unlimited data will be a great blessing specially for me at work no more running out currently have 15gb which in this day and age is nothing short of crap .

FRIDAY  - Ordered another two echo dots for presents and another Pandora charm one gift left to buy and that's it no more presents left to buy . My Daughter and her partner might be moving house on the 17th go December not the best date in the world but if it goes through then they will move .

Not too sure if I like the X-box game I bought if I cant get into it I have one on Christmas Day to open and I might go trade my old games in and see if I can get a new release rumours GTA 6 by Rock star gamed might be getting released sometime soon .

Thursday, December 09, 2021


 MONDAY - Ordered two X-Box one games Helen is interested in one "The Plague Of Innocence " and "House of Ashes' hopefully both are decent games .

WEDNESDAY - Went to Ikea got a full refund for the covers we bought the other week once the refund for yer cancelled sofa is refunded we can order the sofa we thought we was buying first time round .

Went to the perfume shop bought two bottled for Helen for Christmas a bottle of Michael Kors and a bottle of Gucci Bamboo to be honest after sniffing ten others they all started to smell the same .

Finally bought some Christmas wrapping paper will have to start to get some wrapped up .Also ordered a card for Helen , and finally had my first mince pie of the season .We have a Christmas cake and mince pies to pick up at the weekend if they are ready .Will need to get a block of cheese for Helen and a block of marzipan for me .

On the way home stopped at Millys chicken shack got another box of chicken was as good as before but fried for a bit less time s it was not as dark but still as enjoyable I got a peri peri mayonnaise sauce think its home made was was quite hot and highly tasty . 

Might buy Ashley Jackson new book he has done a signed book of water colours he has dome over the years he his doing signed copies his gallery shop is in Holmfirth we live two miles away I might call in he is usually in .

Wednesday, December 08, 2021


 SATURDAY - Went out bought a large box of cat food and dog food stocked up with essentials for us too bread , milk , ground beef , chicken , beef burgers and veggies just in case we get more snow I don't have to go out .

Listened to the Ed Sheeran and Elton Johns Christmas single I think its easiest one of the best Christmas songs in the last ten years .

Watched the complete series of "Clarkesons Farm " it was after won a.m when we saw the final credits roll was excellent loved every episode hopefully season to is on the cards ,Only Jeremy Clarkson would by a Lamborghini eighty geared tractor that's way too big to go into the barn .

SUNDAY - Gave Bailey his medication he seems a lot better which happened last time he injured his leg he seems vitually back to normal I know he needs more time to heal correctly and he still not finished his tablets and medicine he goes for another check up Thursday .

Boring grey wet day we have a chicken to roast if we cant decide on what to do or where to go its going to be a boring day .Its one of them days you want to do something vaguely interesting but have no idea what , the weather is totally crap .

Saturday, December 04, 2021


 TUESDAY - Back to work tomorrow spent best part of four hours in A&E with Helens infected tooth which as caused an abscess  she has had another course of  antibiotics prescribed and some codeine to relief the pain .It is going to be a good 48 hours before they kick in and hopefully do some good  I am back at work tomorrow which isn't great , but at least she has been seen and should get a follow up appointment with a dentist in two weeks time .

WEDNESDAY - Helen got a loan authorised to spend at Ikea she wants to order a corner sofa like the one we had but only this one is going to be in dark grey we will sort it out tomorrow as I had to go to work .

THURSDAY  - Ordered another four seater corner sofa in dark grey the delivery is going to be December 31st part of the seat coverings we had to order from our local Ikea and will pick them up Friday but the order is placed and completed .

Ordered two Anker usb - c to lighting cable for the iPhones we are getting at the end of this month. 

FRIDAY - Went to Ikea second time in two days bought a large black and white flecked rug for the living room a potato ricer and a caldron , from the Ikea supermarket food section we bought meatballs , mash and gravy as well as  a jar of berries tea sorted for Saturday night .

On the way home we stopped at Millys chicken shack for the first time will be going back the chicken and fries and sweet chilli sauce spot on so much better then the chicken I had a few weeks back when I went to   Slaithwaite.

Had to takeBailey to the vets his leg flare dup again and he was limping he had an injection some tablets and some medicine £75 he needs to rest no walkies just yet .

Monday, November 29, 2021


 SUNDAY - More snow fell in the morning before we got up out of bed  think it snowed more than the day before and its also  colder if it freezes the roads out of Hade Edge are going to be impassable  unless the gritters have been out .The trouble is any way out of the village is either up and down hills and valleys  little winding roads .Just got to sit in drink coffee with bourbon and watch Netflix and Prime .

MONDAY - Taking Helen to the dentist had to clear the car after the second lot of snow  it was also iced over the windows.I  also cleared the drive way getting back on to the drive after going out  is always a nightmare .

Made it to the dentist I parked up at the supermarket four hours on my ticket  .We where early so did some shopping bought plain and self-raising flour two packets of Atora suet for dumplings if we so wished and two packets of digestive biscuits and three cartons of fresh orange juice as well as a can of de-icer spray  .Helen couldn't have any dental work done she has to take a course on antibiotics to clear the swelling her infected tooth as caused.

Cooked us a lasagne for tea with home made garlic bread and fries and of course a cloudy cider for me .

Last day off tomorrow don't think we are going to get anymore snow over the next few days so we might get out not sure where but n o doubt we will do something because its back to work Wednesday .

My second Fire tablet came today the first one I never ordered it as a gift so it was configure to my details so I ordered another as a gift for my son I have bought him a case and a sd card as well .Have set mine up they are a bit slow loading apps etc but they are ok for the price I am quite happy . I have ordered a case might get a keyboard not sure .

Saturday, November 27, 2021


 THURSDAY - My daughter is recovering from covid hopefully over the next 48 hours she is over the worse , she had headaches back ache the sweats and just feeling tired and run down.

I have ordered her Christmas present it should arrive the next few days I have bought nearly everyones present amazingly well before the big day .

Helen was buying me the X-box one game "Guardians Of The Galaxy " and a coffee grinder for Christmas without spending silly money there is noting else I can think of that I want as a gift .Now I have ordered a Amazon Fire tablet and case miss having a tablet .

FRIDAY - No work went to Curries Pc World we both ordered new iPhones 13 Pro Max two year contract unlimited data , texts and calls for £47 a month don't think we will get a better deal we don't get them until the end of December but its only four or so weeks away be a nice start new year new phone .

SATURDAY - Got up it has snowed through the night its a few inches thick its drifted in parts and a car in our street already got stuck we have a neighbourhood who cleared the road with his tractor .He did the same the year before we are on a new estate its a joke we should have got a free shovel and bag of grit free with every house .

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 SUNDAY - Cooked a chicken from the farm shop for our Sunday roast , Helen did some awesome roast potatoes I went out this morning to buy some cider the fridge was devoid of any cans unbelievable .

Go back to work on Monday had five days off who wants to go back unfortunately I have little choice how crap is that . I  least I break up Thursday for five days cant be bad short week what a bonus .

I need to get a couple more presents and the will be that I also need to get some drinks in I usually get a bottle of Baileys Irish cream for Helen and a bottle of Jack Daniels for me although I do like Marks & Spencers bulliet bourbon.

MONDAY - Tidied round the house Helens back is still giving her some aches and pains managed a trip to  the shops she bought the dogs new beds and we did some food shopping at M&S got my bottle of bourbon and some different chicken pieces , fried , tempura and katshu  will last me well into next week I also bought a Indian tikka masala curry .

TUESDAY - My daughter is feeling better she has not got over it fully but she is slowly getting better her headache and temperature as gone .

Went to Meadow Hall Helen picked up some jumpers and tops from H&M that she had seen online stayed well away from Five Guys more the pity .

Four off my Amazon deliveries are outstanding spoke with them this morning they should be arriving today hopefully the land sometime before I go to work at five , obviously yes its Hermes .

Sunday, November 21, 2021


 FRIDAY - Last day off took three days emergency annual leave to look after Helen I have the weekend off then back to work on Monday hopefully Helen will be a lot better , she is improving but it only takes one wrong move to go back to square one.

Ordered a Kindle fire tablet 7" and a case I am buying it for my son for Christmas I am not buying him anything too grand I was going to get him and echo dot but the fire tablets where in the Black Friday sale so seeing he does not have a smart phone I figured he would get more use out of the tablet he does have  an internet connection .

Ordered 20AA batteries and 20AAA batteries and two chargers that do eight batteries at a time in 45 m minutes cant have enough power .

SATURDAY - Went to the Fox Valley shopping outlet to buy a few toiletries and snacks we didn't have anything in the way of snacks bought some Reese's peanut cups  and some chocolate buttons should have bought some Coca-Cola . never mind I have cider .

SUNDAY - Put the Christmas decorations up outside looking festive might be people saying its too early our house our rules we don't need permission or to apologise you don't want your decorations up yet fine we won't judge .

Finally watched the new James Bond film in its entirety thought it wasn't that great and I didn't like the ending and a few other bits in the film didn't make sense  but it  was good in parts a long wait for a mediocre film .

Friday, November 19, 2021


 THURSDAY - Helen has pulled something in her back she is suffering badly she is in pain and is stressing out , some how something as dropped in her back or moved she thinks its a nerve or muscle or both . I had to take yesterday off work and have booked the rest of the week off , its not good but I cant leave her on her own .Hopefully over the next four , five days things ease off , as I can only have so many days off work .Helen slept on the sofa half sat up we have a heat bag that you heat up in the microwave which the doctor recommended hopefully it eases her pain and discomfort even if only slightly .

I bought her some deep heat patches that are like giant plasters the give out heat for 16 hours hopefully they will help .

Like the rubberised Nike watch strap for my Apple Watch that came the other day so much that I have ordered another one which is  off white and back the opposite of  the black and white one that I have already purchased.

FRIDAY - Went to Wentworth garden centrre thought a walk around would help Helens back we went to look at the Christmas decorations I bought some led remote  tree candles , a pre lite fir tree garland for the fire place and a Christmas scene snow lantern .

Thursday, November 18, 2021


 TUESDAY - Whilst in Meadow Hall went to Five  Guys one hamburger , one cheese burger a regular fries and two peanut milk shakes £30 .02 it was worth it if you like burgers Five Guys is as good as anywhere .

WEDNESDAY - China  kicking off with Taiwan , Russia kicking off with Europe , Covid -19 still hanging around , people still dying , global warming and pollution , volcanos and asteroids heading towards earth we are fcuked and its not looking good . So my advice is cash in what money you can get in debt and buy what ever your heart desires.Treat your nearest and dearest and of course yourself and do whatever pleases you , including eating and drinking and being happy because its one life .

Got tonight away from work I am not attending my shift Helen as pulled her back and is in pain and needs help moving about no way can she cope on her own , we are waiting a call back from the G.P

Ordered a Michael Kors smart watch for Helen it is going to be a Birthday present which is two days after Christmas there was £80 knocked ofr thanks to an early Black Friday deal it arrives tomorrow .

Had a go at making peanut milkshake bought the smooth peanut  butter co-op own brand £1.50 , ice cream £1.60 for 2litres  and milk plus two small bananas , used 450 ml of ice cream 80ml milk two small bananas and two big desert of peanut butter got it right first time it was spot on .

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 Some of the things I have bought of eBay and Amazon recently in no particular order 

1. Nike Apple Watch strap in black/white.

2. Super glue that sets using ultra violet light x 2 . ( Cheap super glue only good for sticking fingers)

3. Pilot black ink Gel pens x 6 ( A big pet hate are blue biro pens )

4 . Front gorilla protective screens for  future iPhone 13 pro max.

5 . protective screens for future  iPhone 13 pro max .

6. Black case for  future iPhone 13 max pro .

7 . Present for Helen. ( its a surprise )

8. Present for me . ( Japanese chefs knife )

Future iPhones should happen next week we are going Monday to sort out the contracts we are on and upgrade to the latest iPhone 13 pro max the phone shop sell screen protectors and cases at five times the cost of buying the online , have fallen for that rip off before .

MONDAY - Eventually washed the car it was filthy has it had not been washed in ages not sure why but it wa long over due it took a good hour and half to pressure wash and wax the car obviously now it is going to put it down but at least its clean until I have done a couple of tris to work on the motorway .

TUESDAY - Tried to get an iPhone 13 max pro no chance what so ever even the Apple store in Meadow hall have none in they are waiting for delivery . I took my Xs max to I-Smash one of the pins on the charging port is broken to fit a new port £80 so I am going to get it repaired and keep it until at least my contract ends then I will get the 13 Max pro , hopefully .

Sunday, November 14, 2021


THURSDAY - Went to Meadow Hall wandering around fcuking Primark my only saving grace is after I went to Five Guys and bought a peanut milkshake .

FRIDAY - Went to Trinity at Wakefield bought Helen some jewellery some rings and brackets a necklace and a couple of rings some are for Christmas and a couple of items for her birthday which is two days after Christmas .

Went to Asda bought six boxes of coffee pods for my coffee machine as well as dog and cat food and some frozen veg .

We have decided to buy out of our phone contracts early and get new phones , My iPhone no longer charges with a cable its lighting port is not functioning I can only wireless charge which is annoying but is manageable also I cannot connect it to the car with the lighting cable for maps also I cant sync with my Mac book although when I put my lighting cabled headphones in they worked fine , on the plus side the price of our monthly contract will drop and its a decent upgrade from the XS Max we both have at the moment of course 

SATURDAY - Helen had readings to do in Linthwaite after we drove over to Asda at Owlcoates in Pudsey this was the very first place I meet Helen outside work we meet one dinner time she was buying kickers I said only just meet and I have already seen your knickers the rest as they say is history .

Oven cooked a Indian curry for tea  well super it was well after nine when we got home we had the chicken curry with pilau rice nan breads and onion bhajis which where cooked crispy slightly over cooked they where quite hot .

SUNDAY - Went to Halifax to Sainsbury they have an Argos we had ordered a 6ft pop up Christmas tree with snow effect and a box of twinkly lights .On the way home bought a new set of step ladders these are four rung high and are a lot taller then the previous ones plus a lot more sturdier than the last ones .


 MONDAY - Going over to Meadow Hall to the dreaded Primark its my biggest pet hate as a rule I don't mind shopping and don't mind being dragged around apart from Primark just hate the place .I don't even bother with the t-shirts anymore I buy Fruit of the Loom of Ebay a lot less hassle and no petrol cost its a no brainer .

Below is Bee my daughters puppy she has only had her a few weeks and she is spoilt rotten .She is treat like a baby and spoilt rotten , she is a great little dog truly is amazing she couldn't have a better owner than my daughter she will be well loved and well looked after like most dogs the love you give you get back ten fold for life the only family the dog has is its human family , how anyone can miss treat a dog or any other pet is beyond me .Unless you are 110% committed don't get a pet .

Have the latest James Bond film to watch "No Time To Die "its been a while which I could watch it with my Dad that would be the best Christmas present ever .My son wanted to take me to watch it unfortunately I couldn't make it .

TUESDAY - Had my covid booster it went ok no issues arm aches slightly but its very slight discomfort go for the flu jab tomorrow with Helen .

WEDNESDAY - Had my flu jab Helen also had her flu jab fully topped up can keep my job for another six months .

Sunday, November 07, 2021


 Ordered some new cushioned ear pieces for my Bose headphones the ones I have are starting to wear they will be ok for another few years but at least I have a new set for when I need them ,just in case they get discontinued .

WEDNESDAY - Already looking forward to the weekend , went over to Dobcross other side of Saddleworth to the garden centre specifically at their Christmas decorations we want to go over to Wentworth garden centre before we buy anything .

THURSDAY - Helen as an infection in either her tooth or in her face she is in pain and we have booked an emergency appointment at the dentist for Friday morning at 10.40 in Sheepscar Leeds will need to set an alarm to get up just in case .

FRIDAY - Happy anniversery to Helen and me. Was up on time and made it to Helens dentist appointment she needs work doing but it needs to be a specialist dentist she will have to wait for an appointment can take up to six weeks .In the mean time its paracetamol . Actually we ended up finding a dentist at home we are visiting them tomorrow .

SATURDAY - Helen signed up with the local dentist she has a full inspection and x-rays next Tuesday fingers crossed its not too bad .

SUNDAY - Had to toe a tree back it was well leaning the wind we get up here where we live is well strong its notorious hopefully the tree will eventually grow thicker and root itself .

Cooked a full Sunday chicken dinner with three greens peas sprouts and broccoli , did roast potatoes and Yorkshires , it was a large chicken from the local farm shop so tasty there was enough for both the dogs and both cats ,

Wednesday, November 03, 2021


 SUNDAY - Its raining its Halloween and its raining and it don't look like that its going to stop anytime soon .I cooked myself a full English black pudding included  the clocks went back so was up an hour early until my body clock adjusts its always the case .    it also means I will be driving to work when its dark and coming home when its dark , roll on Spring .

We carved the pumpkins that we had outside the front door  Helen did hers like a spooky cottage and I did the scary face , she also cut out a silhouette of a cat from card board and painted it black and attached some battery powered lights for its eyes for the bedroom window .We did get quite a few trick or treaters and first year we got rid of all the sweets .The rain did not stop we watched the Johnny Depp "Alice In Wonderland " as our Halloween movie .

MONDAY - Its still raining it has been relentless look like its going to be a grey wet Monday the clocks went back Sunday an last two mornings have woken up at silly o'clock.Cant even take Bailey out its too torrential be a pointless task .

Monday, November 01, 2021


 THURSDAY - Back at work its shit always is when I have had a few days off shouldn't have leave don't know how I would feel if I had two weeks off bean nightmare .

FRIDAY - Finished work was so glad to be leaving downloaded Ed Sheehan new album = on Spotify which I listened to on the way home .Stopped of at the garage bought some fresh orange and two packets of Max strength jalapeño and cheese wrinkly crisps though I had some dip in the fridge I hadn't need to get some sour creme and chives .

Took Bailey out in the morning after a few hours sleep , though about work I really cant be arsed with it for the responsibility and things I am expected to do the money is crap I do get paid night rate for my shift otherwise it would be totally crap wages .It is starting to piss me off what with covid short staff and people who cant be arsed with doing what they are supposed to be doing . As a lot of us out there I am a slave to a monthly wage .

SATURDAY - Helen had three readings to do in the afternoon in a little village a twenty minute drive away .I waited in the car whilst she completed each reading .

In the evening we went to my daughter house and had a Indian for tea from the local take away she also bought me James Patterson and Bill Clinton "The Presidents Daughter ". Will down load it so I can read it anywhere , started reading the first few chapters and its got me hooked already .

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


 SUNDAY - We was suppose to go to my daughters house for sinday dinner .She is full of cold so we have decided not to go just to be on the safe side .

MONDAY - Took the medium size wall unit down and replaced it at the side of the boiler which had a small unit at the side of it the medium unit will house all the glasses and coffee/tea cups .The only issues was a electrical box for the extractor fan I manage to cut round it ,the wall where the medium unit was is now going to be a place for some shelves so we can place storage jars for herbs and other ingredients .

Went to Ikea bought the shelves and the glass containers for the food stuff and herbs Helen bought quite a few jars as well as other items that where impulse buys.

TUESDAY - Out the shelves up three in total it only took a few hours I repainted the wall white after I had drilled the holes for the screws to secure the brackets for the shelving .Went back to Ikea picked up the shelves for the smaller storage jars and fixed these below the larger three shelves .

WEDNESDAY - Went to Asda bought some things we needs to fill the rest of the storage jars it didn't cost a lot we needed more dried pasta , rice and coffee beans ,

Back at work tomorrow five days off have flown bye. The small wall unit I unscrewed and I cut up the bigger pieces to make added  shelves to the medium storage unit we now have three shelves instead of just one that was placed in the middle .

Helen and me have our flu injections booked for November I have also received  a reminder to book my covid booster vaccination I think it is going to be mandatory for NHS workers which I am . The thing is I don't like being told I have to have it which is pissing me off it should be freedom of choice ordered to have it is rubbing me up the wrong way .

Sunday, October 24, 2021


 We habe both been following the Gabby Petitio and Brain Laundrie saga from day one. We watch Wbla live on Facebook every day for updates and any new leads .The latest is that human remains have been found and a note book and back pack that belong to BL  . If it is him I hope there is some explanation in his note book of why I also hope he died a painful drawn out death .

THURSDAY - Two days at work then five days off when I go back it will be a hurt week two days then two days off I have days of in November , December and January yo look forward to plus a full week off in March 2022.

My birthday is in a few days no big celebrations we are going to my daughters hose on Sunday for a Sunday lunch other than that no big plans , not sure if my son will bother I usually get a text message the day after wishing me happy birthday if I am lucky .

I get paid next week might treat myself not sure to what might have a big take away and a few ciders not sure what I really need a new Mac book would ne great in my wildest dreams .

FRIDAY  - Helen bought me a new walking jacket and two T-shirts from Mountain Warehouse and some fingerless gloves for walking Bailey who also got a new coat .

We aslo stopped at the Red Lion Pub for beer battered fish sandwich freshly cooked to order needless to say it hit the spot we sat out in the beer garden the sun was out and it had stopped raining .

SATURDAY - Happy birthday to me and a very happy birthday to my twin sister Anne .Took Bailey out on his morning walk we both had our new coats on .

We went over to see my son Guy he dint know we was coming we have not been before we went totally unannounced .He is living in a static home it is of a similar size but as it is  its nowhere near in the class of the one we had but its his home and over the next few weeks or months he can transform it put his own stamp on it , but that is up to him .

Monday, October 18, 2021


 Helen ordered a hand casting kit so she can take a cast of her parents holding hands she aslo bought two memories books one for her father and one fo the mother I hope they fill them I well for her , we are going over Sunday to make the cast and give them the books a bit morbid but also good .

SATURDAY -Went to Home Bargins Helen bought some lights for the garden 1000 lights on a 350 metre wire .

SUNDAY -Casting time mixed the alginate  you have sixteenths seconds to mix and around sixty seconds to get you hand sin and for it to set its a bit longer if you use colder water .We used a food mixer and bowl to mix the alginate its pink once its mixed with water 2700 ml to be precise once it sets its a grey white colour and you can free your hands from the mould its made .

The mixing went fine they couldn't decide how to hold hands even though we had a practice run eventually they agreed and got their hands into the mixture it set they removed their hands one at time .We mixed the stone powder with 700ml of cold water and poured it in to the mould doing 25% at a time rotating the bucket and then tapping the side to get rid of any air bubbles .Forty minutes setting time then you can remove the mould the hands turn out pretty good seeing it was the first time we had done anything like this it was ok .

Helen has ordered another two casting kits she only meant to order one but she was doing it off her phone and the connection dropped she did it again and accidentally purchased two oh well .

Thursday, October 14, 2021


 I  have been watching a lot of vlogs on You Tube recently about Korean way of life peoples apartments what the cook , buy , eat and all other stuff they do in their daily life its fascinating to watch I don't know why I am so engrossed but they are very relaxing to watch .The ones I watch all seem to be extremely house proud and tidy are all relatively good cooks and chefs , a`lot live in apartments have great sunsets own I-pods and Apple watches sleep on the floor on toppers and mattresses and quite a few have robotic vacuums .

MONDAY - Work never want to go on Mondays the week seems too long too many days to go before the weekend .

THURSDAY - Helen ordered a kit so she can cast her parents hands of them holding each others hands , she bought the same kit that my daughter used to do her mothers hands before she died .I think we are driving over Saturday so we can do the cast you only get one go at getting it right .She is also going to order them a memory book she they can fill it with their likes their life from the past so she will never have to wonder what they did it will be all written down for her to keep .

Her parents both told us that when they die or passover no matter who goes first that this is what they want to happen. They told us that  they are paying Money uprfont  to a company that will collect their body from where you die be it home or hospital and they will take it away cremate the body and return the ashes in a  urn back to the surviving partner . No one gets  to view  the body and there is no service to attend no gathering of relatives of friends its  a simple no fuss affair  , no coffin . or flowers wreathes , pall bearers vicar or priest no ringing of bells , so no cost for a religious service  and no need for funeral cars , or a venue or church etc etc , at a cost of on off payment that is £1600 that's al you pay no matter how many years you live its done no inflation cost no added charges or fees when you pass that's it done and dusted .The cost to bury both of them you are looking at best part of £5000 each at todays prices .

Sunday, October 10, 2021

BIG 80

 WEDNESDAY - Went back to Winscar made it behind the boating house would have liked to have carried on walking but got to be-careful I don't over walk Bailey his back leg might not be fully healed so its best not to over do it .I want to tr and walk the whole of the reservoir , will leave it as a goal for next summer should take a good few hours , will take my back pack with food and drink .

Back at work was feeling under the weather getting motivated was hard way too hard I felt I needed to sleep and my head was spinning was so glad when it was home time .

Stopped of at the petrol station I filled the tank to the max which cost me £25 it is now £1.34 a litre and I guess will keep rising.

I break up on the 22nd of December and don't go back until the following Monday be first time I have had so many days of during the festive period .

SATURDAY - Went over to Acaster Malbis we stopped of at Tesco and bought a bottle of Three Barrel Brandy as Helens father birthday we didn't realise how old he was until we saw him he is eighty years of age if I known I would have bought him two bottles of brandy one from Helen and one from me .

SUNDAY - Relaxing day went out to get some shopping bought some Carrs cheese melts and Mcvities digestive biscuits both cost £2 for two packets . I also bought a joint of beef for Sunday dinner , forgot to buy cider the fridge is dry .

Tuesday, October 05, 2021


 FIDAY - Went to the all night garage needed chocolate cake and cream when you get the taste you get the taste so of I went also filled the petrol tank in my Skoda to the top again .

SATURDAY - Went to Penistone bought some chicken and onion bahjees and some popadoms we are cooking a curry for tea a chicken tikka masala .

SUNDAY - Painted the top landing wall it was only a few weeks ago I painted it a dark royal blue I went over it with the light grey paint it covered ok .Bought a piece of beef brisket for our Sunday roast .

MONDAY - We went to the garden centre Helen bought some pumpkins for the front of the house the price varied from £3.00 to £6.00.

Cooked a home made lasagne with added peppers onion and fresh tomatoes I also made some garlic bread using small bread cakes melted butter fresh herbs and garlic .

Went to Winscar reservoir with Bailey I manage to cross the fence and reach further to the far edge of the reservoir I have not mange to get there before I did have to shower Bailey when I got him home but it was worth it .

Friday, October 01, 2021


 WEDNESDAY - The new James Bond film "No Time To Die " is now been released from the trailer it looks good I have watched every James Bond film of course I will watch the latest instalment , Daniel Craigs last one I would like Tom Hardy to be the new James Bond 007.

Managed to get some more petrol the pumps where open and there was no queue it only took £12 to fill the tank back up to the top I have enough for around 480 miles another few petrol stations also had fuel so it looks like thigs are a little bit better not sure we are out of the water yet .

Still following the man hunt fo rBrain Laundrie cant believe that both the Police and the F.B.I seem to be failing yet Dog the bounty hunter seems to be getting more leads ,hopefully they are only days away from finding him .

THURSDAY  - Cant believe its October the year as flown by its another birthday one year older .I look back on the years gone and am happy I was born when I was everyting seemed better apart from the fashion and technology. Mars bars tasted better they where totally different than todays mars bar .

Anyway we have halloween to look forward to , bonfire night and of course Christmas 2021 which is on the weekend and I break up on the 22nd which will be nice it means also the following Monday and Tuesday are bank holidays which means a better rate of pay .

Will be getting a reminder about my covid booster injection any time soon and the flu jab got to keep safe as we can .

well one more shift than I have five days off got to admit all that   I work for is the money and time off and hopefully a pension pot I can cash I as soon as its feasible which after the £1500 paid in this month should make it one month nearer every penny helps .

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 MONDAY - Took Bailey to the dog groomers for a shampoo and cut it takes around a hour fifteen minutes .I parked up on the trading estate and did some shopping fo r a few essentials .Going home would waste petrol and by the time I would get home had have time for a coffee before setting of back to pick him up .

TUESDAY - Got some petrol on way home from work tried to filling stations no joy went to one of the major supermarkets and they had fuel you was limited to thirty pound spend I only needed twenty quid to fill to the max . Before people bitch I do over seventy miles a day just getting to and from work at the NHS . I finish at two in the morning even if I did a normal shift getting to work via a bus from where I live would be a nightmare if not impossible. I would need a car to get to the bus stop we are in rural location  .

WEDNESDAY - Two more shifts ten five days off am I happy yep no driving proper sleep chill out time and then going back to a short week will do for now .

Monday, September 27, 2021


 SATURDAY - Ordered a wireless charger off eBay for my Apple Watch and iPhone XS Max as the charging port on the phone seems not to be working , but its fine when I plug the lighting headphones in they wok fine so I don't understand the issue guess its fcuked .

Helen picked up her new glasses this time the lenses are correct for her eyes she will be able to read books again .

Went over to Penistone to Tesco bought some groceries that we need bought some part baked bread and pulled beef for tea .

SUNDAY - Painted the downstairs toilet light grey it took a few hours after we wentto my daughters house for Sunday dinner . The amount of petrol stations saying no fuel was surprising there was a lot saying no fuel .This country is going to the dogs of course everyone went out and filled the fuel tanks to the max We got to my daughters she had gone out that morning and bought a new puppy for £1200 its  Cockerpoo  its small and cute and its called Bee .

Friday, September 24, 2021


 TUESDAY - At least its not Monday .We have some Pampas grass growing outside the front door it never  flowered last year if that is the right term put its looking well good this year .Apparently its a sign to others that your swingers .Also dried stems of Pampas grass is around £20 a stem so we have a little gold mine in our front garden good job we have cctv . The heads of grass has doubled in around two days in another few days they should be bigger still  .

We get our back pay this from the 3%rise we got working for the NHS our wage slips should be online anytime soon as soon as they Arte will see what vast amount I have walked away with this is six months back pay we will pay more tax more pension and more national insurance guess a lot of people will be totally pissed off when they see what we are worth I certainly will .I finally got to see my wage slip I am worse off by around thirty five pounds not really a rise then is it  I paid £505 into the pension £285 was arrears .

The world is fcuked including the U.K apparently we are now running out of c20 gas which will stop the production of chicken and pork and other food products the knock on effect is prices for food will go up .

Gas and electric are going up petrol prices continue to rise food is immersing every time you go shopping the basics essential items get dearer every month people at work are cancelling their pension because they need the money now to survive never mind in old age , its sad its annoying and frustrating .

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


 FRIDAY - Moved the furniture around the room is looking tidy it needs some of the other items rearranging and some others getting relegated to the bin all in all it looks good by the time its paid for will be ready fora change again its a never ending circle till the day you die constant improving upgrading getting new .

My iPhone stopped charging the same day Apple announced its new line up of iPhones 13 luckily it had debris in the charging port and I cleared it and its fine the issue is I cant live without a phone , for photography , music , films , online banking , Apple Pay , as well as phone calls face time and messaging .

I would have had to have gotten a new iPhone having no choice it would have had to be the 12 couldn't wait for the 13th launch .

SATURDAY - Raised the new sofa swapped the feet over got some four x two painted it dark grey screwed it to the bottom of the sofa its raised it another two inch and its a lot better .

SUNDAY - Bought a stone lion and another Buddha picture and another white porciian artichoke .We have declutter and the house is looking a lot tidier and cleaner .

Went to my sisters house we have not been over for ages she has remodelled her garden with raised beds and a seating area she is also looking at getting an extension done and he bathroom should make a big difference .

MONDAY - Why does the weekend fly by its work already .

Friday, September 17, 2021


 SATURDAY - Got home from the ghost hunt at around half twelve it went ok a lot of orbs on camera a few sounds but noosing concrete . Meet up with a few other teams which which is always nice the drive home was quite came off and went through Wakefield , whilst listening to 'The Killers " new album.

Went to B&Q Helen bought some more paint had it mixed to a Farrow and Ball colour its to paint the main wall in the living room .That I painted with actual Farrow and Ball paint we bought some masking tape cutting in brush a roller and tray with three roller selves .This will be the third time the wall has been painted in eighteen months .

MONDAY - Ordered some Ikea flat pack furniture and a new two seater sofa got interest free credit over two years roughly £55 a month .Bought a white coffee table , a white two drawer dresser a white side board  with two drawers and foor doors also in white , with a two seater sofa  in dark grey . two pairs of curtains and a round dining table al is next day deliver.

TUESDAY - Smashed the corner sofa into bits took all he cushions everything to the tip took two trips got home and assembled the two seater sofa before going to work .Helen painted the wall a off white grey .

WEDNESDAY - Assembled the round extending dining table was ok its heavy sold th one farm house table white looks good then I did the sideboard and then the coffee table before going to work Helen second coated the wall that she painted yesterday .

THURSDAY - Assembled the last flat pack the  two door dresser was the most complicated out of the lot reading the instructions and trying to see is a nightmare finally did it before going to work .Helen painted the grandfather clock and the corner unit in a dark grey .they look better than new .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...