Friday, September 24, 2021


 TUESDAY - At least its not Monday .We have some Pampas grass growing outside the front door it never  flowered last year if that is the right term put its looking well good this year .Apparently its a sign to others that your swingers .Also dried stems of Pampas grass is around £20 a stem so we have a little gold mine in our front garden good job we have cctv . The heads of grass has doubled in around two days in another few days they should be bigger still  .

We get our back pay this from the 3%rise we got working for the NHS our wage slips should be online anytime soon as soon as they Arte will see what vast amount I have walked away with this is six months back pay we will pay more tax more pension and more national insurance guess a lot of people will be totally pissed off when they see what we are worth I certainly will .I finally got to see my wage slip I am worse off by around thirty five pounds not really a rise then is it  I paid £505 into the pension £285 was arrears .

The world is fcuked including the U.K apparently we are now running out of c20 gas which will stop the production of chicken and pork and other food products the knock on effect is prices for food will go up .

Gas and electric are going up petrol prices continue to rise food is immersing every time you go shopping the basics essential items get dearer every month people at work are cancelling their pension because they need the money now to survive never mind in old age , its sad its annoying and frustrating .

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 THURSDAY - Highlight of today was cooking Ikea meatballs with fires peas and Ikea gravy I also baked some baguettes I had a pear cider to g...