Thursday, November 18, 2021


 TUESDAY - Whilst in Meadow Hall went to Five  Guys one hamburger , one cheese burger a regular fries and two peanut milk shakes £30 .02 it was worth it if you like burgers Five Guys is as good as anywhere .

WEDNESDAY - China  kicking off with Taiwan , Russia kicking off with Europe , Covid -19 still hanging around , people still dying , global warming and pollution , volcanos and asteroids heading towards earth we are fcuked and its not looking good . So my advice is cash in what money you can get in debt and buy what ever your heart desires.Treat your nearest and dearest and of course yourself and do whatever pleases you , including eating and drinking and being happy because its one life .

Got tonight away from work I am not attending my shift Helen as pulled her back and is in pain and needs help moving about no way can she cope on her own , we are waiting a call back from the G.P

Ordered a Michael Kors smart watch for Helen it is going to be a Birthday present which is two days after Christmas there was £80 knocked ofr thanks to an early Black Friday deal it arrives tomorrow .

Had a go at making peanut milkshake bought the smooth peanut  butter co-op own brand £1.50 , ice cream £1.60 for 2litres  and milk plus two small bananas , used 450 ml of ice cream 80ml milk two small bananas and two big desert of peanut butter got it right first time it was spot on .

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3 IN 1

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