Saturday, February 04, 2017


We ventured out that is Helen and I we had a letter to post so we walked the length of the caravan park to the post post.  I waited at the electronic gate whilst she walked on to post the letter .
She was actually walking a faster pace than me for the first time ever . I did ok I made good progress it felt nice being out doors  for the first time since leaving hospital I reckon i walked about 500 yards which is more than I have walked since having the operation .it is quite amazing how we heal and mend and  how the body repairs itself given  time . I thought it might have been too much strain but I was fine .

I am trying to cut down on the codeine painkillers instead of taking two I am limiting myself to only one and eventually I want it to be none  which it will be as I think I have around 30 left.

My sister is coming over later today to take Helen food shopping , question is  do I risk walking round the supermarket .I have to admit  it would be a great trip out , and I could get exactly what I want in the way of food I guess I might be pushing my luck the risk of some idiot with a wayward trolley driving in to might hip would not help my recovery process .

I slept  last night without getting up midway through the early hours of the morning mainly because  I was still awake in bed  at 2am and I woke up just after half past six , kind of cheating I know but it gave me the illusion of having a full nights sleep .

Through the day I have been killing time buy watching "Alaska Bush People " and "Escape The Chateau ", and doing my regular exercises not much more I can do . I can make my own hot drinks and I can wash the dishes , I offered to vac the van Helen said no , I can reach up but not bend down and I am certain I can walk without my sticks and have done over short distances .It is a different boredom when you want to do things and cant , I could do lots of things biggest down is not being able to drive , No days fly by anymore each day is longer than it should be .

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