Wednesday, February 08, 2017


I can actually elevate my foot from on the bedroom floor and swing it up on to the bed with out using the handle part of my walking stick as a mechanical lifting aid I did this three times in about a two hours  I am guessing  all the exercise I have been doing is paying off .Then when it was time to retire for the night I couldn't quite manage it never mind it will come eventually .

Vw IPhone 7 case came today it's ok and will do when I am going out instead of carrying around my current charger case it's a lot thinner and weighs less but isn't a full time replacement case.

Went to my local doctors surgery my good friend Ken took me the practice nurse cut my stitches top and bottom put a new steri strip on and a new dressing , I was told the incision had leaked slightly at the top of the wound but had dried up and looked fine , I go back in a week for it re-checking.

I still wearing the surgical socks which is a total pain I checked with the nurse she said it is best I continue wearing them for the time being oh well guess I should do as advised .

Having a wicked tea tonight been having one decent meal a day tonight we are having a slab of steak with large stuffed mushroom and oven chunky chips and oven baked onion rings Helen also baked a coffee cake which we will have with ice cream , a good way to end the day.

Bought of Ebay  some bearings and brass pipe clips to make a fidget finger spinner they wanted £30:00 on eBay i bought the pieces I needed for less than  £4 haha .

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