Friday, January 13, 2017


We had snow falling yesterday afternoon nothing serious it had blown over after only half an hour .
But I am sure it made the beef stew taste even better specially after it had eight dumplings simmering in it for the last hour before we had the first bowl .

During the night the wind picked up again we don't go to bed early sometimes it is getting later like half past two in the morning so I doubt I had been to sleep for long when the wind woke me from my slumber

We always sleep with the window slightly open all year round . The draw back of doing this you can hear more noise in summer it is the birds and the water feature in winter it is the plastic green house constantly rattling the trees flexing their branches  the noise of the wind amplified I got up to shut the window and it wouldn't close shut the window locking handles would not lock into place I tried again no way I thought some of the springs that hold the window in the frame might have buckled the window was only a few millimetres from closing then I realized it had been snowing again and snow had got into the windows rebate , and when I was pulling it  to close it shut  the snow had compacted into a thin bed of  ice and this was enough to stop it from closing I cleared it with my finger and it shut tight .

Helen got up at around five to make a drink of tea she couldn't sleep I woke up again not sure I even got back to sleep , I went to the toilet . The cats George and Bentley woke me up at half six I feed them , Bentley is very vocal bless him he woke me up again at half seven he wanted to go out .

I got dressed and got up made some toast with plum jam and a large cup of coffee .This is regular we don't sleep we go to bed we wake up sometimes we both are up and will have a bowl of cornflakes or a drink its crazy it is getting in to a routine where we don't sleep for more than a few hours in one  stretch.
Oh well only 18 hours until bed time .

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