Monday, January 02, 2017


Helen's parents left just after mid-day they had enough so the packed up and went home they were supposed to have stayed one more night . Soon as they were gone spirits lifted all the negative shit left with them which was fine by me .

We ended up driving over to my twin sister's house and went out with her and Alan her husband .
He drove us over to Roundhay park we say the Christmas lanterns from a distance we did not pay the £12 to go round , We instead walked down to the lake , my hip was in pain it was cold and I was walking like I was crippled not good , made it to the Roundhay fox for coffee and tea,

Making it back to the car we drove back to my Sisters home watched some old Top Gear on the tv before leaving for a Indian meal we went to the Masala Hut behind the Arndale centre at  Crossgates we all ordered  the buffet , it was excellent from the poppadom's and relish tray to the main course and nan breads the service and food unbelievable could fault nothing , there was six main curries of lamb and chicken and a vegetarian option we  will differently be going back Alan picked up the bill and paid for us all a big  thank you Alan.

So from a shitty morning New Years Day actually improved then got better then got even better which hopefully will continue through out 2017.

This is the twelve year of me posting to this blog unbelievable the amount that has changed .
I have lived in six different houses , drove seven different cars became a Grandfather got divorced and end up living in a static home .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...