Monday, January 16, 2017


Helen looks after her Grandson on Mondays she had him for the first time last week and again today it be ok if we did not have to have "Paw Patrol " on the tv all day . I am sure he would prefer something on "National Geographic".

Years ago back in the day I use to watch late night tv with my Dad. films starring Charles Bronson "The Mechanic" , Clint Eastwood in "Dirty Harry"  and other Clint  classics's we watched together  "Play Misty for me "  and "Thunder Bolt And Lightfoot " and my favourite  the original Steve McQueen classic "The Getaway "  ,these where just a few I remember.  One film we watched and I have never seen it since it was about a young hippy type girl and a man in his mid years of life who meet and have a relationship , for years this as tormented me and as hard that  I have tried to think of it , it as been without success and it to my knowledge never been aired again , all i knew it had reference to Indian .

Last night I watched Dirty Harry another list of his films came up one being "Breezy" , I Googled the title as I have not heard of it  , the synopsis was "Young Hippy Girl Breezy  Meets Older Man " I had to watch it  , the film is directed by Clint Eastwood and proved to be the film that  I have been wanting to re watch  , The Indian reference was near to the end after they split he goes to  house and talks to one of her friends she is an addict and is crying because she pawned Breezy's guitar he says "are you crying because your sorry and her reply is " no it is because she forgave me " then the girl says to him you're the Indian he looks at her confuse and she says "Black Cloud " why I should remember this I have no idea weird or what . Films are always best the first time you watch them .

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