The hospital gave me a sick note for another eight weeks , I have made an appointment with the practice nurse at my local doctors so she can cut the top and bottom knots on my suture that is next week on the 8th of February at 14.30 .
Arranged transport through my doctors to get me to my first Physiotherapy appointment and home again which is the week after on the 13th of February which is quite a few miles away . I have to be up at half past six in the morning but doing this will save me around £30 in taxi fees half the price of the chair we bought .
The support socks to prevent Dvt I had on in the hospital I still have to wear they are changed everyday the ones I have worn are then washed out and dried I was given two pair , its weird wearing socks 24/7 can't get used to wearing them in bed they make me way too warm I need to wear them for the next thirty days when I will have finished the blood thinking tablets .
Last night I went to bed just after nine I was yawning my head off having trouble keeping my eyes open I woke up half past midnight I got up for an hour went back to bed at half past five I did the same and got up out of bed this time I took more medication I don't expect to sleep through the whole of the night it is unrealistic I don't wake up in terrible pain or agony once awake I know I am not going back to sleep .
Various things wake me up sometimes the cats jumping on the bed sometimes because I am way too hot and sometimes Helen's movements I guess .
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday, January 30, 2017
The leaving Hospital was ok I was given a wheel chair to get me to the exit and getting in to the car was not as bad that I thought it would be and the thirty minute drive home was fine .
The chair I raised at home being the main one I use is ok , although not totally fit for purpose but good enough for now . We have actually won a wing back chair on Ebay the winning bid of £56 I should get it by Wednesday or Thursday of this week which is more or less the correct height .
It was great getting home and unpacked Helen had the place looking immaculate , she had even made me a chocolate fudge cake and bought some pouring cream .
Getting on to our bed was easier I had a nap waking up I was in pain Hospital beds a lot more firmer and better mattresses than my bed at home saying that I did sleep on top of the duvet which might have made it worse , the main thing is I am home and doing great.
After going to bed just after eleven p.m I woke up at around half past three in the morning after waiting half an hour I got up and made myself a coffee I was experiencing little discomfort an hour later I was back in bed .George the ginger tom cat jumped up and slept on my chest he was fine .
In the morning I went to the toilet twice in hospital I was threatened with a suppository they would not let me leave without bowel movement I went but not a great amount but I moved my bowels the codeine I am taking can stop you going so going twice this morning made me happy another sign of getting back to normal .
your standard hospital room the bath room was on the left I had to exit the bed on the right the two sockets in the picture are the only two in the room .
One of the dinners I had cottage pie and roast potatoes and cheese cake excellent
The chair I raised at home being the main one I use is ok , although not totally fit for purpose but good enough for now . We have actually won a wing back chair on Ebay the winning bid of £56 I should get it by Wednesday or Thursday of this week which is more or less the correct height .
It was great getting home and unpacked Helen had the place looking immaculate , she had even made me a chocolate fudge cake and bought some pouring cream .
Getting on to our bed was easier I had a nap waking up I was in pain Hospital beds a lot more firmer and better mattresses than my bed at home saying that I did sleep on top of the duvet which might have made it worse , the main thing is I am home and doing great.
After going to bed just after eleven p.m I woke up at around half past three in the morning after waiting half an hour I got up and made myself a coffee I was experiencing little discomfort an hour later I was back in bed .George the ginger tom cat jumped up and slept on my chest he was fine .
In the morning I went to the toilet twice in hospital I was threatened with a suppository they would not let me leave without bowel movement I went but not a great amount but I moved my bowels the codeine I am taking can stop you going so going twice this morning made me happy another sign of getting back to normal .
your standard hospital room the bath room was on the left I had to exit the bed on the right the two sockets in the picture are the only two in the room .
One of the dinners I had cottage pie and roast potatoes and cheese cake excellent
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Woke up at half past three I reckon I have had around 12 hours sleep in three nights hospitals aren't the best places to get a good nights sleep , at least I am not waking in pain I think once I am home I will sleep better. It will be strange having the weight of the duvet on top of me instead of a sheet and blanket .Before settling down for last nights sleep I was able to get myself out of bed and go to the toilet first time I have been able to manuover myself off the bed , last thing I want is to have a fall .
The good things about this hospital and room .
1.En Suite with shower not that I can use it due to dressing on wound.
2. Control the lighting from bedside handset .
3. All staff are brilliant .
4. The main meal off the day is always tasty and filling .
5. Tv with freeview channels no charge.
7. Buzzer respond very good both day and night.
8. Window with view .
9. Pain relief excellent .
10 . Level of care excellent by all staff .
The worst things about this hospital and room.
1. Only two plug sockets.
2. Coffee is not that great.
3. Noises at night .
4. Bedside cabinet .
5. No magazine / newspaper trolley .
6. No bedside Fan .
7. Prunes for breakfast not sure why I ordered them .
Things I have missed of course Helen goes without saying this is my last day in hospital . My cats George and Bentley miss them both specially Bentley love him to bits can't wait to be reunited and Pip my Jack Russell , making my own coffee I am a expert , cooking for myself I love feeding myself , shower not had a shower since Thursday morning , going outside feel the sun and wind obviously since my operation I have been confined to indoors I am sure if my stay was longer they would have me outdoors , my Mac book left it at home , water feature which I can hear running water on a night .
I am on my way home got my sticks drugs and everything else the staff I am indebted to forever , your treatment and care will be for me life changing big big thanks to all.
The good things about this hospital and room .
1.En Suite with shower not that I can use it due to dressing on wound.
2. Control the lighting from bedside handset .
3. All staff are brilliant .
4. The main meal off the day is always tasty and filling .
5. Tv with freeview channels no charge.
7. Buzzer respond very good both day and night.
8. Window with view .
9. Pain relief excellent .
10 . Level of care excellent by all staff .
The worst things about this hospital and room.
1. Only two plug sockets.
2. Coffee is not that great.
3. Noises at night .
4. Bedside cabinet .
5. No magazine / newspaper trolley .
6. No bedside Fan .
7. Prunes for breakfast not sure why I ordered them .
Things I have missed of course Helen goes without saying this is my last day in hospital . My cats George and Bentley miss them both specially Bentley love him to bits can't wait to be reunited and Pip my Jack Russell , making my own coffee I am a expert , cooking for myself I love feeding myself , shower not had a shower since Thursday morning , going outside feel the sun and wind obviously since my operation I have been confined to indoors I am sure if my stay was longer they would have me outdoors , my Mac book left it at home , water feature which I can hear running water on a night .
I am on my way home got my sticks drugs and everything else the staff I am indebted to forever , your treatment and care will be for me life changing big big thanks to all.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Had a good four hours undisturbed sleep for the first time I woke up pain free more than likely due to the medication and I can move my foot better than I could yesterday Helen will be here just after ten she is giddy and so am , in nearly eight years it's the first time we have been party from each other we did face time each other yesterday .Even though I was only admitted mid Thursday afternoon it seems longer .
There is a tv in my room but I have hardly watched any programs I have it tuned to a radio station , nobody has come round with newspaper magazine trolley haven't spent any money sine being here .Facebook has been a blessing whilst I have been here still cannot find the hospital network I am not picking up a signal which is annoying .My room does have a view I can see trains pass in the distance and fields so the view it's ok I can't see everything from where my bed is but sitting in the chair gives a better view .
Would be ten times worse if there were no mobile phones they are sure a boredom killer days would be drastically longer and who knows they might even aid recovery .
First time waking with sticks totally different than using a Zimmer frame it was a lot harder and takes more effort but I did around two hundred yards before returning to my room .Lunch today is cottage pie and apple pie and ice cream .
Getting up this morning I stood to have a wash and shave first time going to the toilet standing up for
the first time since my op it was nice having clean boxers on and a clean t-shirt to be able to wash and feel fresh .
This afternoon I managed to do the stairs a flight of around 15 steps got to remember bad leg first going down good leg going easy way to remember is Heaven and Hell when using the handrail Only need one stick which is for my good side I also managed to get myself back in so half way there day three tomorrow I should be homeward bound after dinner hope it's a Sunday roast .
There is a tv in my room but I have hardly watched any programs I have it tuned to a radio station , nobody has come round with newspaper magazine trolley haven't spent any money sine being here .Facebook has been a blessing whilst I have been here still cannot find the hospital network I am not picking up a signal which is annoying .My room does have a view I can see trains pass in the distance and fields so the view it's ok I can't see everything from where my bed is but sitting in the chair gives a better view .
Would be ten times worse if there were no mobile phones they are sure a boredom killer days would be drastically longer and who knows they might even aid recovery .
First time waking with sticks totally different than using a Zimmer frame it was a lot harder and takes more effort but I did around two hundred yards before returning to my room .Lunch today is cottage pie and apple pie and ice cream .
Getting up this morning I stood to have a wash and shave first time going to the toilet standing up for
the first time since my op it was nice having clean boxers on and a clean t-shirt to be able to wash and feel fresh .
This afternoon I managed to do the stairs a flight of around 15 steps got to remember bad leg first going down good leg going easy way to remember is Heaven and Hell when using the handrail Only need one stick which is for my good side I also managed to get myself back in so half way there day three tomorrow I should be homeward bound after dinner hope it's a Sunday roast .
The operation was a great success the epidural worked brilliant I felt nothing totally dead from the waste down I could still smell the burning of the lazar scalpel cutting flesh and hear everything I had my music on listening to various tunes I was great in theatre for a couple of hours it took twenty minute to administer the epidural and thirty minutes after in recovery I was back in my room just after half six .The food is good and the staff better the pain is bearable my room ok the wifi is rubbish another annoying thing is there is only two 13 amp plug sockets charging ipad and phone a new nightmare one is used for blood pressure machine the other for the pressure bandages another shit thing is the coffee not that good .Anyway fingers crossed for Sunday my sisters and Helen visit me tomorrow.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Today's the day of the operation that has been on the cards for the last few months it is D-Day well it is for me my admission time is 14.30 and hopefully I am ready as I can be . I want to photograph the room and the menu just to compare standards with the hospital that I work at and because I cant find any online.I will also be interested in the quality and schedule of the cleaning which should be at least once a day water jugs should be at least twice and three times in summer or when asked by the patient or if empty .
My bag is packed for four days even though my stay is only for three nights , but I reckon it will be Monday before I am discharged . I cant see me being let lose on a Sunday but one never knows .
All I want now is for it to be Friday to be back in bed all stitched up without any complications and hopefully with a big mug of coffee not much to ask for is it .
My daughter called to see me yesterday which was a nice surprise and my twin sister is driving me to the hospital today with Helen I think they are staying there until I am back from the theatre recovery.
Anyway that about sums it up for today I hope I have wi-fi in my room going to be boring without it wonder if i should take one of the fire sticks perhaps that be pushing it a tad .
My bag is packed for four days even though my stay is only for three nights , but I reckon it will be Monday before I am discharged . I cant see me being let lose on a Sunday but one never knows .
All I want now is for it to be Friday to be back in bed all stitched up without any complications and hopefully with a big mug of coffee not much to ask for is it .
My daughter called to see me yesterday which was a nice surprise and my twin sister is driving me to the hospital today with Helen I think they are staying there until I am back from the theatre recovery.
Anyway that about sums it up for today I hope I have wi-fi in my room going to be boring without it wonder if i should take one of the fire sticks perhaps that be pushing it a tad .
Monday, January 23, 2017
Accidentally deleted yesterdays post .I mentioned Ed Sheeran and what a great guy he was to his fans
Helen rid the garden off all the dead leaves whilst I cooked us
Sunday lunch . Roast chicken and sweet potatoes with normal potatoes with broccoli and stuffing balls .
It was my very first attempt at Yorkshire and they turned out really good more luck than anything else.
Here's how to get the mixture right , whisk four eggs em into a clear glass and then pour them in to a empty glass where the egg mixture leaves its residue on the glass take note pour the eggs back into the bowl and use the same mark for measuring out the plain flour then empty the plain flour in to the bowl with the eggs , again use the same mark for measuring out the milk then pour the milk into the bowl that has the eggs and flour , add black pepper and salt to taste and mix all together , put oil in to a roasting tray and place in oven until smoking add the mixture cook until golden .
Went to the doctors for my last blood samples everything seems ok the car was frosted over and there was a heavy fog clinic was running half an hour late now it is now all down hill to surgery which is looming fast bring it on .
Helen rid the garden off all the dead leaves whilst I cooked us
Sunday lunch . Roast chicken and sweet potatoes with normal potatoes with broccoli and stuffing balls .
It was my very first attempt at Yorkshire and they turned out really good more luck than anything else.
Here's how to get the mixture right , whisk four eggs em into a clear glass and then pour them in to a empty glass where the egg mixture leaves its residue on the glass take note pour the eggs back into the bowl and use the same mark for measuring out the plain flour then empty the plain flour in to the bowl with the eggs , again use the same mark for measuring out the milk then pour the milk into the bowl that has the eggs and flour , add black pepper and salt to taste and mix all together , put oil in to a roasting tray and place in oven until smoking add the mixture cook until golden .
Went to the doctors for my last blood samples everything seems ok the car was frosted over and there was a heavy fog clinic was running half an hour late now it is now all down hill to surgery which is looming fast bring it on .
Friday, January 20, 2017
Fixed the leaf blower leaf vacuum sucker machine last time I used it the switch would not work once the machine was going the only way to stop it was to remove the plug or switch the wall socket off not ideal .
It is quite sunny today and warm so I thought I would get some leaves up seeing the trees have now finished shedding all their leaves . I unscrewed the blowers casing and it was easy to locate the switch mechanism and it was easier to repair it was just stuck in the on position hence why it would power up but not turn off amazing enough it went back together and worked beyond belief it was easy a good result .
I decided to walk to the shop usually it takes 15 minutes there and back , but today it took me 45 minutes , and it was shear agony a big mistake on my part I have never had hip pain as bad , the route back had people stopping me asking if I was ok it was embarrassing . I cant function like this .
If i had any doubt that I need the surgery today's walk made my mind up for me I cant function normally without the surgery and I cannot be totally pain free without surgery and with out surgery it will only get worse .
It is quite sunny today and warm so I thought I would get some leaves up seeing the trees have now finished shedding all their leaves . I unscrewed the blowers casing and it was easy to locate the switch mechanism and it was easier to repair it was just stuck in the on position hence why it would power up but not turn off amazing enough it went back together and worked beyond belief it was easy a good result .
I decided to walk to the shop usually it takes 15 minutes there and back , but today it took me 45 minutes , and it was shear agony a big mistake on my part I have never had hip pain as bad , the route back had people stopping me asking if I was ok it was embarrassing . I cant function like this .
If i had any doubt that I need the surgery today's walk made my mind up for me I cant function normally without the surgery and I cannot be totally pain free without surgery and with out surgery it will only get worse .
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Well this time next week I should be back in my hospital bed recovering from the spinal block I would have been given for my hip replacement surgery hopefully I will be all stitched up and coping with any pain . More than likely listening to some music or digital radio on my iPhone , whilst waiting for a freshly made cup of coffee.
After the first day and night it should be all down hill to my discharged .Helen will be with me for the first part and my sister so I will not be alone . I will miss Bentley and George and Pip it will be the first day I have not been with them weird but true specially Bentley because he is a fuss pot and I like the attention he gives me pause he is a chatter box .
Come Sunday I should know if I am out of hospital or staying in my guess is I will be out and hopefully my last stay and the last time I have to under go surgery .
I have been trying to find online what the patient rooms look like and what is on the menu to no avail not finding and pictures or any menus I will photograph and post when I can .I will have my iPhone and iPad but will not bother in taking my MacBook for such a short stay.
Black sports bag
I phone and charger
Usb charging port x 3
Ear pods
Wireless headphones
Fountain pen/paper
Wash bag
Razor/Shaving gel
Mouth wash
Toothpaste and tooth brush
Body spray
shower gel .
T-shirt and shorts
Dressing gown
After the first day and night it should be all down hill to my discharged .Helen will be with me for the first part and my sister so I will not be alone . I will miss Bentley and George and Pip it will be the first day I have not been with them weird but true specially Bentley because he is a fuss pot and I like the attention he gives me pause he is a chatter box .
Come Sunday I should know if I am out of hospital or staying in my guess is I will be out and hopefully my last stay and the last time I have to under go surgery .
I have been trying to find online what the patient rooms look like and what is on the menu to no avail not finding and pictures or any menus I will photograph and post when I can .I will have my iPhone and iPad but will not bother in taking my MacBook for such a short stay.
Black sports bag
I phone and charger
Usb charging port x 3
Ear pods
Wireless headphones
Fountain pen/paper
Wash bag
Razor/Shaving gel
Mouth wash
Toothpaste and tooth brush
Body spray
shower gel .
T-shirt and shorts
Dressing gown
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Went for my pre op they weighed me not good oh well , they took a sample of blood if nothing else it was the right colour , I took nasal swabs to test for mrsa and a groin swab . I also got measured for orthopaedic socks to prevent dvt .
I go for more blood tests next Monday which is only four days before my operation .Thanks to my Sisters I have a new over night bag a very warm dressing gown and black toilet bag .
I have been told iPods are allowed in surgery and I have also been told if i have any open wounds or any visible cat scratches on me the will cancel the operation due to risk of infection.
Even though I am having a spinal black instead of a general anaesthetic I have been told recovery will be three months not six or eight weeks which is going to mean I will end up on half pay for a month or so .The hip will be fine it is mechanical it is muscle build up around the hip that's needs the recovery time so the joint does not pop out of place .
I need to raise the height of my chair at home by four inches to make it the recommended height for getting in and out.
Because I have a shower over the bath I have been told that I am not to use it so for three months I can only have a strip wash at the sink .
I have been told I can reach up for things but under no circumstances can I bend down for anything . I will be given a grabber tool the claw type tool for picking things up along with crutches and a raiser for the toilet to bring it up to 19" the minimum height from the floor to seat .
I cant drive for six weeks so going for physiotherapy will mean either a friend taking me or a taxi .
A district nurse will come to do my dressing and remove the wound staples when needed .
I will have a private room with shower and tv the food is supposed to be excellent I will have my operation on the day I that am admitted which will be a week this Thursday after 14,30 pm my sister is driving me and Helen to the hospital at Elland about thirty minutes away . I should be discharged Sunday if everything is ok .
I go for more blood tests next Monday which is only four days before my operation .Thanks to my Sisters I have a new over night bag a very warm dressing gown and black toilet bag .
I have been told iPods are allowed in surgery and I have also been told if i have any open wounds or any visible cat scratches on me the will cancel the operation due to risk of infection.
Even though I am having a spinal black instead of a general anaesthetic I have been told recovery will be three months not six or eight weeks which is going to mean I will end up on half pay for a month or so .The hip will be fine it is mechanical it is muscle build up around the hip that's needs the recovery time so the joint does not pop out of place .
I need to raise the height of my chair at home by four inches to make it the recommended height for getting in and out.
Because I have a shower over the bath I have been told that I am not to use it so for three months I can only have a strip wash at the sink .
I have been told I can reach up for things but under no circumstances can I bend down for anything . I will be given a grabber tool the claw type tool for picking things up along with crutches and a raiser for the toilet to bring it up to 19" the minimum height from the floor to seat .
I cant drive for six weeks so going for physiotherapy will mean either a friend taking me or a taxi .
A district nurse will come to do my dressing and remove the wound staples when needed .
I will have a private room with shower and tv the food is supposed to be excellent I will have my operation on the day I that am admitted which will be a week this Thursday after 14,30 pm my sister is driving me and Helen to the hospital at Elland about thirty minutes away . I should be discharged Sunday if everything is ok .
Monday, January 16, 2017
Helen looks after her Grandson on Mondays she had him for the first time last week and again today it be ok if we did not have to have "Paw Patrol " on the tv all day . I am sure he would prefer something on "National Geographic".
Years ago back in the day I use to watch late night tv with my Dad. films starring Charles Bronson "The Mechanic" , Clint Eastwood in "Dirty Harry" and other Clint classics's we watched together "Play Misty for me " and "Thunder Bolt And Lightfoot " and my favourite the original Steve McQueen classic "The Getaway " ,these where just a few I remember. One film we watched and I have never seen it since it was about a young hippy type girl and a man in his mid years of life who meet and have a relationship , for years this as tormented me and as hard that I have tried to think of it , it as been without success and it to my knowledge never been aired again , all i knew it had reference to Indian .
Last night I watched Dirty Harry another list of his films came up one being "Breezy" , I Googled the title as I have not heard of it , the synopsis was "Young Hippy Girl Breezy Meets Older Man " I had to watch it , the film is directed by Clint Eastwood and proved to be the film that I have been wanting to re watch , The Indian reference was near to the end after they split he goes to house and talks to one of her friends she is an addict and is crying because she pawned Breezy's guitar he says "are you crying because your sorry and her reply is " no it is because she forgave me " then the girl says to him you're the Indian he looks at her confuse and she says "Black Cloud " why I should remember this I have no idea weird or what . Films are always best the first time you watch them .
Years ago back in the day I use to watch late night tv with my Dad. films starring Charles Bronson "The Mechanic" , Clint Eastwood in "Dirty Harry" and other Clint classics's we watched together "Play Misty for me " and "Thunder Bolt And Lightfoot " and my favourite the original Steve McQueen classic "The Getaway " ,these where just a few I remember. One film we watched and I have never seen it since it was about a young hippy type girl and a man in his mid years of life who meet and have a relationship , for years this as tormented me and as hard that I have tried to think of it , it as been without success and it to my knowledge never been aired again , all i knew it had reference to Indian .
Last night I watched Dirty Harry another list of his films came up one being "Breezy" , I Googled the title as I have not heard of it , the synopsis was "Young Hippy Girl Breezy Meets Older Man " I had to watch it , the film is directed by Clint Eastwood and proved to be the film that I have been wanting to re watch , The Indian reference was near to the end after they split he goes to house and talks to one of her friends she is an addict and is crying because she pawned Breezy's guitar he says "are you crying because your sorry and her reply is " no it is because she forgave me " then the girl says to him you're the Indian he looks at her confuse and she says "Black Cloud " why I should remember this I have no idea weird or what . Films are always best the first time you watch them .
Sunday, January 15, 2017
I have loaded the iPad with plenty of reading material for my three night stay in hospital , I do hope that they have decent wi-fi signal otherwise it is going to be boring . Another important factor is I hope like Hannibal Lecter I get a room with a view , I need to be able to look out see the world and see the weather hope fully at night see the stars and moon going to be pissed if I cant see the world come and go .
I have loaded Ed Sheeran , Passenger ,James Bay and Jamie Lawson music on to my iPhone nothing to heavy need relaxing melodies specially on a night if I am not sleeping .
The food I should be ok with I know I won't starve even if it is not what I would cook for myself they should be something on the menu that will suffice and most Hospitals have Costa coffee outlet and some sort of snack shop .
I have decided to decorate walls and ceilings also to laminate the floor throughout the van we are also going to paint walls in the kitchen and do some lounge and groove wall panelling. This will take time and I will only be able to complete it once I have recovered and we will have to do it in stages due to cost . I also plan on doing more wood working I do want to make a viking chair and some other ideas I have through things on Pinterest .
Below back rest of a Celtic design viking chair with Lichtenberg burning ,created after ripping out and modifying a microwave oven transformer baking soda and water .
I have loaded Ed Sheeran , Passenger ,James Bay and Jamie Lawson music on to my iPhone nothing to heavy need relaxing melodies specially on a night if I am not sleeping .
The food I should be ok with I know I won't starve even if it is not what I would cook for myself they should be something on the menu that will suffice and most Hospitals have Costa coffee outlet and some sort of snack shop .
I have decided to decorate walls and ceilings also to laminate the floor throughout the van we are also going to paint walls in the kitchen and do some lounge and groove wall panelling. This will take time and I will only be able to complete it once I have recovered and we will have to do it in stages due to cost . I also plan on doing more wood working I do want to make a viking chair and some other ideas I have through things on Pinterest .
Below back rest of a Celtic design viking chair with Lichtenberg burning ,created after ripping out and modifying a microwave oven transformer baking soda and water .
Friday, January 13, 2017
We had snow falling yesterday afternoon nothing serious it had blown over after only half an hour .
But I am sure it made the beef stew taste even better specially after it had eight dumplings simmering in it for the last hour before we had the first bowl .
During the night the wind picked up again we don't go to bed early sometimes it is getting later like half past two in the morning so I doubt I had been to sleep for long when the wind woke me from my slumber
We always sleep with the window slightly open all year round . The draw back of doing this you can hear more noise in summer it is the birds and the water feature in winter it is the plastic green house constantly rattling the trees flexing their branches the noise of the wind amplified I got up to shut the window and it wouldn't close shut the window locking handles would not lock into place I tried again no way I thought some of the springs that hold the window in the frame might have buckled the window was only a few millimetres from closing then I realized it had been snowing again and snow had got into the windows rebate , and when I was pulling it to close it shut the snow had compacted into a thin bed of ice and this was enough to stop it from closing I cleared it with my finger and it shut tight .
Helen got up at around five to make a drink of tea she couldn't sleep I woke up again not sure I even got back to sleep , I went to the toilet . The cats George and Bentley woke me up at half six I feed them , Bentley is very vocal bless him he woke me up again at half seven he wanted to go out .
I got dressed and got up made some toast with plum jam and a large cup of coffee .This is regular we don't sleep we go to bed we wake up sometimes we both are up and will have a bowl of cornflakes or a drink its crazy it is getting in to a routine where we don't sleep for more than a few hours in one stretch.
Oh well only 18 hours until bed time .
But I am sure it made the beef stew taste even better specially after it had eight dumplings simmering in it for the last hour before we had the first bowl .
During the night the wind picked up again we don't go to bed early sometimes it is getting later like half past two in the morning so I doubt I had been to sleep for long when the wind woke me from my slumber
We always sleep with the window slightly open all year round . The draw back of doing this you can hear more noise in summer it is the birds and the water feature in winter it is the plastic green house constantly rattling the trees flexing their branches the noise of the wind amplified I got up to shut the window and it wouldn't close shut the window locking handles would not lock into place I tried again no way I thought some of the springs that hold the window in the frame might have buckled the window was only a few millimetres from closing then I realized it had been snowing again and snow had got into the windows rebate , and when I was pulling it to close it shut the snow had compacted into a thin bed of ice and this was enough to stop it from closing I cleared it with my finger and it shut tight .
Helen got up at around five to make a drink of tea she couldn't sleep I woke up again not sure I even got back to sleep , I went to the toilet . The cats George and Bentley woke me up at half six I feed them , Bentley is very vocal bless him he woke me up again at half seven he wanted to go out .
I got dressed and got up made some toast with plum jam and a large cup of coffee .This is regular we don't sleep we go to bed we wake up sometimes we both are up and will have a bowl of cornflakes or a drink its crazy it is getting in to a routine where we don't sleep for more than a few hours in one stretch.
Oh well only 18 hours until bed time .
Thursday, January 12, 2017
The stormy winds died down it feels colder now they lasted throughout the day . No serious damage was done , although I had to secure the double gates on the drive they kept blowing open I placed them together and screwed a 2x2 piece of wood across to act as a latch with one screw in the middle screwed to one gate.
I braved the storm winds to go food shopping we have meat in the freezer I only bought root vegetables to go with two pieces of braising steak .I also bought some Atora suet for dumplings they should be more than enough for the two of us over the next two days , bread , milk , mushrooms and cat food.
On returning home I cut ,sliced and diced the veggies including half a swede and a large onion to go with the carrots and potatoes I threw it all in to the slow cooker with a pint of stock and gravy .
I have not been to work since the 8th of September 2016 I seem to have been of longer I want my hip operation to be completed I need to know it will be ok that I will be healed and be fit for work it is going on too long I want my normal life and normal routine back , I want to be normal again.
I braved the storm winds to go food shopping we have meat in the freezer I only bought root vegetables to go with two pieces of braising steak .I also bought some Atora suet for dumplings they should be more than enough for the two of us over the next two days , bread , milk , mushrooms and cat food.
On returning home I cut ,sliced and diced the veggies including half a swede and a large onion to go with the carrots and potatoes I threw it all in to the slow cooker with a pint of stock and gravy .
I have not been to work since the 8th of September 2016 I seem to have been of longer I want my hip operation to be completed I need to know it will be ok that I will be healed and be fit for work it is going on too long I want my normal life and normal routine back , I want to be normal again.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
It was after half past two in the morning before we turned off the tv and went to bed we had been watching "Alaska The Last Frontier " great viewing we have watched so much over the Christmas period we are on season six .
The wind was howling the van was rocking we have a plastic covered green house which acted like a giant diaphragm it was blowing in and out and is only secured at each corner not sure how it is still in it's position.Ever so often dead tree branches were snapping off the oak trees and hitting the roof of the van , the wind would pick up blow harder and the panels on the van would creak under the strain of the wind .We have various ornaments hanging down from windows and ledges throughout none seemed to be swinging or moving which is a good indication that we are still anchored down and have not moved .
We were woken up at around four I made a large coffee for myself and a tea for Helen I loaded the toaster with bread and had toast with plum jam. Going back to bed was pointless but we did , I think I managed about an hour before waking up again , Helen was feeling sick and drained think she has picked up a bug .
it is now daylight as I am sat here typing this with another coffee it is like being inside a wind tunnel I guess , both the cats went out briefly for twenty minutes before coming back home .
The trees are still bending back and forth leaves and other debris is passing by the bay window and it is still noisy the wind is still blowing a gale . The weather forecast is predicting snow Alaska it ain't but it is still pretty damn wild .I need to venture out to get vegetables and milk that is to the supermarket in my little Fiat 500 thats risky life on the range I guess .
The wind was howling the van was rocking we have a plastic covered green house which acted like a giant diaphragm it was blowing in and out and is only secured at each corner not sure how it is still in it's position.Ever so often dead tree branches were snapping off the oak trees and hitting the roof of the van , the wind would pick up blow harder and the panels on the van would creak under the strain of the wind .We have various ornaments hanging down from windows and ledges throughout none seemed to be swinging or moving which is a good indication that we are still anchored down and have not moved .
We were woken up at around four I made a large coffee for myself and a tea for Helen I loaded the toaster with bread and had toast with plum jam. Going back to bed was pointless but we did , I think I managed about an hour before waking up again , Helen was feeling sick and drained think she has picked up a bug .
it is now daylight as I am sat here typing this with another coffee it is like being inside a wind tunnel I guess , both the cats went out briefly for twenty minutes before coming back home .
The trees are still bending back and forth leaves and other debris is passing by the bay window and it is still noisy the wind is still blowing a gale . The weather forecast is predicting snow Alaska it ain't but it is still pretty damn wild .I need to venture out to get vegetables and milk that is to the supermarket in my little Fiat 500 thats risky life on the range I guess .
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
"Well" one week today I will go to the Spires at Elland go for my pre assessment for my operation , tick tock time draws nearer to the big day. The cost of this operation is around £13,000 and leaves quite a big insertion scar .
I just want to get it done get back to work and get back to normal living where I get up Monday to Friday get in the car and go to work .Like it or not work does plays a big part in any ones life and although I am not work crazy or stir crazy yet I am missing the interaction you have with work mates and colleagues .
I keep dreaming on some nights about my years I worked in my shop fitting job I use to travel and work all over the country this was a few years before mobile phones, laptops and the Internet not sure why I have been having dreams I don't think it was the job in general I think it is the travelling aspect of it and the discoveries that you make by going to a place that you have never visited before no sat nav just a map and directions jotted down looking for motorway signs and exit junctions and A-roads .
Not knowing the town or city you have been asked to work in for a week a month or even longer some jobs lasted a year and discovering new places for your breakfast we did not always get hotels or b&b , dinner and tea and of course the best watering holes and evening take aways , oh the good old days .
I just want to get it done get back to work and get back to normal living where I get up Monday to Friday get in the car and go to work .Like it or not work does plays a big part in any ones life and although I am not work crazy or stir crazy yet I am missing the interaction you have with work mates and colleagues .
I keep dreaming on some nights about my years I worked in my shop fitting job I use to travel and work all over the country this was a few years before mobile phones, laptops and the Internet not sure why I have been having dreams I don't think it was the job in general I think it is the travelling aspect of it and the discoveries that you make by going to a place that you have never visited before no sat nav just a map and directions jotted down looking for motorway signs and exit junctions and A-roads .
Not knowing the town or city you have been asked to work in for a week a month or even longer some jobs lasted a year and discovering new places for your breakfast we did not always get hotels or b&b , dinner and tea and of course the best watering holes and evening take aways , oh the good old days .
Monday, January 09, 2017
Booked my place on the NDORS {National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme } it is on the 8th of March 2017 I went on one years ago .The best bit is I can pay for it on or up to the 3rd of February which i should be well out of hospital and will have been paid so in a way a result , of course not speeding in the first place is always advisable , doing 36mph in a 30 mph zone traffic signal cameras always get yeah no yellow camera box no good bitching anyway like I said it's a result of sorts main thing is that I am happy .
Helen is looking after her Grandson every Monday from now on Nursery places cost so much money so now there are toys and a pushchair and chair seat for dinners he seems to have settle in fine .
Helen even got up at 7.00 am which is truly amazing feat no kidding and I got to sleep in which was even more amazing , as rule I am always up first roll on next Monday .I might even get a cup of coffee made .
Helen is looking after her Grandson every Monday from now on Nursery places cost so much money so now there are toys and a pushchair and chair seat for dinners he seems to have settle in fine .
Helen even got up at 7.00 am which is truly amazing feat no kidding and I got to sleep in which was even more amazing , as rule I am always up first roll on next Monday .I might even get a cup of coffee made .
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Over 40,000 views on my blog that is so weird I never though anyone would want to stop by and read my stuff it was only ever going to be instead of writing a paper diary with the added bonus of adding photos .
My daughter keeps a hand writing diary I went to her house on Friday just gone Helen had her hair cut and coloured I also had mine cut .I offered to give her my gold fountain pen that I got one Christmas when she was a few years old .
I have three pub books I will put on to my iPad to read whilst I am waiting to go into hospital Sinatra and the jack pack , James Rollins "The Seventh Plague " and "Chaos Monkeys ".
Finally watched "A Street Cat Named Bob" after buying and reading the book four years ago I enjoyed the film it is worth watching if you're a cat lover or not.
Had clear out through out a bad of computer leads and wires , an old hard drive and a lite scribe dvd burner that I have hardly ever used old iPhone boxes and my mac book pro box all went in the bin The green bin is full to bursting , I found my old gold fountain pen that I promised to my daughter I would give her and an old readers digest d.i.y manual that belong to my dad that must be well over forty years old .
My twin sister might buy me a dressing gown for hospital I only have a pure white one which looks my fitting for a health spa than a hospital , also my other sister is lending me a case and wash bag to take with me on the day I get admitted the 26th of January looms .
I stood on Bentley my youngest Tom cat he is forever round your feet he is very up close and personal he is very loving and very talkative I thought that I had stood on is tail of course he meowed loudly when I stood on him but I think it was his back leg that I had stood on as he was limping when he ran off I would be heart broken if I had seriously injured him , luckily around ten minutes later he seemed fine.
My daughter keeps a hand writing diary I went to her house on Friday just gone Helen had her hair cut and coloured I also had mine cut .I offered to give her my gold fountain pen that I got one Christmas when she was a few years old .
I have three pub books I will put on to my iPad to read whilst I am waiting to go into hospital Sinatra and the jack pack , James Rollins "The Seventh Plague " and "Chaos Monkeys ".
Finally watched "A Street Cat Named Bob" after buying and reading the book four years ago I enjoyed the film it is worth watching if you're a cat lover or not.
Had clear out through out a bad of computer leads and wires , an old hard drive and a lite scribe dvd burner that I have hardly ever used old iPhone boxes and my mac book pro box all went in the bin The green bin is full to bursting , I found my old gold fountain pen that I promised to my daughter I would give her and an old readers digest d.i.y manual that belong to my dad that must be well over forty years old .
My twin sister might buy me a dressing gown for hospital I only have a pure white one which looks my fitting for a health spa than a hospital , also my other sister is lending me a case and wash bag to take with me on the day I get admitted the 26th of January looms .
I stood on Bentley my youngest Tom cat he is forever round your feet he is very up close and personal he is very loving and very talkative I thought that I had stood on is tail of course he meowed loudly when I stood on him but I think it was his back leg that I had stood on as he was limping when he ran off I would be heart broken if I had seriously injured him , luckily around ten minutes later he seemed fine.
Saturday, January 07, 2017
Now that my operation has been moved forward it is going to make life a little bit difficult I needed to get a few things to take in with me for my stay , and I don't get paid until the 27th . I need a overnight case a new dressing gown and a toilet bag for my cleaning gear and shaving kit . It is also my Daughters birthday on the 27th .
But on a more positive note the earlier I go in the less pain I will be in and the quicker I can get back to work and be ready to go on long walks .I might even get a cheap second hand half decent mountain bike .
I go for my pre op assessment on the 16th of January at 11.30 am letter are being sent out to me to confirm the dates .
I hope this summer I will be walking better and that I will be more agile will be able to use the stairs better bend better and just have more movement .
I will be having a epidural and will be awake during the procedure not sure how I feel about this it might totally freak me out hopefully not .Questions like this I will ask at the pre op assessment I have been told you can take your music player in with you and listen to some tunes not sure how true this is I know it needs to be a sterile environment .
I have also been told they have you out of bed and walking with in a few hours .
But on a more positive note the earlier I go in the less pain I will be in and the quicker I can get back to work and be ready to go on long walks .I might even get a cheap second hand half decent mountain bike .
I go for my pre op assessment on the 16th of January at 11.30 am letter are being sent out to me to confirm the dates .
I hope this summer I will be walking better and that I will be more agile will be able to use the stairs better bend better and just have more movement .
I will be having a epidural and will be awake during the procedure not sure how I feel about this it might totally freak me out hopefully not .Questions like this I will ask at the pre op assessment I have been told you can take your music player in with you and listen to some tunes not sure how true this is I know it needs to be a sterile environment .
I have also been told they have you out of bed and walking with in a few hours .
Thursday, January 05, 2017
Been tucking in to beef Chili a couple of jacket potatoes and grated Cheddar cheese highly addictive amazingly nice and ready in 25 minutes to half an hour .
New years resolution I have made none but I think 2017 will be better than 2016 even if by not a lot I will take any improvement no matter how small .
Helen is under the impression we are moving home again honestly I cant see it but never say never ,
Got a phone call today from the hospital in Elland my operation is now brought forward from the 3rd of March to the 26th of January Eek .
Went to see "Star Wars " Rouge One I went to the Imax cinema , The Vue located at Kirkstall Leeds with my two brother in laws Ged and Alan we were sold the wrong 3d glasses which totally made viewing the film possible only in 2d we had to reverse the glasses to even do this we got a full refund.
Got a phone call today from the hospital in Elland my operation is now brought forward from the 3rd of March to the 26th of January Eek .
Went to see "Star Wars " Rouge One I went to the Imax cinema , The Vue located at Kirkstall Leeds with my two brother in laws Ged and Alan we were sold the wrong 3d glasses which totally made viewing the film possible only in 2d we had to reverse the glasses to even do this we got a full refund.
Monday, January 02, 2017
Helen's parents left just after mid-day they had enough so the packed up and went home they were supposed to have stayed one more night . Soon as they were gone spirits lifted all the negative shit left with them which was fine by me .
We ended up driving over to my twin sister's house and went out with her and Alan her husband .
He drove us over to Roundhay park we say the Christmas lanterns from a distance we did not pay the £12 to go round , We instead walked down to the lake , my hip was in pain it was cold and I was walking like I was crippled not good , made it to the Roundhay fox for coffee and tea,
Making it back to the car we drove back to my Sisters home watched some old Top Gear on the tv before leaving for a Indian meal we went to the Masala Hut behind the Arndale centre at Crossgates we all ordered the buffet , it was excellent from the poppadom's and relish tray to the main course and nan breads the service and food unbelievable could fault nothing , there was six main curries of lamb and chicken and a vegetarian option we will differently be going back Alan picked up the bill and paid for us all a big thank you Alan.
So from a shitty morning New Years Day actually improved then got better then got even better which hopefully will continue through out 2017.
This is the twelve year of me posting to this blog unbelievable the amount that has changed .
I have lived in six different houses , drove seven different cars became a Grandfather got divorced and end up living in a static home .
We ended up driving over to my twin sister's house and went out with her and Alan her husband .
He drove us over to Roundhay park we say the Christmas lanterns from a distance we did not pay the £12 to go round , We instead walked down to the lake , my hip was in pain it was cold and I was walking like I was crippled not good , made it to the Roundhay fox for coffee and tea,
Making it back to the car we drove back to my Sisters home watched some old Top Gear on the tv before leaving for a Indian meal we went to the Masala Hut behind the Arndale centre at Crossgates we all ordered the buffet , it was excellent from the poppadom's and relish tray to the main course and nan breads the service and food unbelievable could fault nothing , there was six main curries of lamb and chicken and a vegetarian option we will differently be going back Alan picked up the bill and paid for us all a big thank you Alan.
So from a shitty morning New Years Day actually improved then got better then got even better which hopefully will continue through out 2017.
This is the twelve year of me posting to this blog unbelievable the amount that has changed .
I have lived in six different houses , drove seven different cars became a Grandfather got divorced and end up living in a static home .
Sunday, January 01, 2017
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year everyone got enough turkey and got at least one decent present if not hopefully this year will be different .
Took the tree decorations and lights off the tree from our first real Christmas tree . Just moving it a little near enough caused every pine needle to fall from the tree , and I had to empty the vacuum cleaner around eight times and unblock it three times , it is now round the back of the garden . It is in soil will it grow again I am not sure at least it got a good watering , time will tell if not its fire wood I guess .
New Years Eve was a TOTAL disaster Helen's mother is not the easiest woman to get along with. Helen and her mother can argue over anything , and within a couple of hours of her parents being here , there was an atmosphere , Helen said never again but I recall her saying that last year .
Her Mother hates cats we have two , and there is no way I am locking them away for two days are keeping them out for two days , Helen's mother had plated up a meat salad and left it on the table whilst she was buttering some bread or chopping springs onions or whatever , but you get the idea her back was turned the youngest cat Bentley most have smelt the meat and jumped up to the table and was tucking in like a little tiger to the freshly cut meat , her mother turned round , she was not amused , it did not help me filming it O/J I wish.
That set the tone for the rest of the evening half nine Helen wanted to go to bed I think I had a extra large Grant's and vanilla coke at least every thirty minutes after three hours I forgot they were here . Helen's parents are staying over another night unless they have had enough and go home anyway I hope next year oops this year its now 2017 both Christmas and New Year are different.
Well on the 3rd of March I am penned in for the hip replacement surgery guess it is going to be April before I am back at work which seems forever away least it is going to be a short working year .
Took the tree decorations and lights off the tree from our first real Christmas tree . Just moving it a little near enough caused every pine needle to fall from the tree , and I had to empty the vacuum cleaner around eight times and unblock it three times , it is now round the back of the garden . It is in soil will it grow again I am not sure at least it got a good watering , time will tell if not its fire wood I guess .
New Years Eve was a TOTAL disaster Helen's mother is not the easiest woman to get along with. Helen and her mother can argue over anything , and within a couple of hours of her parents being here , there was an atmosphere , Helen said never again but I recall her saying that last year .
Her Mother hates cats we have two , and there is no way I am locking them away for two days are keeping them out for two days , Helen's mother had plated up a meat salad and left it on the table whilst she was buttering some bread or chopping springs onions or whatever , but you get the idea her back was turned the youngest cat Bentley most have smelt the meat and jumped up to the table and was tucking in like a little tiger to the freshly cut meat , her mother turned round , she was not amused , it did not help me filming it O/J I wish.
That set the tone for the rest of the evening half nine Helen wanted to go to bed I think I had a extra large Grant's and vanilla coke at least every thirty minutes after three hours I forgot they were here . Helen's parents are staying over another night unless they have had enough and go home anyway I hope next year oops this year its now 2017 both Christmas and New Year are different.
Well on the 3rd of March I am penned in for the hip replacement surgery guess it is going to be April before I am back at work which seems forever away least it is going to be a short working year .
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