Saturday, June 01, 2019


Tuesday September the 19th 2006 I started writing and posting to this blog it is amazing that  I am still going it never occurred to me I would be ,

I don't think I have ever missed a month where I have not posted  some shite .

 This mainly is a diary for me instead of writing in an ordinary paper paged dairy I find this way is  a lot better  . AsI  can add photos and  post web links . I think all people should create their own blog  , You can always make it private if you only want it for your eyes .

Saying that a hand writing diary is more creative specially if you have nice hand writing you can still paste in photos or images and of course you can buy some awesome looking diaries , guess the main disadvantage is indexing them for that online is best .


Called work rang them early this morning and  told them I would not be going back into work  until I am fully recovered from my hip replacement surgery .

For some reason I am now suffering Lower  back pains as well as muscle pains in my leg and pain in my hip .

My training shoes arrived this morning have to admit they are pretty good compatibles shoes I was impressed good old Bay.

need to buy more essential items need more coffee sugar t-bags and long life milk obviously more time at home more coffee is  drunk.
Also need to do a hospital list I am only in hopefully two nights but I still need certain things I have numerous downloaded content to watch on both Prime and Netflix .Need a couple of magazines to read and other things to entertain my stay .

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