Sunday, June 16, 2019


THURSDAY - Woke up after about two hours sleep it was just after 04.00 am I could hear the birds singing the morning chorus was peaceful , went to the toilet still only passing water codeine bungs you up anyway two days is nothing to worry about I kept getting asked by the nurses keep telling them no .Had three slices of toasted brown bread and two fried eggs for breakfast glass of orange and a pot of coffee this is a great hospital with great medical staff I am not moaning the food is great the staff brilliant the care super the coffee needs sorting its bad odd time its ok most of the time nah.
For someone in hospital all you have to look forward to is visitors and meal service there is not much else and of course being pain free .

I did the long corridor with my sticks it was like the green mile by the time I had turned round and got back to my room I felt I had done a marathon I am supposed to be doing the stairs this afternoon they have now put it off until tomorrow which means a third night in hospital .

No one was expecting me to be away for three nights I rang Helen told her the bad news she was ok if it was to benefit my recovery we couldn't really argue .

Late early evening to my surprise Helen and my sister came to visit me it was totally out of the blue I was to expecting it was a great surprise they also bought me a decent coffee .

FRIDAY - Woke up wanting the toilet in the next two hours I would go to the toilet the codeine had lost its fight which is what I wanted to get back to normal of course I told the nursing staff.
I had ordered fish and chips for my dinner be in the afternoon before I would be going home .

I did the stairs fine going down to Hell is meaning bad leg first , going up to Heaven meaning good leg first .

My next door neighbours came with Helen to collect me in their Chevrolet was just after two in the afternoon and after the fish and chips that were excellent I walked down to the car getting in was my worse fear did it relatively easier enough the 30 minute drive to home was fine , getting home was better .
First decent coffee in awhile and first decent nights sleep

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 THURSDAY - Highlight of today was cooking Ikea meatballs with fires peas and Ikea gravy I also baked some baguettes I had a pear cider to g...