Monday, December 30, 2013


First day back after nine days off not impressed .
Having roast pork and roast veg including sweet potatoes and parsnips.
Playing "The last of us " made a lot of progress finally game play is falling into place .

Watching " Luther " all episodes

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Meet my twin sister and her husband Alan in Leeds city center at the Apple store in the Trinity centre , looked in Apple store at iPad mini my sister is thinking about one.

We went to Costa cafe had a vanilla latte Helen had tea as always and a slice of lemon cake , for some reason we got two pots of tea but paid for only one.

Queued up at Pandora for the second time in a week to get a charm for Helens birthday amount of money they must have taken over the last week must be in the millions.

Bought a 2014 page to page diary in black from the pound shop .

Helens birthday another year older she not a happy bunny she thought she was a year younger than what she is , she did the same last year , i bought her some Jimmy Choose perfume and a safety chain for her Pandora and another charm.

Helen drove her Suzuki Swift for the first time after we went to visit my son Guy in York we meet him at the cottage he lives in he gave me my present he had bought me a crystal head vodka bottle just what I wanted couldn't have picked a better gift.

We went ten pin bow!ing something I have not done since my youth , I got a couple of strikes and a couple of spares and a few down the gutter , still it was great fun must do it again .

Thursday, December 26, 2013


The Christmas dinner that we cooked yesterday was exceptional amazingly nothing went wrong it all cooked good ,
 we soaked the gammon overnight to get rid of the salt and it was covered in honey .

Today we went to visit my eldest sister and her partner Ged we stayed for a coffee her Son Andrew  had put her loads of pictures spanning generations on to a terabyte external hard drive that was connected to the TV pictures trigger memories  we called before visiting  friends Kath and Wayne who moved to Pudsey not long before we moved house they had invited us for boxing day  dinner so  we ended up having another roast dinner two days running again with all the trimmings.

Later we visited my twin sister Anne who lives on the other side of Leeds she gave Helen some  silver bangles one with a turquoise stone and to me a gents silver curb link  neck chain my other chain broke which Helen gave to me years ago it was very fine but finally did snap.

Listening to - 30 Seconds to Mars "Lust Faith and dreams" and "This is war".

Watching  - "Closed circuit".

Eating - Turkey sandwiches and mince pies .

Drinking - Port and Magners not in the same glass.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Woke up too early like half four got up at eight prepared the turkey crown and gammon joint peeled the white and sweet potatoes parsnips made the Yorkshire puddings whilst having a glass or two of port , no cigar.

Text loads of old friends and family checked Facebook and remembered Mum and Dad specially when Bing,s white Christmas came on the radio reminiscing of Christmas,s past when I was a lad we always had a box of dates Turkish delight and figs and nuts loads of satsuma's in tissue paper.
 Dad would have a bottle of lemon hart rum and Mum a bottle of Harvey Bristol cream and a case of babycham ,we would have a tin full of home baked mince pies and a Christmas cake full of sherry and spirits with marzipan , there would always be after eight mints and matchmakers in mint and orange and our dinner would always be turkey but it would be a full bird the wings and legs would always be dried out and we never really eat them .The table would be extended fully chairs borrowed and there be christmas crackers ready  to be pulled .

Now its all iPads , iPhone ,face book , text messages , sky TV and computer games thank god

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


My daughter called to visit us with her boyfriend Lee and his son Lewis.
She liked the cottage and stayed around a hour from visiting us she was then  going to visit her brother and her mother my ex wife near Pocklington.

The weather here as caused a lot if chaos winds and torrential rain has canceled trains and flights 150,000 houses are without electric some are flooded a lot are not going to have a Christmas that they had been planing .

Watched a short film on Vimeo  about a puppet maker steampunk artist Zina Nichole Lahr  i came across it by chance it was only a month ago .
Today I found out that she had died  she was only 23 years old so sad .
We all need to enjoy Christmas and the new year it might be our last so enjoy every minute ,so here's me , wishing you all the best Christmas ever, and a tremendous new year.

Monday, December 23, 2013


Was up just after eight as I am on leave all week ,I drove down to the local Co - op store and bought some Christmas food a turkey crown a fresh chicken and a gammon joint and a bottle of port along with veg and snacks .

We went back to the garage and picked up the Ugh boots , we went yo Helen's mother and fathers house to drop cards and presents off.

We found a Asda on the drive home , and bought more food and snacks another turkey crown and a joint of pork which we will have with roasted pears , I also bought a bottle of Jack Daniel's barbecue sauce to go with the pork pies and quiches and something i did not get at the Co - op is sweet potatoes its been my tradition for the last twenty five years is to have sweet potatoes I had them when they was not that popular in the UK.

We have a fridge and freezer full of food and cupboards full  of tin food. Plus plenty of bread and breadcakes we are lucky we have plenty I know plenty don't have nothing we are grateful

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Trade in day we swap cars and get the Suzuki Swift it took only thirty minutes before we was driving away in our little beast it is metallic black with a very and black interior only thing I don't like is it does not have electric door mirrors but apart from that not bad.

How can Helen leave a three hundred pound pair of Ugg boots behind the seat in the Beetle that we traded in yesterday, and not realize until this morning . Because she is blonde or because her feet were cold and  wet perhaps all three.

We are going to the Hospital for a echo scan this morning at ten so we can call in to the garage and hopefully retrieve them.
Seeing Helen's heart beating and  plusating on the echo scan monitor was unbelievable seeing the valves opening and close was amazing it looked so delicate,  how it continues to work every second and in some cases for well
 over a hundred years is truly remarkable and scary because it is so finally engineered.

We called in the Suzuki dealership to retrieve the boots the car keys for the Beetle  were looked in the valeting Section of the garage which the showroom staff did not have the keys we need to call back Monday.

We drove over to Penistone for a breakfast at a little cafe and fish shop it was after twelve.
In the afternoon we bought some presents and Christmas cards we went to Dobcross to see the lights after we had a Chinese meal noodles duck curry crispy pork in honey and lemon and of course the sweet corn and chicken soup which is one of the finest I have tasted

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Break up today for a full nine days heaven . I can not wait for tonight's shift to end and the drive home for Christmas sound like Chris Rea don't I.
I received eight bottles of Magnets cider from the secret Santa would of preferred Koppaberg but will make do.
Helen had her mobile  ECG monitor that has been taped to her for the last seven days taken off .
Anyway I am looking forward to the holidays I know it will go far too quick be 2014 before we know it.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


I have a interview today for a bench hand joiner working for a display and design company based in Elland which is closer to where I live,the hours would be eight until half past four the money is slightly better too.Only thing is they have just won a contract from the phone company O2 which last they said for two years which could be for eighteen months or even twelve months so then what happens they would I am pretty sure be ruthless and lay people off , I don't want to be jobless and be signing on .

The interview went well later the called me and asked if they could approach my employer for a reference I said yes , if I am offered a job I have a big decision to make stay or go if I go I am not even sure what happens with the car that I lease through work , then there is my pension and sick pay to think about and in another eighteen months i should be at the top of my pay scale if I stay were I am ,boring and mundane as it is.

Helen has her portable ECG machine taken of tomorrow on Sunday she has a echo scan and hopefully all is well .

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Swapped Helen's VW Beetle for a Suzuki swift in black that's has  got less than 25,000 miles on it . All we had to do was to pay £100 upfront and £125 road tax for the year .
It will have a full years M.O.T and will be totally valeted and serviced and will be ready to pick up next Saturday.We have lost money on the Beetle this car was £5495 but will be cheaper to insure and   be cheaper to tax and it will use less fuel.
We will both be driving black cars .

How can the Indian restaurant that delivered our curry tonight forget to include the pilau rice last time it was the poppadom's.
Got up this morning Helen cooked breakfast only to discover that we had  no baked beans , i ask can life get any worse than this .

Went to Trafford center bought two bottles of Jimmy choo perfume and a bottle of Bobbi Brown foundation for Helen that is as i dont use it for Christmas and birthday presents .The lights and decorations where very good the brass band playing Christmas carols was atmospheric.
Cleaned both aquariums out washed the gravel totally changed the water and cleaned all the glass and cleaned the  filters and pads as well as the artificial plants and both heaters it was a  total start again as we had  green algae growing on the surfaces of the tanks and it was spreading we should look at getting some solution to add to the water to prevent this happening again.

After we went for Sunday carvery at the Fox house again .We was thinking about booking Christmas dinner but only sitting available was at 11.30 a.m way to early so we are going to cook our own dinner.

watching - The giant mechanical man .

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Friday comes around again and another week spent in a job that I don't want to do anymore , for me it is working in a place that i don't want to be and guess what everyone i work with feels the same .
I am sick and tired of paperwork for the sake of paperwork that is filed away and never looked at , and sick and tied of having my workload increased ,along with working in a office that has no windows so no natural light and no air con to boot and is way too warm and stuffy even in winter.

That is why i live in the country it is always changing it never stays the same it evolves and adapts just like nature and it evokes a sense of belonging and a sense of peace and tranquility i wish we had  open fire in our tiny cottage we could forage and burn  and a veranda to sit out on when it is getting dusk  and look at the stars  or dawn and look at the sunrise , i can't wait for spring and summer to have three weeks of annual leave and go walking.

Least we have Christmas to look forward to i can't wait not sure what plans we have not sure if we are staying in the cottage or will visit family and friends in the city not even sure what the weather will do .

Eating Jello's crunchy nut cornflakes with ice cold semi skimmed milk poured on top with a splash of double cream poured on heaven.

I want to buy a diary journal or note book like a moleskin to pen my days events and thoughts , i shall keep it up to date with daily thoughts and ideas what i have watched on dvd or t what i have spent what i have eaten etc will photograph the entries and post them on here.

Loaded the IPhone up with a changes of albums the Killers , and Keane's new albums and Nickleback along with the Manic street preachers and James Arthur to name but a few.

Got The world's End ,Wolverine and Man of steel to watch.
and Call  of duty and Killzone 2 for the Ps3 which is a brilliant game it just picking up weapons and killing the bad guys.

Bought Christmas edition of Stuff magazine to read.

Friday, December 13, 2013


So far the weather as been quite mild slightly wet with some sunshine , the cottage feels damp when walking on the downstairs carpets you can feel the dampness the sofa a chair feels cold and damp although there is no evidence of mold or mildew that  is not so true regarding the bathroom as the walls on  either side of the window which is set back a good 450 mm have pores growing if not cleaned away this is also slightly true about the bedroom window but to a lesser extent.

The heating is on and through the day and night the cottage is well ventilated , and when we have showers the windows are left open mainly because  we don't have a extraction fan fitted which is also true  when we cook as we don't have one over the cooker another thing missing that we don't have is a tumbler dryer for our washed clothes , and  would be a big plus to have a log burner wood stove as it would burn better and give out more heat which would then transfer upstairs easier.

The lease for the cottage will be up by the end of January , I would like to spend summer here as it will be totally different and would mean my first summer that I would have lived in the countryside in my life time as I have always been in the city.


Boring boring boring highlight of the week was a KFC supper .
Playing Killzone 2 like it lots and watching Halo on Netflix apart from this sleeping working and eating have done little else.
I really need to get a life hopefully 2014 it will all come good going to do a twelve month plan and will see what comes of it.

Sunday, December 08, 2013


Went to Halifax to Piece Hall to the Friendly dragon Helen wanted to buy a sage smug stick to cleanse the house.

Bought a second lot of mince pies and the Christmas edition of Stuff magazine to read later we had fish and chips before driving over the moors to Uppermill , the Christmas lights were being switched on there was a brass band playing and fireworks we also drove through Dobcross to see the post office and pub all trimmed out and light up .
Got two DC films to watch the latest Wolverine and Superman .

Its was way after one in the morning when we went to bed.
Need to get some fresh air need to clean the fish tanks out.
Went for a drive it is amazing what you can find buy altering your usual route places and scenery do change i should have taken my camera.

We went to the Fox house again for our Sunday carvery had turkey again .

Thought my Nexus had died it wouldn't power up after being on charge all night it had totally drained down had five blinking lights or FBLOD ,it was OK after I had recharged it , I think if I had to replace it I would get  IPad mini.

Thursday, December 05, 2013


The wind is here the trees are blowing relentless and the roof is rattling for all its worth Yorkshire slate is heavy yet the wind is still getting under them lifting and dropping them. , you don't need an alarm clock when its weather like this.

The electric lights are flickering on and off at times if there is a power cut our fish will die if its off too long.
At least the cooker is gas not wise to have everything electric,we certainly don't need the fridge it is as cold outside.I left some cans if pear cider they were as cold as if they had been took from the fridge.

You don't take too long having a shower we only have two small radiators and the bathroom has none so it is in and out ,there have been reports of snow not far from where we live but so far it has not appeared.

I have to drive to work I know sods law is you will always get to work its getting home at ten tonight if its snowed and laid be difficult at best.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013


Went back to the hospital to hand back the heart monitoring machine  that was fitted yesterday we had to be there for nine am we was a few minutes late .We don't think it recorded any thing untoward typical  after we went for a breakfast more calories and cholesterol guess we should,nt have .

Got the stuff i ordered of Ebay the two ps3 games and a Google Nexus 7 blue tooth keyboard I ordered for the 2012 version not the 2013 that i have  ,silly me it still works but does not clip on as a cover .

Helen won a coat from a shop in Uppermill she picked it up and gave it to Samantha  our neighbour who wanted it she was over the moon that Helen actually gave it to her it is nice to make people happy.

Hung some blue flashing icicle lights from the guttering we are flashing .

Back at work tomorrow gale force winds are heading our way one way to get rid of all the leafs   , tonight we ordered a Indian curry.

Happy birthday Mum R.I.P hope your still with us

Playing - Gta 5 on Ps3.

Watching - Wolverine.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013


At work even though I am off ,as I am  taking Helen to the out patients department to have a twenty four hour heart monitor fitted , we take it back nine o clock the following day , so rather then going backwards and forward I have took two days leave.

Drove over to Rothwell and Called in to the Crown Hair Spa "2Rooms" hair salon where my daughter works she made us a coffee
After leaving my daughter  we went to "Skyliner" fish restaurant , I ordered a halibut it took twenty minutes to cook and it was way too small I was still hungry  after I finished eating not good.

Bought of EBay two ps3 games Killzone and Call of duty black ops ,  I also bought a Bluetooth keyboard for my Nexus 7,sounds stupid getting white finger with all the screen tapping I do.

Sunday, December 01, 2013


Updated Nexus 7 from Jellybean to KitKat Vlc crashed not impressed .
Helen drove her VW Beetle from the Huntsman pub to the roundabout past Dovestone reservoir about eight miles she even overtook a tractor its the furthest she has driven it ever.

We went to Ashley Jackson art gallery  in Holmfirth and bought this print he when asked signed the back of the frame in permanent marker pen for me .
The print is Old Bank Road the lane is below our cottage literally two minutes away.
I also bought a copy of his biography " A  Artist Life" which was signed with a little pen sketch to accompaniment his signature.

I also from Holmfirth market bought a bottle of scrumpy cider potent stuff  made by little Badger best served chilled we also bought some double cream and our first seasons mince pies

To finish the afternoon we went to the Fox House inn for Sunday dinner we had turkey.
In the evening we got out the Christmas tree and put up the Christmas decorations .


Bidding on four ps3 games "Sleeping Dogs" , "Killzone 2" " BioShock Infinite" and "Killzone 3.
Guess what I will be doing if we get snowed in, guess Viagra and pear cider might have been a better option but then reality kicked in better to be disappointed in a virtual world than the real one.

The weather and seasons are changing we have been told by nieghboughs the winter is a nightmare for cars and driving and if the local farmers don't show to snow plough the lanes and roads then forget about driving and going anywhere as you will not get that  far.

Nearly bought a fold up table and two chairs from Ikea for £200 but didn't did buy meatballs mash potato gravy and Lingon  berry sauce plus a dime bar cake which is a lot better value but means we stand to eat. Also got two sticky up battery neon lights for under our kitchen shelve and two new blankets for Pip our Jack Russell she will be all snugged up and warm.
Had a Chinese take away of course i got duck curry noodles fries chicken sweet corn soup gorgeous had a fifteen minute drive home as we was too late to dine in the restaurant so we got it to go and dashed to get home before it was cold  the smell of the food helped me .

Friday, November 29, 2013


So far so shit , the week that was not , as
nothing great has happened plodding on.
One good piece of news is I might have Christmas week off which will be awesome , seeing as I had last Christmas off as well.
A local shop are selling Koppaberg pear cider for 79p a can don't think two dozen cans is being greed specially as its the weekend.
Kicking bitches and hoes on Gta 5 and been reading Mike Tyson's autobiography which would make a great present for a Father or son.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Half three in the morning we are on our way to A&E Helen's heart is racing again we are in four hours before being sent home , I get four hours sleep before I go to work , i was bitching and i was  not happy ,and as always they do nothing apart from the normal ECG and blood test and we go home.
Five hours later i am at work totally cream crackered.
best thing about the day i get a diner kebab on the drive home after i finish work at ten .

Went to Trafford Centre at Manchester i took some of the ps3 games back to Game the two Batman's and  Tomb raider "Underworld"  which is full of bugs , to trade in against  "GTA 5" it is awesome i would like to get next on my wish list is "Battlefield 4" and "Watch dogs".
The Christmas lights was switched on tonight the main streets of Holmfirth they  are all now light up for the festive season most of the shops have Christmas trees above their door ways it is very magical it will be the first Christmas i have not spent in Leeds hopefully its a special  one.
bought some more after shave whilst out shopping a bottle of  Joop Homme Wild and a bottle of Davidoff Game both in sprays both under thirty pounds might wear them together one on each side of my neck just to confuse people thats how i tested them and it smelt good .

Helen had a reading a woman came from Huddersfield came a mean feat in the cold and dark specially because we are not easy to reach some of the roads are steep narrow and intimidating for some ,  i went upstairs with Pip and we fell asleep on the bed whilst the lady had her cards read.

Went to Toby carvery for breakfast just after nine this morning , we found one not too far from were we live ages ago when we first moved here , but have only just bothered about going it was no worse or no better than the 11th Earl we used to frequent in Leeds.

Went to a garden centre on Huddersfield road and bought some artificial candles that feel like and look like real candles except they are battery powered , also bought some freshly made scones for tea.

The weekend as gone too fast once again it is Monday looming fast another mundane week at work  .

Listening to  - "Nickleback" Latest hits album

Reading - Mike Tyson " autobiography  "Undisputed Truth".

Watching - "The colour of Money ".

Tv - "Robbie Coltrane in "Cracker"

Friday, November 22, 2013


Finished work at ten on the way home I bought some chicken thighs and  breadcakes to cook in the George Foreman and stollen for desert.

Downloaded the new Nickelback Best of vol one Album and will listen to it over the weekend.

Bought another digital thermometer for the new fish tank of eBay cost £1.99 cheap but adequate and very accurate only ordered it Tuesday.

Watching  - "Harry Brown"

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Fish are dying we have had five die last night making a total of seven dead  since the weekend fingers crossed we loose no more , we need more fish might try a breed we have not had before .
Took Pip out this morning it was cold the grass was white with frost and it was the coldest morning so far can't wait until it snows as long as I can get to work saying that being snowed in for a few days would be good.
Might load up Assassins creed as tomb raider underworld is full of bugs there is loads and it's annoying I have made more progress but it is just getting irritating .
Picked up a kebab met pizza and large fries it was bland should have for chilli's on it a jalapeños it was late cold I was tired looking forward to getting home and was not thinking.
Trying to get Christmas week of not sure if I can only trouble with working in hospitals some people don't get to go home.

it snowed this evening for the first time since summer , but  it was way too wet to lay and settle but cars were passing that had the dreaded white stuff on the roof and rear windows etc , so snow is defiantly coming our way just how bad not sure , thing is it won't have to be that bad for us to get snowed in and for me not be able to make it in to work .

I am hoping for a nice quite relaxing weekend hopefully go the Chinese at Uppermill again 0n Sunday evening and maybe nip out to get more fish for our bedroom aquarium .

Sunday, November 17, 2013


We had two friends call over from Leeds they moved house around the same time as us .
Went to Kobe restaurant in Horsforth it was Helen's son birthday we went for a celebration meal we had linguine carbonara with bacon and chicken sides of  onion rings and for a change a bowl of  sweet potato fries the meal was excellent the service was slow there was seven of us crammed in to a both and it was way too cramp too hot and uncomfortable i was glad when we got outside in the cold nights air .

we bought another fish tank for the bedroom 40 litres , one tank is just going to be for Discuss fish all the other fish  are going in the new tank and are now on the dresser in our bedroom Helen's cousin Sharon  is collecting two orange discuss fish for us and they are only ten pounds for the pair , we was going to get four but they only have two ready.
We got both tanks set up heaters and filters working both blue and white lights working all ready to rock and roll and all the fish are swimming around happy.

Early evening just as it was getting dusk  we went to Uppermill Saddleworth to a Chinese take away restaurant "Hei Hei "it was one of the nicest meals i have had in a while the chicken and sweet corn soup was excellent spring rolls super and the duck curry noodles and fries cooked to perfection .
loads of room we was in a both again but just the two of us it was cheaper cooler and loads of room the service excellent.

Watching - "The worlds fastest Indian "

Listening to - "The Killers"

Thursday, November 14, 2013


All of these pictures are a few yards from my cottage all are unique all different .

Front and side elevation of the white cottage .

The house below is 1.2 million pounds should you fancy a detached five bedroom stone built home.
The interior is not to my taste I be knocking walls down and creating bigger spaces.

High point of my walk taken with my Fuji finepix. 

Zooming in the  same position high up on the road half mile away from where I live.

Roof tops and chimney pots  of Holmfirth 

Yorkshire stone slate roof gets better with age.

Another mill  chimney just  left of center 

Love this white cottage rear photograph it has been mortilised on the "Last of the summer wine"

There is loads more photos at on point you can zoom in to the town center we are so high up there are houses above and below on different roads and streets .

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Helen had to go to the doctors again with her anxiety and panic attacks it causes many symptoms including breathing problems , the only appointment we could get was at twenty five past four .
seeing as i don't start work until four it meant i did not go , not sure if it went down well with my managers but i had little choice.
After the doctors we went for fish and chips to Compo's cafe then drove over to Uppermill to do the lottery and get cigarettes.
I have to go to work tomorrow Helen does not want me to she like it if i never left her side and never went to work in Leeds , i don't think we could survive on the dole be too difficult it would be nice but not at all realistic.
Still playing Tomb Raider "Underworld" there is quite a few bugs in it but so far so good i did down load a walkthrough as some of the climbs you need to do , need a lot of figuring out mainly where to start each climb .

Watching -  "2 Guns " and "Trance"

Listening to - "James Arthur"

Reading - " A room full of mirrors " autobiography of Jimi Hendrix.

Bought -  2 pairs of ear phones a black pair and a white pair .

Sunday, November 10, 2013


We we for breakfast to Dobcross other end of Upper mail to Limekiln cafe , right next door to the canal, breakfast was grilled rather than fried and was perfection only moan there was no baked beans.
Helen had a reading done at Saddleworth spiritual church cost her ten pounds for half hour she got lots of things concerning us and our life plans.
Our neighbours that have the end cottage had a bonfire we did a big crock pot of  chili and garlic breads Sam did baked potatoes pork pies and apple crumble and custard the fire lasted a good few hours it was after midnight when we left.

Drove over to where my son lives first time I have seen his cottage that he lives with my ex wife and her new husband he was there alone and i got to see his room and i saw my jack Russell Bandit and the  two Chihuahua's Chico and Tia , Bandit I have seen her a few times over the last few years my dog Pip joined them in the garden and they got on fine .
We went to Pickering bought Pip a new jumper then we went to a Toby carvery for a Sunday dinner had gammon and turkey , and roast and mash potatoes along with  parsnips and swede had to have Magners pear cider had way too much food we all left food on our plates dropped Guy off at home I should make the effort to see more of him hopefully it won't be too long before we meet up again next time we more than likely meet up in York.

Friday, November 08, 2013


Work sucks next week I have the equivalent of having the bosses son working with me , he is shadowing me , why me going to be a fcuking hassle no skiving off as he will be reporting back to Daddy can't wait.
Still selling strawberries in the supermarket also bought some Baxter's Royal game soup which is what I had for tea tonight at eleven when I got in from work.
They switched on the Leeds Christmas lights and the German Christmas market opens tomorrow seems to get earlier every year.
Might go to Lincoln Christmas market went with Helen must  be five years ago how time flies.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013


Went to Slaithwaite end up in a copper dragon inn had giant Yorkshire pudding roast beef onion and chips was near perfect .

5th November bonfire night the day two years ago Helen and I got engaged , I forgot oops.
Went to Fazenda Brazilian restaurant mainly meat skewers cooked over  a open fire six different types of meat or cuts of meat including chicken , gammon , belly pork , garlic steak rump steak I also  had boiled potatoes pasta cheese Mexican baked beans and rice and crusty bread you get s circular card one side is red one green red is no more green means bring it on it is extremely nice placed eating on house on the docks will go back maybe one weekend before Christmas.
Back to work tomorrow there are few fire works going off and  we are invited to a bonfire on Saturday at the end cottage should be a good piss up.
Need to order some JVC Gumy ear phones in white of eBay i also need some new fleeces for when it gets colder , joined Netflix 30 days free then £5.99 a month for when or if  I get bored of the PlayStation .

Sunday, November 03, 2013


Friday night is now saturday morning Watching "release the hounds" need to go to bed get some sleep its quarter to three ,am  not tired not even yawning i have been playing Tomb Raider stuck on the big boss Samurai to shoot him in the back then finish him off with your ice Axe easier said then done I finally did it I have  completed the game the first game I have completed in the last eight years got Tomb Raider 'Underworld' to start.

Helen had three people for readings after drove over to my sisters house for bonfire fireworks and food pork pie and peas , as usual it was raining but it was on and off most of the night but it did not stop us letting off the fireworks my daughter was also there it has been awhile seen we meet up

Went to Manchester Helen got her watch fitted with a new bracelet , we went to the Old Wellington its a pub and restaurant in a building that was built in 1554 had lamb shank nice but very small portions two roast potatoes and a spoon full of mash joking I was hungry after I ate it I order a desert bread of  butter pudding with custard again very nice  but so very small portion pissed off .
Bought Assaians Creed and the first two Batman games for my Ps3.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Well it is Thursday already got the parking fines sorted well i have been told it has been taken care off time will tell.

Helen has decorated the cottage with a few hanging skulls and stuff and is still taking driving lessons on a weekly basis and is looking good.
I am looking forward to the weekend we are going to Manchester city centre and hopefully i have Monday and Tuesday of next week too.

Still playing Tomb Raider i am on 57% so half way through got to say i have been enjoying gaming again it is a great stress buster going around annihilating bad guys with shoot guns and machine guns i do wander around exploring great sets and graphics two other games i want is the new Batman and Watch dogs which is not out till next year.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Some bastard as keyed my Nissan Juke down the passenger side doors , i have some black wax crayon and black coloured polish hopefully it won't rust , i might get some black stripes but down the sides to cover it cheaper than a respray , don't know what the lease company will say i have only had it a few weeks , thing is it as not really pissed me off i did not even get that upset  about it i guess if it was deliberate which i am guessing it was , then karma will get them in the end as what goes around comes around and fingers crossed they will get theres ten fold.

Stuck on Tomb raider getting my arse kicked by a load of mercenaries trying my best to kill them all well out numbered.

Looked at getting a new metal strap for my watch from Fossil wanting £75 for a dark steel bracelet having a giraffe or what will stick with the leather on that is on at the moment.

might buy a second hand iPod Nano or a iPod touch with the money i got from the sale of the camera .

One of the fish is biting the Discuss fish we bought at nearly thirty pound each fish we have to look after our investment the fish causing the hassle as been removed.

This morning we went back to the Fleece in the Holme Valley  for breakfast they opened up especially For us all the food on our plate was alk locally sourced.

Bought a new daylight bulb for the tank and a gravel cleaner.

Whilst I was out I downloaded Maverick on my Mac book pro and installed it when I got back home,going to buy pages and install it as well

Photos above Dovestone reservoir Thursday 
Back at work tomorrow sick and pissed off today Helen cooked a Sunday dinner we went to the garden center looking at Christmas decorations and lights, bought a pumpkin to carve for Halloween night.
A storm is on its way apparently it could be bad

Friday, October 25, 2013


Sunday after walking miles round a reservoir over hills down hills through fir trees and  woods , we called in  at Argos and  bought a Sony 500 GB PS3 console and a spare wireless controller along with two games "Tomb raider' and 'The Last Of Us, really in to the latest Lara Croft adventure last console I owned was a Ps1.

The graphics are of course loads better, the fact you can go online and watch free movies is a added bonus and Sony play store easy to register and use.

Downloaded for only  £3.99 Medievil™ it was first released in 1998 ,  it  took fifteen minutes to d/l and install its well dated but iconic I played it with my kids  like she did with her kids years ago.

Yesterday Wednesday was my birthday getting older we went to Meadowhall to Game bought 'Underworld' Tombraider .I received a Apple App gift voucher to redeem online my very first .Bought a few bottles of Koppaberg pear cider been full of cold the dreaded man flu virus strikes again my eyes are streaming and nose like Rudolph's .

I am up this morning sitting out in  the small paved garden at the front of our cottage with a second cup of coffee , in the sun wearing just a plain white T-shirt , i can feel the sun on the back of my neck and it,s October its bliss .

Anyway no gaming till later we need food and another reservoir to walk around on such a beautiful day  we found one a few miles away  after we had done a lap round Dovestone we went over to Langsett Reservoir , We dropped Pip off back home and went to the Farmers Arms inn had slow cooked blade of Beef with porridge and mash potatoes.

Friday we bought new fish for our aquarium five Harlequins and two Discuss and  pleco to clean the tank we also bought some blood worms and two pigs ears for Pip.
Sold my Samsung  camera for £157 i lost cash on it  but  as i i don't use it anymore it is losing cash just sitting  in my drawer collecting dust .

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Two days off then two days at work then five days off again sounds good to me  roll on Tuesday.

It is my birthday survived another year another nail hammered into the coffin lid it makes you wonder how many more around the board trips in the game of life there is , twenty , fifteen , ten or maybe less?.

Went to Penistone in Helens Beetle after taking it to the hand car wash it was sunny we just ambled around the center of town sent to a antique shop did not buy anything went to Halfords looking at Parrot hands free kiits and new blue tooth enabled stereos with iPod docking.

We found a toad in one of the planters it was full of a water and s toad was swimming on top , if you want to pick a tosd up you need yo wet your hands first or you can hurt their skins.

For supper we drove over to uppermill for pizza Italian it was fully booked up so we drove back over to Holmfirth and picked up a Chinese take away curried duck noodles fries onion rings and mushroom fu yung was first time we had been there it was mediocre at best.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Why does Monday come too fast when Saturday comes too slow. I really hate Monday I hate midnight on Sunday evenings because my freedom is no longer mine as  I am a slave to a wage packet.
Again the first day of the week it is raining and grey which does not help me, to get up and go.
To top it all I got a parking ticket because I was twenty minutes late moving my car from a two hour no return in four hours  parking zone just a way for the council to print money , least its Tuesday now.

I have not really been taking my Nexus tablet to work but I just might as it kills boredom specially late into my shift when I have done what I am going to do , loads of episodes of breaking bad to watch.

Helen had her third driving lesson yesterday  she might get her test done early in the new year , I will be a passenger for a change when we go out can't wait it is not often I get to stare out of a the passenger window it has only happened three or four times in the last five years ,be great rolling along taking photos as I am being chauffeured around.

Pip our Jack Russell is adapted well to cottage life she as fitted right in with living in a small house we are one up one down living  , and we only have two doors one on the toilet and bathroom and one on the front door .

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Went to Red true barbeque in Leeds city I had the pulled pork nachos , Helen had a burger and onion rings chips and side salad some of the meat takes 22 hours to cook.
The meat was really tasty and the size of the portions fair ,but the chips and onion rings where too hard but i guess for thirty pounds with drinks , I had an organic wlyd wood cider at 6.6% over ice was nice with the pork Helen had  a coke with ice and a slice .

Bought Kat Von D latest book "Go Big Or Go Home" if you like tattoos and like Miami ink and L.A Ink it is a good book to read.

Took Pip out down the lanes instead of going to the pond it was too wet again wearing Crocs don't help some days .
Drove  to Manchester city centre parked up in a multi storey car park bought a Dalvey umbrella with maple handle and stainless steel fittings on handle and boss  it always rains in Manchester.
Helen bought some damson coloured knitted gloves from the Superdry store , we called into Fossil to get her watch strap altered on the one she bought a couple of weeks ago and to order a new stainless steel bracelet for the watch that  i bought her four five years ago they are ordering a new one for £40 and fitting it so we will have to return to Manchester once it arrives.
Got back to Holmfirth went to the Ford Inn for Sunday lunch Yorkshires and beef  and we was bad we had deserts i had a triple layered chocolate fudge cake with pouring cream Helen had the jam roly poly and custard.

                                               Jam roly poly and custard made with suet

Friday, October 11, 2013


The weather is changing apart from the leaves falling off the trees it is now a lot colder .
It is the first time on a morning that i felt the need to put a coat on to walk Pip my Jack Russell the old faithful Levi padded jacket came out of the wardrobe along with a old pair of fingerless gloves that where hiding in the coats pocket.
I also have a thermos cup for when it is really cold and are contemplating getting some short of hat wear either Russian or the Swedish knitted tea cosy type with ear flaps and chin strap.
I do need foot wear too as Crocs and snow or damp grassland don't really cut the mustard.

I have three days off week after next has it is my birthday and i have vowed never to work on my birthday again so i break up on the Tuesday night which cant come fast enough.

Was up at seven this morning to take Helen to the doctors , i have been having trouble with my debit card it is not being read correctly at some of the ATM machines the one in our village reads it fine the ones at work and near to work can't read it therefore i cant with draw actual cash but can use it to pay for items in supermarkets  petrol stations and in shops as their machines read it fine weird , so i drew £100 out as its the weekend approaching the car is nearly running on empty and the larder is bare .

Not exactly sure what we are doing this weekend but most weekends mean spending money.

Need to get the car washed was going to go this morning to the hand wash but as it was raining it seemed pointless.

Watching - "The Rise"  a British made film and " Smash and Grab" true story of the diamond thief's aka  the pink Panthers.

Listening to - The Police & Sting.

Loving it - Change of seasons and Apple tv.

Needing - To loose weight and to do more walking .

Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Well it,s midweek already how the time flies when your having fun.
It is Helen,s Father's birthday today he is seventy two years young , and sometime next week he takes delivery of a Lambretta 150cc scooter , he had one in the sixties that's 1960's not his sixties.

We bought him a mixed selection of different beers from Rhythm  and Booze and a bottle of Famous Grouse not a great idea when you need both feet firmly on a scooter hopefully his balance and coordination won't be effected.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Hate Tuesdays as well hate any day that includes having to go to work , I have never had enough time off where I miss it that much that I crave to go back.

Unlike pear cider , sex and chocolate fudge cake work is something that does not ignite my spark to be honest I can do without it ,its the money not that I crave that we need money is the root of why.
Why I don't say stick your job where the sun don't shine.
Why I rush to be on time each day.
Why I work until two in the morning when by three in the afternoon I have had enough.
Why I pretend that I give a monkey.
Why I have had ones day sick in nearly two years.

Two blogs I am currently reading they are others that are on the same lines , there are loads of people out there that are taking time out from the mundane , wish it was me.

Well I am off now for a large ice cold cider a big price of cake whilst having sex before I go to work at two.

Monday, October 07, 2013


Yesterday we did not go to the Ford for dinner we went up to Uppermill and had posh pizza well i didn't i had hock pasta washed down with pear cider and a side order of chips Helen had the same with a side order of freshly baked bread and butter.

We parked up at the garden centre and walked down the side of the viaduct and canal to Uppermill village the weather was warm we crossed the river using the stepping stones.

They all generally liked the cottage and and loved the interior as well as the pond and grassland to the back of our home.

i fitted the exterior coach light outside to the porch that we bought a while ago . th
The wires were already there but no light there was four wires to a three wire connector block one live on neutral one earth and one for the switch i worked out the live wire the rest i guessed after turning the power off when i turned the supply back on it worked fine could not believe it i touched the light to make sure it was not live no shock guess it's good then.

This morning we got up and went to Meadowhall shopping center Helen went to Fat Face to buy a jumper and scarf for winter , I bought another charm from Pandora a pixie with wings
We had dinner from Harry Ramsden's fish and chips by the time we got back home it was gone half twelve I had to get change and go to work for two.
Hate Mondays hate work but it pats the bills and the car.
I moaned about my shit job at the council but this is worse and its less money.

Sunday, October 06, 2013


Typing this with Apple wireless keyboard the cap light is not working on my  mac book it lights  up green on this there is a light but it is not lighting up then i tried it on my Mac book and it worked fine the only thing i don't like is the on off light it only stays on for five seconds and nothing tells you that the keyboard is off apart from it wont work if your trying to pair it with a device its hard to know if it is on or of the light should stay on , iam not sure if you can pair to two devices simultaneously i have had it working with my Nexus and will see if i can pair to the Apple tv at the same time .

i bought a shot down Messerschmidt world war two aircraft for the tropical  fish tank it was priced at  thirty four pound but it had the wrong price  ticket on it and i got it for a third of the cost at only twelve ninety nine naughty i know but it helped  towards the cost of the  Apple keyboard which was fifty eight pound , a nasty looking cheap plastic one was thirty eight pounds.

We went to get two oil filled radiators but the have not got them in stock yet be the end of the month this weekend has been sunny but it is getting lower temperatures on a evening so one up stairs and one down stairs should keep us warm , got the first gas bill for six weeks it was £35 we was spending that a week in the other house so it is a massive saving.

My sisters and partners Alan and Ged are coming over to day to see us it be a one off when we lived in the same city the never bothered in five years they came once but never both together , i think they want a nosey of our live here a snap shot of how we are living then it be crossed of their list of things to do or they are bored and nothing better to do .i think when they see our cottage and location they will understand our logic if they are not happy for us i be amazed.
We will more than likely take them to the Ford Inn after they have viewed our cottage which will take all off five minutes for Sunday dinner.

Two of my favorite coffees at the moment are both Nescafe Alta Rica and Azera made add semi skimmed milk brown sugar and vanilla syrup and squirty cream on top i bought two jars of each i am addicted.

It will soon be Halloween then bonfire then Christmas i cant wait to see the houses at Dobcross and our village all trimmed out and light up then there is Hebden Bridge also nice at Christmas , just as well i have bought another battery for my camera .

Listening to - Lorde

Watching - After Earth.

Thursday, October 03, 2013


Well the season is changing leaves are falling from the trees and birds are flying off to escape the colder weather that is coming.

I will have to wait and see how bad the snow gets the biggest problem is snow blowing off the upper fields on to our road below therefore blocking all the cars from leaving the street,on the plus side the photo opportunities will be great.

Will have to make sure I have enough milk , brown sugar , vanilla syrup and Azera barista blend coffee ,and a bottle of Irish then who cares what the weather is doing.

Need a couple of oil filled radiators a couple of throws and the complete box set of breaking bad to watch then we be set for the snow which will only last four days tops scary are winters are not .

Sunday, September 29, 2013


The weekends weather as been really got d the sun as been out and it is quite warm for the time of year hope it will last or at least the winter will be mild .

Helen drove her VW Beetle for the first time it was only on a empty car park and she never got it out of first gear but she set off ok and did not stall it she has her second lesson Wednesday.

Went to the Ford Inn again for Sunday dinner for the third Sunday in a row , Helen's son and girlfriend dined with us the food as always was worth the wait.

Still getting use to the Mac have been downloading apps to transfer files from my Nexus also for reading epubs and for watching divx.
My camera connected straight away and transferred photos very quickly the picture above is on the moors a few miles from the Ford Inn helicopter moving rocks for one of the reservoirs at Wessenden head taken with my Fuji SL1000.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Dropped Helen off at her hairdressers just after half nine this morning.
I drove in to town and went to Jessops camera shop and bought a Fujifilm SL1000 I also bought a Tecno case for it which has plenty of zipper compartments along with a 8gb SD card I do have 2x 4gb cards  it is 16 mp and 50 x zoom which equates to the highest spec Fuji camera I have ever owned I will sell the Samsung nx1000 .

I also bought two pairs of cargo pants one in brown and one in black plus i bought another pair of black denim jeans for work along with ten pairs of socks for only £4.00 and  three pair of underpants and three more v- neck t-shirts .

I picked Helen  up and Louise cut my hair she never charges me one penny thanks Louise.

Watching - Whitechapel

Listen to - Electric Eighties

Friday, September 27, 2013


Received a face time call of Helen at midnight wanting me to come home because she was not well she was concerned about her breathing or lack of air intake , st half past five we w driving to the Huddersfield infirmary.
When the doctor saw her he related her illness to tablet intake and smoking , he has told her that she has to stop smoking as the damage she is doing to her body will be non reversible and she will be on inhalers and oxygen for the rest of her natural life.

We still need a small drop leaf  dining table and at least two chairs the chairs should fold up and fit inside the end of the table and a lamp stand the cottage is so dark we even in daylight hours we need extra. light.

I will also use the table as a computer desk writing desk i miss having a usable surface apart from these two issues the cottage is fine , i still like walking along the small streets and lanes every time you notice things not noticed before.

I am finding the Samsung camera although it is the most expensive camera i have ever owned it is not the best  or easiest to use, So i have decided that  i want to buy another Fuji Finepix ,  for a third of the cost they are great value and do the job  i was stupid not sticking with Fuji i have always liked them and found them very easy to use with great quality pictures i am going to buy one from my wage that goes in the bank today.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Wish I did not have to work and could chill out all day do nothing but house work go for walks relax and chill out I use to work seven days a week now it just feels like that  I work seven days a week specially when it is a twelve hour shift,I have the rest of the week working two till two,at least ibe the weekend when I finish.

Helen has her first driving lesson today it will be the longest period she will have been legally behind a wheel and  in control , think she is excited as well as nervous.

Life is plodding on specially through the week when I get up in the morning  I have three to four hours before I set off to work , by the time I get home I have around two hours before I go to bed which is not time even to watch a decent film .

Why do people advertise on EBay 100% genuine leather and send you a shitty pu I-phone case and expect you to be happy ,  and to leave great feed back sorry but it ain't happening .Only then to email you and say if your not happy send it back , I can't do with the hassle it will cost me in time and money to do this advertise what you sell correctly twat.

Listening to Kings of Leon "Mechanical Bull".

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Took Helen's VW beetle out it has been parked up all week so it needed a run out to keep the battery charged up , it started up fine we drove over t Meltham with Pip and had a walk around the church and river we went back home then went to the Ford inn for Sunday dinner i had a giant Yorkshire filled with beef onions with hand cut chips Helen had the same as last week a roast beef dinner after eating we went to Hebden Bridge we bought three bars of  hand made soap from the Yorkshire soap company .

In the river was a man balancing stones on the top of each other it is something he does often , why i guess because he can before he leaves he dismantle the stones so it seems a bit pointless .

whilst i was taking photos i heard someone shout my name it was my sisters partner Ged he was on the bridge he bought us a ice cream he had a stroke a few months ago i have seen him a couple of times in the hospital i work at , i remember going out with him and my sister years ago how the years have shot bye scary  got to live for now , my sister asked if we had any regrets moving i said yes , regrets we left it so long before packing  up and moving on.


Well finished my late shifts and today went into Leeds city centre on the way i stopped at a hand car wash and got the Juke cleaned it was looking dirty for a fiver it was a very good clean will go back again.
talking of cars Helen's driving license came in the post this morning she was well happy she been waiting nearly three weeks for it to arrive.

 . In Leeds  i bought some Versace Eros and  Terre D'Hermes aftershave for the both bottles it was just short of £85 from Debenham's department store ,  i like the  both of them they both have different smells and both last at the moment i am wearing Jean Paul Gaultier it nice to have a choice of new smells , Helen bought a bottle of Roberto Cavalli she got a free bag we also got quite a few free samples one was for  the new Davidoff the Game it  is also very good.

.I also bought a skeleton  mechanical winding watch from Fossil with wide black leather strap it was £175 and is the most i have ever spent on a watch so i guess it should be good for a few years to come  , another thing i bought whilst in Fossil was a black leather zipper wallet as the one i am using the zip sticks and cards drop out if your not careful.

I went to Primark and bought three v-neck t-shirts in grey £3.00 each and  six pairs underpants and ten pairs of black cotton  socks i also bought some black denim jeans for work for £7.50 they are good will have to get another pair it is going to be difficult getting our washed  clothes dried  in the winter months so i need plenty of under wear and socks.

On the way home we stopped at Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha coffee with cream venti with chocolate chip shortbread Helen had a Valencia orange , i bought a bottle of vanilla syrup for coffee's that  i make at home.

We picked Pip up our Jack Russell and went to Dovestone reservoir it was warm and sunny when we set off we  did a full circuit of it's perimeter and  it was dark and cooler plus are legs ached by the time we got back to the car we was ready  for supper when we got home i phoned up and ordered a curry i had  a lamb dhansak Helen had well have a  guess , yes you  got it in one ,  a chicken Korma.

Watching - "Jobs"  Story of Steve Jobs .

Listening to - Passenger , "All the lights".

Reading  - David Smith "Witness"  . A true autobiography.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Helen paid off the finance on the car otherwise she would have had to pay over 10k on a 3k, loan over five years , now she owns the Beetle out right.
She as had a delivery from EBay  of a steering wheel cover "From me to you" it is very and  furry fcuk sake woman ,  also her flower came for the cars vase Christ its like the sixties revival  , we  just need a Jimi Hendrix CD and some acid.
Only thing not arrived is her provisional license .

Work is a pain doing a few two whilst two twelve hour shifts least it pays my car and pension once again working to pay bills.
Still need money as always still a few quid in the bank .
Should be getting the ash tray I ordered of EBay along with a retro ghetto blaster design  Mac book pro neoprene sleeve.

Getting Helen accustom to Mac os is a nightmare she has to write it down when you show her or tell her how to do stuff she had trouble with her pass word when the screen lock came on she text me to say her password was not being recognized then after a while she realized her caps was on .

 I can't wait until we have the L plates on the car and we are on the road with other car drivers should  be Worthy of a few you tube videos to say the least

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Half past four on the phone calling emergency services for a ambulance for Helen she was suffering with chest pains.
It took them ten minutes to arrive they checked her heart blood pressure before taking her to Huddersfield hospital they hooked her up to a ECG machine took blood and a x-rays and found no problems heart related.We was  back home just after half eight I went back to bed .

Pc world had a offer on Dyson animal cylinder vacuum cleaners giving you £105 trade in allowance if you took any old vac to trade any age any condition , as we did not have one , I bought a new 12v car vac that they was selling in store at £14 i bought it there and then and then handed it over as a trade in so I ended up saving £91 it really was a no brainer.

Helen finally got her Hunters wellington boots and socks we picked them up from a saddlery she ordered them over two weeks ago.

My son Guy drove over from York on his motor bike with his girlfriend Charlotte  he came up the main hill he was surprised how narrow and steep it was and hoe bendy the road was they both liked the cottage.

I never mentioned it as we did not want every one to know but the cat is out of it's bag , Helen last Tuesday went out and bought a VW Beetle in metallic grey it is a 1.6 litre and has done 50 k it drives as good as the Juke does and is only just four years old , hopefully Helen should get her license next week and she as already bought a Tom Tom sat nav and rubber car mats  and a in car  I-Phone charger she also filled it up with petrol and she is insured to drive it with a qualified driver with her ,  e.g me.

Went to Helens parents house to how them the car they where both happy for her Helen was emotional i drove it there it is not the first time i have been behind the wheel of it Helen is so protective of it you think it was a person .
Went to the Ford Inn for Sunday dinner Helen had beef and i had the  ham hock it was one of the nicest of dinners we have had in a while and the gravy was dark and gorgeous , i had a jam roly poly and custard for desert.
Bought a washing line and a new ironing board we don't have a dryer but its not a major headache .

Listening to - Kings of Leon "Mechanical Bull".

Watching - Oblivion , The Frozen Ground.

O n T.v - Educating Yorkshire and Grand Designs .

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I have Been out today driving around the car it  is very good it is a easy drive so far no problems it is nice that new car smell. I called work and according to them I am on leave tomorrow and go back Thursday I have not put them right , a two day week is OK by me.
Seen the new I-phone 5c looks good not impressed with the UK prices thought it was meant to be a cheaper phone .
One thing I must get for the car is rubber car mats a air  freshener and a decent phone charger .
Well i was of today which was a nice surprise and a added bonus i bought a hula hula girl air freshener for the car she smells of pina colada and shakes her booty when she goes over bumps , cheesy i know but i could not resist.

i received my mac book pro cover it is rubbish it is cheap and nasty looking i need a different one but  i don't want to pay a fortune for one.
We bought a gammon shank for tea along with some chicken thighs we are boiling some new potatoes for supper.
Helen has another reading to do tomorrow the second one at this house if they find us and if they can aprk up , parking is a bit of a nightmare some days.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


awoke this morning at half past three i had the runs and was sick guess it was the Indian i had last night i got up another three times , it is the first bad Indian dish i have had makes me wonder whether to go there again.
Sat in the house waiting for a phone call to tell me my car is being delivered sat here still not excited guess i am a cool fcuker.

Helen is  gearing up for her readings tonight at the Scarborough Pub in Tingley if i get the new car will take her in it if not it will be the trusty Land Rover Freelander .

Helen sent of for her driving licence along with a postal order made out to the Dvla for fifty quid should take less then three weeks to get her provisional license  she  either wants a VW Beatle  or a  Mini she is thinking of buying the car before passing her test .

Well I took delivery of the new Nissan Juke it has 54 miles on the clock it smells new it's shining black  and it drives like a dream after the freelander this is like  how easy driving should be took Helen to the pub to do the psychic night in it  got to say it drives very smooth no issues I love it filled it up with diesel ready for the drive to Leeds .

Sunday, September 08, 2013


Went to take vacuum cleaner back and the tv receiver sender unit back to pc world both off them was not up to scratch on the way stopped at Marston,s chicken shack for fried chicken pieces and fries with a sour cream and chives dip .

Wired up the electric cooker for Helen,s son bought two meters of cable and some earthing sleeve I hooked it up as the wiring diagram showed .Did not blow a fuse neither did the mains so I guess I did it right the cooker bulb came on and the oven and the rings got hot so guess it works.

Helen bought six duck down pillows and a new duck down quilt for our bed  Least we will be warm in our little cottage come winter which I guess is just around the corner .

Walking Pip tonight it is quite quaint how each house is different each garden and little patio planted up and decked out people care about the country side and some of the views from the homes houses and cottages are truly spectacular I am really happy to be here I can't wait for winter so i can photograph it in white .

Drove over to Meadow hall Sheffield I bought Helen's Christmas present a Pandora bracelet and three charms a angel ghost and bible and two station clips , i bought myself a messenger  bag from Ted Baker i tried on Versace Eros aftershave not sure if i prefer it over Hermes will wait.

Walked up to Upperthong found Bill Owens grave the Actor and playwright  who stared in "Last of The Summer Wine" he also wrote Marianne sung by Cliff Richard .

Should collect my new Nissan Juke tomorrow afternoon and i cant explain why i am not in the least bit excited or giddy which is strange i was when i initially applied for it but now nothing hopefully i will wake up Monday morning with a better outlook

Thursday, September 05, 2013


Helen had her second reading to do the person had been before when we lived in Leeds,he was that impressed he drove over to have another done and visited her at our cottage in Holmfirth.

Monday Helen as a Public house to do for around eight people hopefully get a free pint,
Another friend is buying socks and hand making sock monkeys in wonderful colors , even black and white herring bone socks look great , and  she is only charging eight pounds for each monkey  which is way too cheap ,  so far it is a twenty day wait if you require one making.

My new car should be delivered this coming Monday and to be honest I thought I be a little bit more excited than I am. I might be once I am in it .
I am debating whether I should buy another a
Apple TV for the bedroom one thing I need to get is a Blue tooth keyboard . 
Got the imitation leather case fr the Nexus it is OK it will suffice.
Roll on tomorrow ten o clock then four days off I can't wait I can do without work it spoils my leisure time .

Tuesday, September 03, 2013


No sun again today it is dull and grey Monday , i only have five to work than i am on four days leave including the weekend i  cant wait .Time goes too fast and i always seem to be at work in a few months it will be Christmas i cant wait Helen cant wait to spend our fist Christmas in the Holme valley.
Recent purchases from EBay screen protectors and case for Nexus and a leather envelope case for Mac book so far I have only received the protective screens.
Using the Mac is so better in some ways  than using Microsoft windows  some Windows features i feel are better but it is still easy to see why people prefer and are switching to the Macintosh once again Apple are leading the way .
Well it is nearly Wednesday three days to work four days off loving it.
We have numerous lottery tickets to check fingers crossed .

Sunday, September 01, 2013


Our friends Katie and Paul came over from Leeds , we all went to to the Fountain Inn for Sunday lunch,  it was not the hottest day and it was quite cold and blustery thinking summer is coming to a close Autumn is here ,the change of seasons is more noticeable up here in Holmfirth , the gas fire is on .

Saturday, August 31, 2013


Finished working until two last night a week of normal hours than i have Monday and Tuesday off making a long weekend on the Monday i should be taking delivery of new car.
I have got my Mac book out of the box and have it set up i am glad now i did not get the Asus i was after , you really do get what you pay  when it is a Apple product i am really taken to the Mac and so far it has been straight forward i am finding my way round after using  WINDOWS PC the switch over is quite easy i have already synced my i-phone and my Apple account with it.
I can understand why people are passionate over Apple Macs the build quality and design is better bar none.

The new Google nexus is fine and for a android tablet and i think it as got to be the best value and performance for the cost the graphics are excellent, i have ordered from ebay screen protectors and a case should come early next week , my Cree torch came today for the money a excellent product.

Tomorrow we have friends coming over we are taking them for sunday lunch to the pub we went to a couple of sundays ago the Fountain.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Yesterday i had confirmation about my new car it is being delivered to my home address which will be a big help having two cars is difficult unless they are both in the same location , i take collection on the Monday 9th of September i have booked it off work as annual leave and the following day the 10th hopefully we can have a drive over to Southport , it is a while since we have been .

My Daughter has had a big bust up with her boyfriend apparently she told me she had slapped him a few times and in anger or frustration on this occasion  he slapped her back , he had admitted he should not have done it , but at the end of day he don't need it and my daughter certainly don't need it , so she has moved out she has started a new job and it as great prospects she needs to work hard and save her money and hopefully buy or rent her own place and be totally independent.

Today broad band should be up and running which should make life easier all in all everything is sweet ,  i have another three two o clock early in the morning finishes which are totally going to tire me out but least then i should be on normal hours for a few months which will be nice.
I finished at ten last night and it did take slightly longer to drive home then finishing at two but it was a big plus getting home before eleven.

We have friends coming over Saturday and Helen as her first reading over here Saturday evening  they are traveling over  from Leeds to see her ,  i will have to be quite upstairs we have a open staircase so noise carries other than that if its fine  i will have to go out .

Still debating wether or not to get a games console we are going to have dark nights some how playing Tomb raider Resident Evil seems fitting choice is X-box or Ps3 if i get one  i wont be investing in the new  models coming out.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Broad Band connection is on the 28th not today we was told bank holiday Monday but none the less we can wait another couple of days no big deal even if i was up like a kid on Christmas morning i cant live with no internet.

The cottage we are living in was sold for £109,000 in 2007 Christ its only a one up one down no garden its a great cottage but it has its draw backs you cant extend its cut in to a bank , it is dark even on a bright sunny day it is dark , there is only two doors one on the porch front entry door and one on the joint bathroom and toilet there are no windows on the back of the house there is two roof windows skylights the bedroom is lighter than the living room  a lot lighter .
Pluses the roof rafters are unique it is so easy to keep clean the house is cool in summer don't have to pay for a window cleaner it is very low maintenance people actually come to Holmfirth from miles away to see the Last of the Summer wine filming spots and houses and cafes.
Roger who lives next door to us paid £6000 for his cottage back in 1982.

Tonight i had chips for the first time cooked in the air fryer did not even have to add oil just put them in and set the timer for 27 minutes they where cooked to perfection had them with burgers done in the George Foreman and onions cooked in the frying pan with grated red Leicester on top with a freshly baked oven cake.

Three days off as always have gone too quick i dont want to go back to work least first day back is a ten o clock finish guess i will grin and bear it as always and do an extra line on the national lottery.

Watching - "Now You See Me" and "Oblivion"

Sunday, August 25, 2013


I actually slept in until nine in the morning i was contemplating having the curry left overs from last night for breakfast but thought better of it as i was passing wind badly whilst getting out of bed and being vertical ,
Went walking with Pip went to see the wind farm this time took my camera i am getting used to it now and  it takes great photos but lacks in zoom plus i do prefer an electronic view finder when it is sunny which for the Samsung NX 1000 is an optional extra.

Tomorrow we should be online with Sky broadband still using our I-phones to hot spot the reception up here is not as strong as in our other house so we do need a faster connection.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Thursday I was up just after nine another five hours sleep it is beginning to take it's toil thank god it is Friday tomorrow and i have three days off work paradise.
We need a outside light sorting out so we can sit out at night ea or just have a drink out there we have the power connection we just need a fitting to connect.

I started to assemble the Mexican pine side board started ok some of the dowels for the shelve did not line up i did not have the mind frame to sort it out so i left it i was not amused the cottage is dark even in the day light we  like Hansel and Gretel  and  room was sparse even after i cleared a space , and i was getting hotter was a wise decision to leave it .

Sky router came today it is a nice piece of kit very white very Apple looking impressed hope it delivers,
Went to work was suppose to be staying until two in the morning i only stayed until midnight i emailed my line manager to say i was feeling unwell , i was just plain tired out and i just could not be bothered big time it is the first time i have left there is no more supervisors on apart from me , i was home for twenty to one bliss.

well its raining it started a three in the morning looks like it is in for the day typical bank holiday weekend.
Helen bought her son a washing machine fridge freezer and a electric cooker as promised she even paid for delivery.
We then went for breakfast had a full english after i went to look at Sony Vaio laptops at CCL Computers the did not have one in stock they order them as and when so i ended up doing to PC World and buying a 13 inch Mac Book Pro, for what i was going to spend on a Sony i think it was a wise choice plus you can claim a hundred pound cash back after twenty one days.
I completed the mexican pine side board i got it all to fit and the fish tank is now on top and more things have been put away and a few more items have been binned.The bedroom is still slightly untidy but it will be sorted i am doing nothing now except eat a curry its getting delivered in 30 minutes and drinking pear cider i am going to pour one now so its a indian and a swedish night in.


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also ...