Wednesday, December 04, 2013


Went back to the hospital to hand back the heart monitoring machine  that was fitted yesterday we had to be there for nine am we was a few minutes late .We don't think it recorded any thing untoward typical  after we went for a breakfast more calories and cholesterol guess we should,nt have .

Got the stuff i ordered of Ebay the two ps3 games and a Google Nexus 7 blue tooth keyboard I ordered for the 2012 version not the 2013 that i have  ,silly me it still works but does not clip on as a cover .

Helen won a coat from a shop in Uppermill she picked it up and gave it to Samantha  our neighbour who wanted it she was over the moon that Helen actually gave it to her it is nice to make people happy.

Hung some blue flashing icicle lights from the guttering we are flashing .

Back at work tomorrow gale force winds are heading our way one way to get rid of all the leafs   , tonight we ordered a Indian curry.

Happy birthday Mum R.I.P hope your still with us

Playing - Gta 5 on Ps3.

Watching - Wolverine.

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