Friday, October 11, 2013


The weather is changing apart from the leaves falling off the trees it is now a lot colder .
It is the first time on a morning that i felt the need to put a coat on to walk Pip my Jack Russell the old faithful Levi padded jacket came out of the wardrobe along with a old pair of fingerless gloves that where hiding in the coats pocket.
I also have a thermos cup for when it is really cold and are contemplating getting some short of hat wear either Russian or the Swedish knitted tea cosy type with ear flaps and chin strap.
I do need foot wear too as Crocs and snow or damp grassland don't really cut the mustard.

I have three days off week after next has it is my birthday and i have vowed never to work on my birthday again so i break up on the Tuesday night which cant come fast enough.

Was up at seven this morning to take Helen to the doctors , i have been having trouble with my debit card it is not being read correctly at some of the ATM machines the one in our village reads it fine the ones at work and near to work can't read it therefore i cant with draw actual cash but can use it to pay for items in supermarkets  petrol stations and in shops as their machines read it fine weird , so i drew £100 out as its the weekend approaching the car is nearly running on empty and the larder is bare .

Not exactly sure what we are doing this weekend but most weekends mean spending money.

Need to get the car washed was going to go this morning to the hand wash but as it was raining it seemed pointless.

Watching - "The Rise"  a British made film and " Smash and Grab" true story of the diamond thief's aka  the pink Panthers.

Listening to - The Police & Sting.

Loving it - Change of seasons and Apple tv.

Needing - To loose weight and to do more walking .

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