Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Hate Tuesdays as well hate any day that includes having to go to work , I have never had enough time off where I miss it that much that I crave to go back.

Unlike pear cider , sex and chocolate fudge cake work is something that does not ignite my spark to be honest I can do without it ,its the money not that I crave that we need money is the root of why.
Why I don't say stick your job where the sun don't shine.
Why I rush to be on time each day.
Why I work until two in the morning when by three in the afternoon I have had enough.
Why I pretend that I give a monkey.
Why I have had ones day sick in nearly two years.

Two blogs I am currently reading they are others that are on the same lines , there are loads of people out there that are taking time out from the mundane , wish it was me.



Well I am off now for a large ice cold cider a big price of cake whilst having sex before I go to work at two.

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