Sunday, January 01, 2023



SUNDAY - Not a great stat to the new year Helen still not 100% well which is annoying we managed to stay up until the clocks struck midnight a non eventful passing into 2023 , at least we made it .

Helen is still not well I was going to cook a beef brisket but it would be a waste so I defrosted some chicken breasts for our first Sunday dinner of the new year .

Took the dogs out for their morning walk half way through it stated raining so back home for coffee ,

Did a roast chicken dinner with spinach , broccoli , sprouts , roast parsnips and potatoes plus a giant home made by myself Yorkshire pudding .The dogs and one of the chicken breasts so they where happy .

Think we are taking the Christmas trees and decorations down tomorrow .  So that's it another Christmas completed over and done with  hopefully I will be putting them back up for Christmas 2023 .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...