Monday, January 18, 2021


 I have booked my Covid-19 Vaccinations via a link I registered for through work . Both the initial injection and also the booster injection. The first one is on the 24th of January and the 2nd one is then done on the 11th of April . I didn't realise until the booking went through, that both dates are on a Sunday at round twelve o'clock.

At least if I am more immune to the virus then its less likely that I can pass it on and infect any one else hopefully , Helen suffers badly when she gets the flu or eve a cold she does not think she would survive Covid -19 .Hopefully the injections cause no side effects I will ask more questions before I get my first one done each appointment is a five minute slot so you can't really have a debate I guess it will be get the vaccine or go home .Also its been mentioned that staff refusing the vaccine might not have a job or travel abroad and that it will be mandatory for all staff which if true I don't agree with it should be voluntary and  we should get a certificate to say we have been vaccinated for future proof .

I have to admit I am not 100% confident about the vaccine and realise that it as been rushed through , because of the high number of people dying .The figure state 2.5 million people have already been injected I guess in another few weeks the figure will have doubled if not tripled .If I hear more regarding side effects its effectiveness in its immunity and  protection from Covid - 19 I will simple call them and tell them I am not turning up , all I have to say I have failed a self test and there is a possibility I have Covid then they can't do it .Its my get out of jail free card hopefully they will be no need .

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