Saturday, January 02, 2021


 My wishes for 2021 .

We kick Covid up the arse and we all get back to normal , hopefully normal life will happen be great just to be normal again . Guess its like walking out of jail and everything is possible vivid and your just happy to be alive .

I want to read more literature I have not been reading enough there are many great books out there and its a low cost hobby , I am not a big lover of audio books unless the person narrating them has a half interesting voice and different approach to how it is read without just speaking the words . I think they should have sound effects  back ground noises relating to what is being spoken  , not sure if they are audio books like that maybe there is Let me know . 

I would also like to do a blog a day I know that won't happen its too demanding and I don't live a great lifestyle if I did be easy I be a blogger on You Tube but mundane it is work sleep repeat.

Taking of You Tube I need to find wider list of creators to watch in the areas I am interested I am a people watch I like peoples insight to their daily lives its like being a fly on the wall seeing as I am not somewhere exotic watching in real time people doing their stuff You Tube will have to do , escapism at its best .

Summertime defo more barbies more outdoor cooking and drinking and more walking at different locations plenty of reservoirs I have not checked out specially if I carry on doing my 18.00 - 02.00 shifts , which means more cash going in to my pension I might retire April 2022 who knows I will have things paid off life should be easier .

I would like to buy a proper camera nothing expensive but nothing too cheap my first digital camera was a canon then a Lumix which I bought with money left to me by my mother sadly I lost it .

SATURDAY - Was suppose to be doing a ghost hunt in a hotel nearby it fell through not a great start it might happen later on who knows .

It is still cold below freezing I go back to work on Monday for four days then I have a long week end off Friday until Wednesday a great start to the new year I have the last week of January off as well .

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