Saturday, April 26, 2008

Got up to go to work start of another day without Ellie ouch at least i will be seeing her to day she is coming round to see the landlord this afternoon and tidy the place up not that there is anything out of place or in a mess i have kept it tidy and clean not eating helps keeps the dish washing down .
bought two hearts to place on the twigs will have to get some better ones.

Helen came just before half three and we talked hugged and kissed and i shed a tear i was cut up she means the world to me and i have done nothing but miss her since she left she has her appointment at the breast clinic Monday and i know its worrying her last night she spent at Flockton with a good friend of hers Sharon she had text me to tell me so when she rang me later on i knew where she was i do worry about her she told me she would see me today and i wen to bed a lot happier than the previous few nights.

we saw the landlord Helen asked if we could put up the pine shelving unit he said yes and Helen also if we could paint the kitchen he agreed and that if we could paper the bedroom wall he also agreed to this as long as we don't use a flock wall paper he was happy with how the house was and left us after around twenty minutes .

we went upstairs to discuss the bedroom wall we wanted to paper don't know why we had to decide which wall we wanted to paper whilst naked but we did so the signs are all good i hope.

But we will have to see what Monday brings i am with her all the way so she decides both our futures i honestly think she is with me i know she loves me that is not the question what she does is purely down to her ................i dropped her of home on the way she took some photos of me on her mobile phone......... on the way back i got some spare ribs and fries from the Chinese at Rodley and went home.......................Helen said she was going to her mums house to spend the night i asked her if she wanted to go for a drink to phone me than i said if she didn't want to go for a drink to phone me so hopefully tonight at sometime i get a phone call from a Angel

I did get a text of her on the way home with a picture of me which she took with her phone saying i " a do truly lov this guy x" WATCH THIS SPACE ....................

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...