Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also bought six pairs of white and black socks .Helen also  bought some Adidas with the green three stripes  I will buy myself another couple of pairs end of the month and another couple of Levi T-shirts the only other thing I needs is a new water proof coat to wear when I am walking the dogs .

WEDNESDAY  - Worked a full 12 hour shift from six at night until six in the morning I got home just before seven went to bed was up at half ten we had hairdressing appointments three hours sleep is not good .Helens hair appointment takes roughly three hours thought I would get a couple of hours in the car didn't happen .

SATURDAY - Went to Meadow Hall Helen bought me another pair  olive green Adidas training shoes from Sports Direct bless her It is appreciated .

Tuesday, September 03, 2024


 SATURDAY - Got up early had a shower took the dogs out on arriving back home decided to wash all of the house windows including patio doors inside and out including mirrors and shower door it took me a couple of hours but all windows are now crystal clear .Won £3.70 on the Euro Millions no won the jackpot so did a entry for Tuesdays draw  and did a Thunder Ball game for tonight's draw fingers crossed .

SUNDAY - Went to Meadow Hall Helen was after a pair of fur lined Dr Marten Chelsea  boots in brown they were £180 I got her £18 of using my Blue light card I have saved her over £120 in the last few months because of stores who offer discount .

Cooked steak mash potatoes broccoli and green beans for tea the steak  was ok it was a little bit tough after took Helen to spiritualist church , I waited in the car for three hours watched the Nicholas Cage film "Longlegs" and some You Tube .

MONDAY - Back at work not looking forward to it but least it's a job .Helen went to next and bought me some new jeans a pair of bleached , blue and light brown .It's really hard to get button flies for some reason had to get zipper .

t's really hard getting button flies had to get zipper from Next retailers in Huddersfield she is doing lots of readings so she treated me so a big thank you 

Saturday, August 31, 2024


 THURSDAY - Four more days until I return to work .Was up early had a shower before taking the dogs out for their morning walk the weather was ok could do with more sun and more heat but it is what it is .

dug out the lavender brushes at the front of the house after I trimmed them back with the hedge trimmer I fixed didn't cut through the wire this time .

Helen saw and photographed a u.f.o whilst we was driving to the petrol station in the afternoon I didn't see it as I was driving and we was going down a step hill that joined a main road .

Received a call from my son he was released from prison early they have not sort him out anywhere to live or any work what do they expect him to do he also couldn't get to the bank he doesn't have a bank card so he had no access to any cash not a great start to freedom , pity he is not an illegal immigrant he be house clothed feed and have money in his bank account. This country is fcuking going to the dogs we will be a third world country the way the government is fcuking it up for everyone .

FRIDAY - Went to Helens parents painted the wall they had replaced with board and screed also cut the remaining hedges and bushed that I didn't do when I cut the hedge trimmer cable last week .The picture below was before I painted it you can see the colour difference from one half of the photo to the other half  , now it all looks the same it was hard to see with the afternoon sunshine .


Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 TUESDAY - Opened up the edge trimmer which was not that easy they use special screw heads just to make life more difficult also they were narrow gauge and sunk deep in to the handle luckily I had the tools /There was also plastic clips to prise off once you had it opened the wire wrapped round a  ring the wires then went to join on to a capacitor which had terminal caps on the wires both live and neutral I cut these off and I had to order some more of these from Amazon  next day delivery .I did what I could and left it until the terminal end caps are delivered tomorrow what a pain .A new matching Flymo trimmer  the same as currently on Amazon is £85.

 WEDNESDAY - The terminal caps came I joined the live and neutral to the capacitor put the terminal end caps on crimped them in to place screwed the wire clamp back on and screwed the unit back together put the plastic clips in place and plugged it into the mains to my utter amazement it worked I though it might have blown the plug fuse when I sliced through the wire as it tripped the rest of the electrics in their home but it was fine .

Took Rosie to the groomers sure the cost has gone up by another £2 paying £44 she's worth it 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 SUNDAY - Helen was out most of the day doing readings at Mystical Moments a shop in near by Slaithwaite a few miles away I dopped her of at half past ten it would be around six when I pick her up. .Bought the ingredients for a stew which I will cook in the slow cooker with dumplings and Yorkshire puddings it will be ready when we get home at around  seven .

MONDAY - Hearing rumours of Oasis getting it back on with confirmation happening tomorrow with more then likely  with venues and tour dates being released .

Went to Helens parents they asked me if I could trim the bushes with the hedge trimmer only cut through the fcuking cable shite how embarrassing

TUESDAY - Its happening -

" The guns have fallen silent 

The stars have aligned 

The great wait is over 

Come see 

It will not be televised "

Friday, August 23, 2024


 SATURDAY - It was nice having yesterday off specially since we was in the hospital of a few hours .Helen had a few readings to do today two where coming to the house luckily she was ok although she wa suffering from a headache after using the 4head stick which you apply to your forehead to combat head aches with out the need to pop any tablets .It worked after a hours nap she was 90% better try it if you suffer from headaches its half decent and costs under a fiver.

Early evening went to the local Aldi and Co -op bought a pizza , sweets , grapes , strawberries and dog food and dog biscuits .

SUNDAY - Washed the car and watered the garden both needed doing specially the wheels and hanging baskets .Helen went to church then I took her to Denby Pie Hall two spiritualist were on stage giving messages out , Helen didn't receive any on the way home we got pizza and fries , another weekend done and dusted .

Work on Monday till Friday then a whole nine days off  don't think the weather will be that great but hey ho.

FRIDAY - I break up  to night for a whole nine days off work cant say I am disappointed , I have load of films to watch and a new book to read Shari Lapena "Thing Go Flying" . and a couple of new albums and podcasts so I wont be bored doing nothing .

Saturday, August 17, 2024


FRIDAY - Had to take Helen to the doctors with her hiatus hernia long story short they basically told us to go to Huddersfield A&E Department we got there just after half past three.
I had to ring in at work let them know I wouldn't be coming in for my shift at six p.m. , what can I do I know they cant cover it at such short notice but I don't have any other options .
They did her temperature , blood pressure then they took her bloods after this Helen had a i.v drip and other medicine's put into her i.v line they had to re-take her bloods because her potassium levels where too high , this can happen if the torniquet is too tight when drawing the blood , which I think was the case because the second sample came back fine .They did a Ecg that was ok so we was free to go home it was just half past seven o under four hours not a bad result . 

Monday, August 12, 2024


 FRIDAY - Was sent a email from work regarding moving up a band from three to four they are three increments before you reach the top pay scale .You also have to have or be prepared to do Cmi Level three which I will fine mega boring I doubt I will have the inkling to do it the pay difference once you reach the top as it stands now is £1.66 per hour or roughly £273 pounds a month before deductions that's in two years time   .My night rate enhancement drops from hourly rate plus 35% to hourly rate plus 30% and weekend rates drops from hourly plus 69% to hourly rate plus 60%. 

our TRS is currently getting updated on ESR which will give us the current value of our pension pot showing us  the maximum lump sum we can take and our monthly pension payments .As soon as we get the new figures they are all ready six months out of date .

SATURDAY -Helen went to the local optician her new glasses and frames will be over £500  she didn't see that coming .Helen had readings she got picked up with by her friend  . So I cooked a curry rice and fries for my tea .

SUNDAY - Went over to see Helens parents at Acaster watered the garden for them and weeded the block paving on the way home we called in McDonalds had five chicken strips fries and coke Helen had fillet of fish .

Sunday, August 11, 2024


 MONDAY - In the last three weeks I have been to work a total of two days. So today its a bit of a downer I know I have to go back but I don't want to go back in the slightest .But I do have a week off at the end of the month roll on the end of the month .

TUESDAY - Driving to work after a couple of miles the tyre pressure loss of air waring light came on drivers rear right showing low pressure I pulled in to a near by car park and inflated the tyre and reset the tyre sensor id the twenty five miles to work without further incident drove home 

WEDNESDAY - Finished my shift its the morning 02.00 am walking up to the car all seems fine .I started the car  no warning light coming on .Got  home no warning light on and I was up just after eight  a.m again no waring light .Rechecked the tyre pressure seems ok checked the other three tyres  all good  if there is a puncture on the rear tyre its very slow , to be honest I wish there was so I could get it fixed will check later today see if its  pressure as dropped any .

Monday, August 05, 2024


 SATURDAY - Went to Penistone to the Tesco bought all the ingredients to do a  chili bought some nacho chips  and sour cream and some rice and bake in the oven baguettes .

Took the dogs to Winscar reservoir it was early evening the weather was cool and the sun was going down  but they had been in most of the day there was a camper van parked up really want a van one day fingers crossed .

Had to order a new set of door handles for the patio doors the right hand handle broke and is unsafe to use £11.99 of Amazon comes tomorrow .

SUNDAY - Had a shower took the dogs out cooked breakfast no I am bored decided to go out for Sunday lunch went to the Fox House a few miles from where we live , The chef asked me if I wanted one or two roast potatoes being the pig I am I opted for two . I had roast beef and pork cabbage and mash potatoes with stuffing the food was really good just needed more if you have eaten Sunday lunch and you have room for desert then there is something wrong with the portion size ..Went to the local garage and bought some chocolate Crunchie  doughnuts for £1.50 instead of paying £8.95 for a small slice of cheese cake .

Saturday, August 03, 2024


 THURSDAY - Next four days off  annual leave for Thursday and Friday woke up to torrential rain not a great start. Finished watching "Control" a film about Ian Curtis of Joy Division portrayed by Sam Riley who got it spot on its a  very sad film  .Have another Sam Riley film to watch "On The Road"  another life story. 

FRIDAY - Drove over to Wetherby to the Days inn Hotel didn't realise the hotel was part of the service station amenities our room was very nice and clean  it had a walk in shower bathroom  with shower gel and soap the bed was quite comfy and had extra pillows the bed linen was all clean they was also coffee /tea making facilities and the tv had You Tube on there was also free wi-fi what more do you need .There was a Gregg's , KFC , Burger King . M$S and Costa .The room was hot so I had a cold shower which was refreshing .

My twin sister and her Husband Alan picked us up in her car just before quarter to seven and we went to the Engine shed a few miles away  it was my daughter's and now husband Josh's wedding evening for those who couldn't attend the wedding in Mauritius  which included all of my close family who was there to take apart in this great event apart from Guy my son , not because he didn't want to be I might add .

The venue was nice large enough had great lighting they had their own hired  DJ playing great music at a cost of £450 .The bar was reasonably priced Helen was on water me cider .We had a really nicely cooked chili con carne and rice with tortilla chips and sour cream and mixed cheese think it was cooked with dark chocolate .

I had a few dances and a few pints not used to drink anymore after four I had enough I could have managed a couple more but didn't.

We got back to our Hotel I was expecting Kfc to be open but it was shut until 09.00 am .No chicken for me .

SATURDAY - Was up for six at half past went down for breakfast had two sausages , two bacon , baked beans and scrambled eggs and two toast a orange juice and cappuccino it was ok there was also croissant's ,  cereal yogurts and preserves .We headed back home just after eight .

Thursday, August 01, 2024


 SATURDAY - Woke early again had a shower and shave was still out with the dogs just after six a.m .Listened to the podcast "They Walk Amongst Us" season 9 episode 22 its based on U.K true crime cases that's has happened over the last 100 years , not all murders are solved some cases report on the culprit getting executed by hanging before capital punishment was ended .

The morning was cool with a breeze there where patches of blue skies hopefully the sun will appear during the day 

MONDAY - Its hot and I have to go back to work .

TUESDAY - Helen has made an appointment to go to the Calderdale Hospital to have an endoscopy procedure , a camera down the throat this coming Wednesday .

WEDNESDAY - Had to ring in work tell them after Helens procedure I have to stay with her for 24 hours make sure all is well .

Reached Calderdale Hospital after a forty minute drive got parked up it was red hot .We had to be there for 01.00 pm  Helen had a throat spray and other medication they found three issues and will be referred back to her own G.P .We was out for 15.00 .Had to walk into the main hospital to a cash machine to get money out to pay for the parking it was only £3.00 .It was still hot stopped at Aldi bought a few items coke , eggs , bread bacon and sausages all of life's essentials .

Saturday, July 27, 2024


 WEDNESDAY  - Went to Asda  set off just after nine p.m. got there to find out it was closed they are doing a refurb so the store was not open 24/7 so we went home with no provisions at least it was a cheap shop  will have to go back  tomorrow 

THURSDAY - Downloaded all off the Bad Boys films including the new one  that's just come out 

Trip back to Asda after the failed attempt yesterday . Helen manage to walk not too bad she bought furnishings and decorative pumpkins for the house pottery , cushions and throws as well as night light candles and some food items Cajun  chicken  breasts and jacket potatoes and a pkt of coconut macaroons .

FRIDAY - Went to the doctors over at Meltham Helen had an appointment they have decided to send her for an endoscopy it could be between six to eight weeks before we get an appointment she also needs a Mri Scan booking .

Dropped Bailey of above at the groomers for his wash and cut he is a bit wild looking at the moment £42 I pay £12 for my own hair cutting , Rosie gets her trim next month .

Went to Aldi bought two packs of bacon , packet of ham , tiger bloomer , four cans of pear cider , coffee , brown sugar , milk , max crisps jalapeno and cheese , chili sauce , chorizo , cheese , bottled water , two bags of frozen fish , chicken wings and chicken legs , frozen French fries and frozen chips and a large packet of toilet rolls , dishwasher tablets and washing gel for the washing machine just under fifty quid .

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 FRIDAY - Called the doctors they came to visit Helen at our house again he recommended we use ice packs then heat packs,  we do have a wheat bag that you heat up in the microwave every two hours Helen takes paracetamol x 2 then two hours later she take a 30mg and a 15 mg codeine tablet she was able to go for short walks around the garden but the discomfort and pain are still there the doctor said it could be weeks before her condition gets back to normal if that's the case I cant possible go back to work Monday I will need more time off as I cant leave her by herself when she can hardly stand ,move and walk .

SATURDAY - Went to the supermarket to get the ingredients for a chicken noodle stir fry using teriyaki sauce .Helen still not good but a slight improvement from a few days ago when you are getting up at six am its a long day and driving to the shops a few miles away was nice just  to get out  and break the day up I took the bedding off washed it hanged it out to dry and then put it back on never know which way fitted sheets go and duvets are just a pain .

MONDAY - Phoned work I am taking the rest of the week off annual leave to look after Helen luckily it was not a issue hopefully she will improve throughout the week she is still on pain killers , ice packs and heat patches and is getting slightly better , but it is a slow process .

TUESDAY - Went to see the spiritualist and medium Steve Holbrook it is not the first time we have seen him over the years I think this was our fourth visit he was appearing at the spiritualist church that Helen attends .Over hundred people attended we didn't get a message but others did and what he was telling them was very exact and he hit the nail on the head too many time for it to be coincidence anyone who doesn't believe go and see him he is doing a lot of stand ups in various locations , go see him then decide .

Saturday, July 20, 2024


 TUESDAY - Raining although I did manage to get to walk the dogs in between the rain fall .

I buy eggs from a local neigh bough he keeps hens they had one box of six eggs left I dropped £1.50 into the honest box picked up the egg box only to find out it there was no weight to , it was empty someone had returned a box so it could be reused .I rang his door bell he was ok he had eggs inside I got six eggs breakfast is go. Helen has got pain in her lower back I ordered some heat patches and pain relief gel they will come tomorrow .

WEDNESDAY - Had to call the doctors they came out Helen has sever pain in her lower back right hand side .She cant move and it seems to be getting worse hence a visit from the surgery .She was prescribed some Codeine 15mg and ibuprofen gel to rub in to the region of her pain .this was just after midday by seven o clock that evening we had called and ambulance to take her to the newly opened Huddersfield A&E department  .

As always you get assessed in the first thirty minutes then you wait they gave her pain killers she was on a wheel chair we spent the next ten hours waiting to see a doctor  why are the seat all metal they are solid after a few hours your arse is numb .

I asked for more pain killers not for my bum for Helen which where given  hours later we did get to see the doctor he assessed her said he would give her liquid morphine , paracetamol and two suppository's  great this did not happen for another hour only difference know is Helen is laid down rather than sat in a wheel chair finally we got the drugs  .Then we had a hour to wait for the drugs to kick in then we walked up and down the hospital corridor we did this six , seven times the doctor said he was happy for us to go home not as happy as us ,  He said he would  prescribe the tablets  before he would discharge us .Another hours wait and  finally we got the codeine tablets these where 30 mg .

The new department is really nice , clean and new apart from the chairs in the waiting area its a winner but no matter how clean new and high tech it is with out doctors its a waste of money its a massive waiting game moved from one are to another area just to wait the treatment was fine thank you we are grateful , but the time spent waiting well stick it where you put your suppository's.  

THURSDAY - We drove home stopping on the way to get two sugary jam doughnuts we got home just after nine .

Helen went to bed after a cup of tea obviously the morphine and other drugs will wear off we will see what today brings .a few items we need laxatives codeine bungs you up  I through the Senokot on to the front seat .Then remembered I need dog biscuits so i shut the car door and I went back in to the store I remembered I had thrown my wallet on to the car seat I went back to get my wallet the car keys were also on the seat all of the car doors were locked my car for some reason locks all the doors with in seconds its a pain you don't need to press the fob it just does it  you can be sat in the drive seat and the doors lock the electric ignition wont start you have to unlock the doors with the fob to start the car .

I had to get Adam our next door neighbough  to drive down with my spare key luckily he was in and I got back  in to my car , it was the last thing I wanted to happen but it ended well Adam arrived within five minutes after hardly any sleep I was happy .

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 MONDAY - Received a phone call from my son he is in jail serving a eight week sentence .I told him I had sent him a couple of emails hopefully he will serve his time get out and never go back freedom is to precious life is fleeting the clock ticks for us all don't waste time .I would hate one day in prison the biggest grip from my son is you are always hungry the food you get is not enough you need to top it up with the items you can buy from the prison store but only if you have money in your account and you have to order a week in advance so there is always a week wait from placing any order , Unlike Amazon its not next day delivery .

Went to visit Helens youngest son he is opening his own Barbers shop  , his premises are quite big with various large rooms all on one floor at the moment they are doing repairs to the roof before putting a plaster board ceiling in the main room .the next big job is floor and wall tiles and painting then a clean up.

We all went to Ikea in Birstall they are ripping the store apart think they are building on to the existing store front , We also went to the Range then to Home sense .

On the way how I went through a Red traffic signal not sure why a lapse in concentration stopped at a fish shop for a chippy tea .They wasn't the best we had been there before a couple of years ago they was not how we remembered them should have got a curry sauce but didn't , got a Dr Pepper instead . 

Below barbers chair in Liam's new premises hopefully be open in the next few weeks he ordered a sofa for the customers to sit on which is a six week delivery guess they make them to order .


Monday, July 15, 2024


 WEDNESDAY - Came home this morning just before 03.00 am it was raining Helen was up watching You Tube featuring Cheddar Gorge .She would like to go back we went years ago one of the reasons we need a camper van is to explore this island where we live called Great Britain to wake up in different locations chill out on a night counting the stars and waking up listening to the birds .

England through to the final of the Euros its a great result is it coming home probably not but there is always a chance one goal is all it takes .

FRIDAY - Break up after tonight's shift nine days off work will do me the weather wont be great as long as I can walk Rosie and Bailey be ok .Be nice to sit in the garden and chill with a cider .

SUNDAY - Reformatted my laptop it was quite easy not like the old days only took twenty minutea hopefully no more pop ups .Dropped Helen off at Denby Dale Pie Hall they are having a psychic night , I will be watching England lose writing this before the game .England lost 2-1 they played better than the rest of the games they played in the tournament but not good enough anyway we came second runners up I guess its a win of sorts .

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 SATURDAY - Went to the Springs shopping mall we both bought a white linen shirt  Helens was £70 from Fat Face mine was £8 from H&M. Bought some fish and chips from Marks and Spencer's to oven cook I also got  some M&S  Piri Piri mayo as well as a scotch egg and pork pir slices with egg .Could fill a trolley up quite easily with all the great food they have on sale. England vs Switzerland was live on the radio .

SUNDAY - Liam Helen's son and his girlfriend Mel came to visit us for the first time we haven't  seen Liam in ages and we have never meet his girlfriend before although they have been together since last Christmas .

MONDAY - Back to work just for a week break up Friday for nine days off to say I cant wait would be a lie , Downloaded Amazon Prime photos have uploaded all the photos of my iPhone as long as you have the live subscription to Prime you get unlimited storage .

Sick of the weather summer is not happening the few days of sun is not enough its cold most days  it should be a lot warmer like the England football team and English politics its totally depressing .

In the next day we should hear who has won the camper van we entered the raffle months ago and its finally getting drawn on the 18th of July .Helen wants to go to Cheddar , Scotland and Ireland which suits me fine .

Sunday, July 07, 2024


 MONDAY - Back at work for my first shift wasn't too bad went fast enough four to go break up a week this Friday for another week off . 

TUESDAY - Went to work left  half hour early bad diarrhoea I went three times in the space of a couple of hours and it was getting worse each visit that  I made to the toilet . Plus I was getting stomach pains .

WEDNESDAY - Sick day the policy states got to be diarrhoea free for 24 hours , its 48 hours if its combined with vomiting , or so I thought .

Helen ordered some protein drinks to drink instead of eating  a a meal she ordered enough for twenty eight days to shakes a day .She also sent  samples of her for a sensitivity test  to be done they test for over 600 hundred different things from allergies to intolerances , both the shakes and test had a great saving a quarter of there normal price .

THURSDAY - Went back to work only to be told to go home as it is 48 hours clear not 24 hours and when I mentioned I was still loose was told to return Monday if fit to do so .Who am I to argue .

Tuesday, July 02, 2024


 SATURDAY - Won thirty pounds on the lottery so i put it all back did the Lotto , Euro Millions and thunder ball I have quite a few games over the next week fingers crossed.

  Its amazing how fast time goes when your not at work . Went to Golcar to drop off the lawn mower and wheel barrow we borrowed to do the garden .Had a small bottle of beer and a beef and spring onion sandwich .Went to Bolster farm shop bought to individual cheese cakes for only £2.50  ,  rum trifles and various bread cakes plus a out of this world quiche win win .

SUNDAY - Chill out day did naff all did some beef in the slow cooker , with dumplings and pancakes six and a half hours in the making twenty minutes to eat it .

Friday, June 28, 2024


 MONDAY - Went over to my Daughters house got there just before midday the sun was hot clear blue skies .We stopped on the way to buy some hedge cutters and a new spray attachment for the hose .

We cut down a load of overgrown bushes , ivy entwined with some other bush and two giant palm trees over fifteen foot tall which we also  trimmed back the lower leaves and there was loads of waste .We filled the brown bin  to the top as well a dozen green bin liners but the garden looked better , and the electric  horning that sits over the patio doors actually had room to extended out .

Josh came home from work and fired up the barbeque we had sausages , burgers , belly pork , chicken skewers and kebabs our first barbeque of the year and the first barbeque they had in their new home .

The best thing about no twilight shift is i can sit in the garden and see the night gradually get darker and see the solar lights we have scatted about the garden magically turn on , sometimes it the simple things that make the day special a added can of ice cold cider helps too .

FRIDAY - Speed awareness course completed was up really early .Took the dogs out just after six a.m it was cold .Got to the course venue at quarter past seven the course started at eight a good seventy five percent where men it was over just after eleven it was informative it made sense and I learnt a couple of things I didn't know prior to the course so and it was enjoyable not a total waste of time going , but hopefully I will never need to do another will cant for the next three years .

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 FRIDAY - Had some disturbing news regarding my son Guy if he carriers on doing what he is doing he will be dead before me , He is only 31 years old he has made bad life choices and he his heading on a path of destruction , with no way out . Until he decides that he needs professional help there is little or nothing at anyone can do for him .

Break up a whole nine days off got a few films to watch and a few audio books to listen to and a few eBooks to read and a few cans of pear cider to drink .

My Daughter arrived safely home from her wedding in Mauritius she is back home in her new house.

SATURDAY - Helen had readings in Halifax on the way back home we did some shopping before going to McDonalds we drove past Fox Valley the take away is just before you get on to the south bound stretch of the M1 heading for Sheffield .

SUNDAY - Went to the Springs outlet Helen bought some stuff from Fat Face and Next got a good discount using my blue light card .

Thursday, June 13, 2024


 THURSDAY - My daughters wedding on the Island of Mauritius went fine .The only snag was  they couldn't do a live feed the Island had no wi-fi so it was not possible but videos and pictures were soon online for us all to see .The location and ceremony was perfect they were both extremely happy may they both live happy ever after , forever and a day .Looking forward to their return to their new home they got before jetting off for their wedding.

Monday, June 10, 2024


 SATURDAY - Went to Dobcross garden centre Helen bought a few more plants and grasses she also bought a solar water fountain for £24.99 , hopefully we get to see it work the amount of sun we are getting is a joke its June feeling like January. Driving through Uppermill we saw a new fish restaurant we are planning on checking  it out in the next couple of weeks posh fish and chips .

SUNDAY - Went to Pie Hall at Denby Dale to see a couple of spiritualist they was ok we got there at six and it lasted a couple of hours the last half hour was open circle where anyone with a message can speak out ,Helen gave out a message to one of the spiritualists she was spot on the woman was impressed .On the way home we stopped at a pizza take away shop and got pizza and chips half and half of course i got doner meat and chilli's it was very good better than the last take away pizza we got from Holmfirth .

MONDAY - Received a Face time video  call from my daughter in Mauritius she was by the pool sipping cocktails in another four hours she will be married .Yesterday she was swimming with dolphins today m a few hours time on a beautiful tropical island with white sands , blue seas and palm trees Miss will become a Mrs .

Friday, June 07, 2024


 MONDAY -The fine weather we had over the weekend has disappeared back to cloudy skies with a threat of rain .Mind you would I really want to go to work if it was red hot do I really want to go to work anyway .

Found out two tradesmen I use to work with back in the day have  both died very depressing makes me want to change my life do things go places before its too late ,maybe its too late already scary thought .

After going to my daughters house yesterday made me realise my son is never going to get married never have a decent job with  a decent income or  house own a car or travel anywhere  because of his addiction ,its hard to understand how my daughter got it so right and my son so wrong guess its down to the individual .

TUESDAY - My daughter Tuesday flew in to Dubai from there made it safely to Mauritius  got to the hotel in the early evening so text me to say she was there .Hopefully she has a very enjoyable stay .

Monday, June 03, 2024


 FRIDAY - The weather is not improving I have a weeks leave on the 24th of June maybe the sun will appear for a few days and we can have a barbie in the garden so far we have had zero out door cooking .

Still not heard anything from my son its heading for six months without and contact cant understand his logic , no one has heard anything from him .His sister gats married next week and he has shown no interest in getting in touch with her .

She is also moving house hopefully it all goes through today its a five bedroom three bathroom house built at the start of 2000 quarter of a century ago .

SATURDAY - My daughter and he husband to be Josh got the keys to their new house let chaos ensue very stressful but also happy times moving into a new property .

Helen has nine readings to day two in the afternoon and seven in Almondbury later tonight be after midnight when she finishes .

SUNDAY - Went to Dirt Cheap Lants at North Anston Sheffield it is basically run from a house with loads of tropical plants for sale to the general public  ranging from a few pounds to hundreds of pounds Helen bought a couple of Cordylines .

After putting the plants in the garden we waited in Helen had sold her guitar I bought her years ago for £180 the man arrived at two paid the cash and left with a very decent Yamaha electric acoustic guitar .

We went to my daughters new house its five bedrooms three bathrooms over three floors the kitchen dinner is L-shaped with loads of storage we had a McDonalds with them helped Josh put two TVs on the wall hopefully they stay put hollow walls don't think they will move .The house is better than the photos its ideal there is major dislikes the area is near to the main street for shopping and the countryside for walking their dog Bee is just down the street an ideal combo.

Naughty us on the way home we went to McDonalds got five chicken stipes fries and a coke Helen got a fillet of fish meal with coke we got home just before nine o clock another weekend gone too fast .

Monday, May 27, 2024


 SUNDAY - Went over to see Helens parents blasted their patio while they went out to some local garden centres .The sun was out and for a change the sky was blue and it was hot .Just the right sort of afternoon to be messing around with water .

MONDAY - Did our patio again with the power washer got rid of some old marks and stains looking a lot better hopefully the sun lasts throughout the week .

SATURDAY - Went over to Leeds the M1 was shut due to a serious crash involving multiple cars we was going to Tong garden centre we ended up spending £125 on plants and sand stone rocks .

Had fish and chips for tea from the local chippy 

SUNDAY - Went over to my sisters house for a family gathering all the family was there apart from my son Guy which was upsetting .They had put a spread on burgers , chicken , pakoras and other nibbles cuscus and salad and strawberries and profiteroles .We ended up digging up a plant they didn't want they are redoing the garden it was hard work digging the Fatsia Japonica even harder getting it into the car but we did it eventually .

MONDAY - Booked my speed awareness course its at the end of next month save me getting the three points on my clean license .Planted the Japanese Japonica hopefully it likes its new home .

Monday, May 20, 2024


 SATURDAY - Drove Helen to Saltaire she had three readings to do it was a hours drive I had to be careful for the speed cameras , a letter from the poilice notice on intended prosecution for a speeding offence I was coming home from work the speed limit changes from forty mph to thirty mph it was 02,30 in the morning and i was tired and not paying attention I got flashed  by the speed camera the letter stated i was travelling at 35 mph I pass this camera every night for the last four years I know its there never mind I have zero points on my license for now , the joys of motoring .Every time I have zero points which i had from Novemebr last year before the year is out I end up getting points back on my licence .

Sunday, May 12, 2024


 SATURDAY - Back to the local garden centre bought the last two eight foot sleepers roughly eight by four inch once they are cut that's all the wood working completed no more lugging timber about .

Loaded the car up with more garden waste that's another job that should be fully done on of the bags stunk to high heaven it was pungent not sure why.

Helen had readings at four o'clock  at Meltham the rubbish tip is also located in Meltham it shuts at four she had reading at home to do between eleven ant two cool get to the tip then drop her of for her reading at four we left at ten past three .The road out of Holmfirth was closed for a parade we had to detour time was running out I had to get the smelly bag of garden waste out of the car .Long story short we made it and got rid of the waste why is it when you are in a rush you always get the worlds slowest driver in front of you but we made it never less made it .

Went to the supermarket on the way home after dropping Helen off bought cider coke and Dr Pepper also bacon and chicken legs going to pig out in the garden in the sun . 

SUNDAY -Bought another 12 bags of compost and five bags of natural tree bark and a red  Cordyline . Arriving back home unloaded the car and started putting down the  weed barrier and the bark chippings on top was supposed to get thunder storms yellow weather warning it's late afternoon and it's 21degrees could have had a barbeque , It is red hot , cold cider weather .

Friday, May 10, 2024


 SATURDAY - Bought another 10 x 50 litre bags of compost from the garden centre we also bought four freshly baked pork pies for tea so not just got a load of muck .They had some nice parasols .

MONDAY - Started taking the grass up used a rake to rip up the turf that was on netting it took a few hours o get it all up and into bags to take to the tip all the grass is up there is over 30 bin liners worth of soi land turf and worms .

TUESDAY - Laid out the weed liner pegged it into the ground and started to bring the stone chippings from the front of the house to the back one ton of stone and a couple of dozen barrow loads the stone chippings were in place I would have been struggling without the wheel barrow - Bought another two sleepers and six bags of Yorkshire cream stone chippings we are putting a four by four planter into the middle we will need another two sleepers and another eight bags of stone and some bags of plum slate .Made the base of the centre planter it was stained it black to match the rest of the sleepers .

WEDNESDAY - Brought the Japanese acer from the front of the house to the rear garden also moved the chiminea and water feature .Went to the tip get rid of the old turf netting and soil .

Saturday, May 04, 2024


THURSDAY - Bought another three sleepers will need another two to make eight in all that will complete all of the troughs .I also gave them the first coat of black Cuprinol duck back black which makes them stand out even more .

FRIDAY - All the sleepers are in position and are went to the garden centre bought 15 x 50 litre bags of compost the lad loading the car put us an extra two in hopefully this will be enough to fill them up .I need to give a wood a second coat of black then add the linier and then the tree bark .
Then we need sort out  anew water feature and then the pots and plants ferns etc .

Monday, April 29, 2024


 THURSDAY - After years at work I have finally been given a fleece to wear only took fifteen years .

FRIDAY - Unscrewed the two wooden seats and table and part of the veg trug took the timber to the tip to recycle .Will have to get rid of the soil/compost before I can dismantle the rest of the trug .

SATURDAY - Re-designing the garden putting in some new sleepers moving others finally getting rid of the grass the amount of rain we get its never been a great lawn its half mud half grass .We have used enough grass seed to reseed Wimbledon tennis court  .We have bought a liner and will use a stone gravel to cover it .We are also changing some of the plants and erecting a wooden arch hopefully it will only take a few days .That is depending on the weather .

SUNDAY -Helen is out working I went to pick up the liner and three eight foot 10x4 sleepers which I just got into the car. Dismantled the rest of the trug it was surprising how much soil was contained inside this will do to fill in the new sleeper areas ,to the old timber to the tip before it closed at four o 'clock..

Thursday, April 25, 2024


 SUNDAY - Entered a raffle to win a Luton box camper van we bought two tickets for five pound each the draw is in July or earlier if all the ticket allocation are sold fingers crossed .

Visited Helens parents we have not been over for a month so it was a nice visit we took the dogs they stayed in the garden .

TUESDAY - I ordered two pairs of shoes from what I thought was a dodgy website I paid using Pay Pal I thought I wouldn't get the shoes I did and they are  not that bad for £35 a pair they are ok hopefully they will last eighteen months if not longer .

THURSDAY - Roll on the weekend hopefully it will be sunny totally fed up with the weather and the potential for full scale world war 3 happening .

SATURDAY - Went to the Springs shopping mall Helen bought some different shades of denim jeans , I looked at suits need to get one for my daughters wedding last time i bought a suit was for mine over thirty years ago .It's not the best place for shops they do have a Marks and Sparks food hall which is good Meadowhall is a lot bigger and better .

Sunday, April 14, 2024


 THURSDAY - Took the dogs out  it was raining again everyday we are getting rain showers if not torrential it is annoying this as been going on since January nearly every day we have had rain . Cooked a full English breakfast and for the dogs I cooked them  chicken breast ,

FRIDAY - Dropped Helen of at Golcar at her friends house she had readings to do and wouldn't finish till around midnight I finished work at 02.00 for the  first time in ages I was home alone I watched a bit of You Tube before going to sleep .

SATURDAY - Picked Helen up just before 11.00  her friend dropped her of in Holmfirth at 09.00 she had an appointment for her nails doing I picked her up .We went to Oldham to Tesco stocked up on tin food mainly meats Spam , Pec and  cooked ham .We also bought sausages , bacon , baked beans , tomatoes and hash browns .We also bought bread flour and yeast we need to get the bread machine dusted off .

SATURDAY WEEKEND 2 - Have not posted in a while nothing great has happened had a d.o.a come in the hospital with the police and csi he had died in a house fire he died of smoke inhalation and suffered no burns he was dragged out by a neighbour but still ended up dead a smoke alarm would have more than likely saved his life .

Helen had readings to do in Castleford from half past two i stayed in the car I was brought over a coffee I watched John Travolta in "Swordfish"  as well as "Crank" and "The Dark Knight" .After we went to the Barracuda for fish and chips we ate them in the car .

" ONLY THE DEAD SEE THE END OF THE WAR " is a quote by Plato that  I saw today very appropriate and  very true .

The photo above is of Billy The Kid it sold for $5 million could you imagine if he had any idea he be truly dumbfounded useless piece of information , makes you wonder who would spend that sort of money on this guess i have just saved my self five million 

Wednesday, April 03, 2024


 FRIDAY - My son has been released from prison yet again I don't know where he is he as not attempted to make contact the only reason we know is he bumped into someone he knew who is good friends with his sister and she was good enough to let my daughter know she had seen him he was in the city centre just after midday and  apparently he didn't look good , she said he had a couple of missing teeth more than likely due to fighting .Until he contacts us directly I have no way of talking to him to find out exactly what he is doing .

SATURDAY - Some friends called up from down south Debbie and Craig they had brought Helen a bottle of Bailey's and i recieved some cans of Koppaberg peat greatlly appreciated . We  all went out to the Local for a meal it was medioca at best not impressed three off us ordered the beer battered fish the batter was not cooked correctly , we did not make a fuss it was edible but only a 5/10.

MONDAY - Went to visit my daughter took over some Easter eggs for the grand kids she was reading a book by Freida McFadden "The Housemaid " she said it was good I downloaded it when i returned home , and I cant put it down its an excellent read if your struggling to find something to read go for it .I will download another book I enjoy Shari Lapena books this author is as good .

Friday, March 29, 2024


 SATURDAY - I cannot go visit my Son I need to be on his contacts list if I am not added I cant go also I need to be on this list to even ring him so if he does not update his list I have no chance of going , not that I really wanted to go which father wants to visit his son behind bars .

Helen went to her friends house Sophie to do a cleansing and Helen I dropped her off when I picked her up hours late that night I went home with  a home made chicken curry and nan bread I wasn't complaining and honestly it was good .

SUNDAY - Went to Oldham to a Tesco Extra it was massive plus had a wide choice of food both fresh and frozen we bought a joint of pork and some greens for Sunday dinner  we have never shopped here before we both liked it plus load sof offers using the club card .

THURSDAY - Went to the funeral of a lady who worked nights cleaning the operating theatres attended the service then went to the cemetry to say our final goodbyes , I was given a rose to throw into her grave it landed at the side of her coffin hopefully she is now at peice , 

After I left before goin gto work for my evening shift I went to a local fish shop and got fish and chips and curry sauce it was ok I then drove to work .

Friday, March 22, 2024


 WEDNESDAY - The funeral service for the lady who works nights cleaning theatres is next week on the 28th she is getting buried near to the house Helen and I bought years ago on the Green Hills  when we first stated out together I am so glad we don't live there anymore as most parts of the inner city have . The house had a massive kitchen dinner with patio doors opening on to the back garden we also  renovated the bathroom the only thing left to update was the front bay windows .To this day I don't think the windows have been touched , they were on the way out when we lived there fifteen years ago .

THURSDAY - Received a hand written letter from my son Helen told me I would have contact from him last week she rightly predicted it be on the 20th or 21st I received his letter on the 21st she was 100% accurate .The letter was from Prison he is back inside I have requested a visitors pass for Saturday 30th of March at two in the afternoon I am visiting him with Helen lets see what excuses and new promises he has thought up to excuse his bullshit previous promises that he made about behaving staying clean  and going straight getting into work  and getting his life back on track it never happened I honestly don't think it will happen this time round  , but I will be happy to be proven wrong .

Watched the Bob Marley film "One Love" I remember Bob dying I heard it on the radio I was devastated I was upset for weeks the death of a legend he was my favourite artist of the time  I had his last six albums his Legend albums has been in the U,K charts for the last 26 years 1370 weeks and off course there is Ziggy , Stephen and Damion keeping the music going .I enjoyed the film .

I have the entire series of Guy Ritchie's "The Gentlemen" to watch as well as Road House and The Walking Dead "The Ones That Live"..

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


 WEDNESDAY - A friend who grow up in the street I lived as a child and knew for my first thirteen years of life has died from cancer everyone knows someone who is in the process of fighting cancer or has did from cancer and yet every moth the news is reporting miracle pills that kill cancer cells a load of government  propaganda .

FRIDAY - Break up tonight for a week a whole nine days off and I am looking forward to every day not at work 

SATURDAY - Pressure washed the patio and planters , pots and other things I fancied blasting I was soaked by the end  specially my feet I need wellies . At four p.m. I dropped Helen of at Penistone she had readings to for seven people .I picked her up four hours later.

SUNDAY - Went to Meadow Hall to the shop I hate the most Primark we was not in there long Helen knew more or less what she wanted  cooking a Sunday dinner a chicken joint and a piece of gammon with Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes .

MONDAY - Messed around with the Das clay Helen had bought we did numerous things it passed a few hours it was quite good fun we need to perfect certain skills when it comes to modelling , like everything Fish and chips with a battered sausage for tea was the highlight of the day .

TUESDAY - Pressure washe rout again tis time I did the front patio  which is a lot bigger i blasted out a full bucket of moss and weeds from the cracks in the  block paving I will need to get some fine sand and sweep it in to the cracks as soon as it is dry .

Started watching the new series of Wlking Dead The Ones Who Live see how it goes hopefully better the the plain old walking dead .

Sunday, March 10, 2024


 Have been playing Wolfenstein New Order I have advanced quite a way through the game there was a couple of points I struggled on and was not sure what I had to do next but I battled on killed the Nazis and continued on .The only trouble I have is I tend to get motion sickness when I stop the gaming I play propped up on the bed on a Samsung 55 inch wall mounted tv so I don't know what the issue is .

Doctors aren't sure exactly why video games cause motion sickness. They think it might have to do with mismatched messages about movement that the brain gets from the eyes and inner ears. Liquid in the semi circular of your inner ear  allows you to sense if you're moving. But the brain can get confused if your inner ear senses that you're sitting still while your eyes see the action on the screen and tell the brain you're moving. That may leave you feeling sick, dizzy, or drowsy.

The lady who retired sadly passed away early hours of Saturday morning wouldn't it be  a great gesture from the U.K government if the gave the family some cash from the pension she will never claim one penny from for them to give some cash from the pot back to the family to  pay for the cost of her funeral, She paid her taxes and national insurance the government keeps the lot as she has no living husband ,The game of life has finished the final chapter ended my she meet the final boss up in the sky .

Friday, March 08, 2024


 MONDAY - No good crying it's back to work this evening never mind can't be happy forever no rainbows with out rain .

We had a lady working on nights she has been doing her shift twenty plus years a couple of weeks back she retired she left with a moderate lump sum and weekly pension from her works pension fund .

This week she has been diagnosed with untreatable cancer ,  this Saturday God willing she will go home for palliative end of life care she has days and hours rather than months and weeks her life change from thank you Lord to why me life isn't fair but sometimes we do question is there a God and why .

I know many don't even make retirement age but she had crossed the winning line only to find out its her last race ever to say a lot of people at work are sad is an understatement . Don't make big plans for when you retire make plans for this week next month but don't look too far in to the future no one is guaranteed one .


Monday, March 04, 2024


 FRIDAY - We had more snow it laid to about two inches I manage to get out just as it was starting bought eggs , bacon , sausages and bread cakes .I then went to the corner shop and bought milk and 40 cigarettes.

The snow will go in a couple of days cant see it getting any worse the main roads will be clear , we live in a massive cul-de-sac so we don't get any grit wagons so the snow always stays around for a couple of days.

SATURDAY - Sorted Helens wardrobe out she got rid of a load of clothes we took them to the recycling bins at the supermarket including shoes towels and bedding .It all went in there it was after I finished unloading the boot that I noticed a sticker saying that it all had to be in bags oops never mind  . 

Cooked to steak pies , chips and baked beans for tea most of the snow is gone there is some still on the hills and in the fields but the roads are clear .

SUNDAY - Went over to see Helens parents we had dinner with them and stayed most of the afternoon it was dark when we got back home , the dogs were over joyed to see us back to work tomorrow evening break up for a week in a fortnight 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


 MONDAY - I have the week off work I am back then for two weeks and I have another week off I know I get loads of holidays I ain't moaning .Helen as loads of readings to do I have the Netflix series Formula one drive to survive to watch .I use to watch Formula one religiously following Nigel Mansell then Damon Hill but lost interest as the rules changed and the TV channels changed it was not as good .

TUESDAY - Did a food shop bought a curry some fried chicken pieces sweet pots , coffee , brown sugar pear cider .as well as a turkey joint , chicken , lamb shanks and a gammon joint as well as frozen fries , hash browns , mash potatoes and other stuff .

WEDNESDAY - Went to McDonalds for breakfast I prefer the brekkie menu then the burger menu had a double sausage and egg mc muffin and a coffee was ok couldn't eat more than once a month had better coffee it was drinkable .Went to M&S over the road bought scones , hot cross buns , duck la orange pate some chutney butter and shortbread biscuits .Bought Rosie and Bailey some more soft toys  some treats and some dog biscuit's .

Went over to Cleckheaton  to see Helens son at the barbers shop he works at when he had finished his client we all went for a coffee half of it is a wine / gin bar the coffee was good we have arranged to go for Sunday dinner one weekend Liam is going to cook for us.

The game that I ordered from  Ebay was posted through the letter box "Wolfenstein Young Blood Deluxe Edition " started playing it already stuck need a code to open the doors on the zeppelin cheated it just want to shoot em up .


Monday, February 26, 2024


 SATURDAY - Did a twelve hour shift four hours overtime finished  Saturday morning at 06.00 a/m got home just before seven cooked a fried spam and egg sandwich and made a coffee .I didn't go to bed Helen had a nail appointment at 10.45 seemed pointless I took her down and drove back home I laid out on the sofa until it was time to pick her up a couple of hours later .

We ended up driving to Sheffield to Meadow Hall it was after five when we got there Helen bought some tops , vests and leggings from Primark and a couple of tops from Fat Face . On the way home we stopped at the local Holmfirth chippy and got two fish one bag of chips a large battered sausage two bread cakes and a carton of peas and a carton of curry sauce for me .I was really tired watched some You Tube be for going to bed just before midnight .

SUNDAY - Went and bought some provisions we needed I was going to cook a beef cobbler for Sunday dinner .I needed swede , carrots , beef mince . onion , as well as coffee , pear cider , coke , dog and cat food and bread .The picture below is a stock photo I forgot to take a picture but needless to say it was legend , we had Yorkshire pudding and air fried chips and loads of gravy 


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also ...