Sunday, July 07, 2024


 MONDAY - Back at work for my first shift wasn't too bad went fast enough four to go break up a week this Friday for another week off . 

TUESDAY - Went to work left  half hour early bad diarrhoea I went three times in the space of a couple of hours and it was getting worse each visit that  I made to the toilet . Plus I was getting stomach pains .

WEDNESDAY - Sick day the policy states got to be diarrhoea free for 24 hours , its 48 hours if its combined with vomiting , or so I thought .

Helen ordered some protein drinks to drink instead of eating  a a meal she ordered enough for twenty eight days to shakes a day .She also sent  samples of her for a sensitivity test  to be done they test for over 600 hundred different things from allergies to intolerances , both the shakes and test had a great saving a quarter of there normal price .

THURSDAY - Went back to work only to be told to go home as it is 48 hours clear not 24 hours and when I mentioned I was still loose was told to return Monday if fit to do so .Who am I to argue .

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3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...