Saturday, August 17, 2024


FRIDAY - Had to take Helen to the doctors with her hiatus hernia long story short they basically told us to go to Huddersfield A&E Department we got there just after half past three.
I had to ring in at work let them know I wouldn't be coming in for my shift at six p.m. , what can I do I know they cant cover it at such short notice but I don't have any other options .
They did her temperature , blood pressure then they took her bloods after this Helen had a i.v drip and other medicine's put into her i.v line they had to re-take her bloods because her potassium levels where too high , this can happen if the torniquet is too tight when drawing the blood , which I think was the case because the second sample came back fine .They did a Ecg that was ok so we was free to go home it was just half past seven o under four hours not a bad result . 

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3 IN 1

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