Tuesday, April 01, 2014


Parking tickets I received through work is  still ongoing should find out more this week , so far I feel its 40/60 in favour that I will have to pay up fcuking typical.

Claim for the accident and car crash  is still being processed and ongoing too, I heard from our solicitors today who are fighting on our behalf and we  should hear more over the next fortnight.

I picked up a frog today it had its young on its back it was in the garden , the dog was showing interest in it so i picked them both up together , and moved them somewhere safer it was only after i had done this that i realised i had not wet my hands prior to handling them  , i don't know if this is a old house wives tale or is a must  , I will have to google it and see , i would hate to cause them any harm or stress how ever small if it was unavoidable.

The first two photos bellow taken with the Ricoh i borrowed of my sister .

If you look closely at the photo below you can make out two frogs i don't think they was mating and the did not attempt to leave each other as i picked them up to move them out of harms way,Goggle says no you don't hurt frogs by dry hands , it can cause them stress to be handled and stress does kill frogs.

Fourth week on sick still not bored one bit , specially today as it has been quite sunny and warm .

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3 IN 1

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