Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Didn't do anything much yesterday , am i missing work answer is  no as it's always the case if your at home more you need more money to spend because you have more time to go places and do stuff.

The parking fines i occurred at work parking out of hours is still on going i feel i am being stitched up  the solicitors acting for the trust say i have fourteen days before they take me to court as i have only parked when told to do so i am adamant i should not have to pay any parking fines it;s fcuking annoying  and is pissing me off big time.I spoke with my Line manager and she is sending me emails tomorrow that i should have had access to months ago what they say i have no idea until tomorrow , but  i have a feeling it won't be in my favour  and i am being backed in to a corner if it is i am serious looking for a new position at a new company the trouble is age its not in my favour.

Today be it so ever brief it did start to snow the temperature dropped it is quite old and no doubt will drop even more , hopefully it is just a temporary.

Made and appointment for physiotherapy but not until the 9th of April .

Listening to - Elton John 4oth Anniversary edition "Yellow Brick Road"

Watching - "300 Rise Of An Empire" great film not impressed with the ending

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