Helen wants to sell the house she mentioned it again this morning i don't think the timing is right just now , but hey ho if that's what she wants will do it , i think it will take a couple of years to sell it anyway in this current market and we would be lucky to sell it this side of Christmas. At the end of the day there is other places to live and it makes no difference as long as we agree to where we want to live.Also we can clear our debts and maybe end up with cash in the bank and move on to pastures new , part ownership might be the way to go so its not all dead money.
They should be affordable housing for everyone , and every one should have the right to buy a house if they want to , it annoys me there is little or no help for people struggling and who are surviving on a low income , for them at some stage to own their own house and home , as every ones basic right is to be able to work for a living , the right to food , warmth ,clothing and shelter.
There is too many people homeless and living rough living in poverty and starving and we are classed a a civilised country that we watch people starving to death each year on the T.V and you tube , yet still spend millions on weapons of mass destruction , i really should find a deserted part of the rain forest or tropical island and live there rather in this god forsaken place called England.
Anyway nothing stays the same in the pond or the lily pad for long perhaps we yet to find our true place we will call home , trouble is the clock is always ticking i need to feel that i have stability and roots that being out down uncertainty is distressing and having no money depressing , perhaps a minimalistic lifestyle is the answer have only what you need nothing to excess.
Thank god we both get paid midnight Thursday as we have no funds in the pig to spend we have food Helen as cigs and i have my weekly bus ticket and the pets have food but no eating out no ebaying no shopping until the cash is in the bank the lottery tickets bought and fingers crossed.
The weather is back to its grey dull self , at least so far its not rained but there is a storm on the horizon no doubt.
Thinking about :- Noodles with curry duck.
Watching :- You Tube documentaries about Japan.
Wanting :- Happiness for every one.
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