Sunday, July 29, 2012


Today Sunday the day of rest we cleaned the house top to bottom including the cellar which although only small looked like a bomb site anyway got rid of all the spiders not sure about the mice i know they are down there or where down there not sure there is bags that have been eaten and shredded to use for nests ,they might have moved out already , we have in the past set mouse traps and killed two to three.

Just been on pcworlds web site they are selling the blackberry playbook 32gig for £149 0r the 16gig for £129 , so now i am really getting so i don't know what i want which is the best for the money , as far as i am to believe blackberry use there on o/s and have there own apps , so maybe i should not bother with them and stick with android decisions decisions wont be buying any this month due to the car costing what it did such is life , unless i sell it then get a i-pad hehe.

i have done nothing worth mentioning this weekend , i know Helen is chuffed we cleaned the house specially the cellar she is with her niece who is leaving her partner after years of being with him , so is moving in to a rented house , he has not worked in the last five , six ,seven years he does not go out the front door and he plays on the x-box all day or he is on his laptop all day , he drinks too much and is now being abusive , he has started kicking off at two and three in the morning after a session on the ale and he as pushing her around so that she falls over he is also threatening her , she was planing on moving out this coming Wednesday she as a let a terrace house but instead she is now moving out tonight with the kids and staying at her mothers , until she can pick up the keys and move in to her new house , when she goes round to night after she has finished work at the hospital and goes to pick some possessions up and the children , if he is difficult with her i am on stand by to go kick his arse should he step out of line.

Loads of people for years have been telling her he is a low life although the house is on a mortgage she really does not care , she justs want to be away from him and be on her own with the kids.
Starting again with nothing , we have been in the same boat you can amass a lot in a few years everything is replaceable in time,its fun having nothing because the one thing you do have is a clean canvas.

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