Tuesday, November 29, 2022


TUESDAY - First time this autumn the car was frosted over and the fields I walk my dogs looking white Rosie as yet to see her first snow wonder if she will like it probably not she is too low to the ground and has only littlest of legs she is skinny to won't I am guessing she won't like the snow one bit .

Went to Sheffield to Hobby craft also went to Food Warehouse got some frozen pasties and other bits prices still going up .

I finally got my new 8gb of memory delivered today so I went and opened up my MacBook Pro so I could fit the new hard drive and the new 2 sticks of 4gb of memory the only issue I had I couldn't find a screw drive bit for the hard drive retaining screws so I used my Leatherman pliers to undo the four side securing screws new drive refitted the new memory fixed .Put back on the base plate and rebooted it loaded perfect and both items showing up  in "About This Mac" all new items  detected .  It is  like having a new laptop I am 100% totally impressed so much fast at loading programs and web pages amazing . I put the old drive into the caddy that  I bought that is also being detected all is running fine all is good. For the same size hard drive fitting and the iOS installing on Helens Mac book cost over £200. 

I am that impressed how this turned out I am thinking of buying a 17 inch Mac Book 2012 model and upgrading that with a 1tb ssd drive and 16 gb of memory .


 SUNDAY - My cable to connect my ssd drive to my MacBook via usb came I formatted the disk and installed Catalina on to it and wow what an improvement it is now super fast I  can't believe how fast it is compared to my normal hard drive disc why the fcuk  I didn't do this ages ago I don't know  its like having a brand new laptop .

Re-installed Vlc and Spotify logged in to YouTube and Ebay as well as Amazon , Instagram , Facebook and Yahoo , its amazing what you are signed in on .

Tomorrow I get my new memory sticks I will put the new ssd drive into my Mac book as well as  the new 2x 4gb sticks of memory . I have also ordered a new caddy for the old  drive so I can access the content on it .

MONDAY - Went to Wentworth garden centre bought a fir tree garland pre lit for the top of the fire surround a table runner and tea towels that where Christmas themed with robins and snow , Christmas is an expensive time of the year .

My hard drive caddy came but no memory its had a lapse forgot to come it will be either tomorrow or the day after I don't want to open up my Mac book anymore times then is needed I am still using the new ssd drive externally for the time being its as good.

For tea we had chicken breast with bacon and brie cheese and cranberry sauce done in freshly baked batons would have been better with fries as well and a pear cider .

Helens inserts for her Filofax also came from Ebay and she as more on the way I might buy a second hand one because of the amount of inserts there will be enough to fill three Filofax's.

Sunday, November 27, 2022


 WEDNESDAY -  Took the back of my Mac Book Pro I have a selection of tech drivers there are three longer screws I marked the holes that these came out of .The inside seem cleaner than I expected a slight bit of dust on the bottom case once I removed it I just wiped it clean it was nearly dust free I will order the new hard drive on Friday if I install it and reinstall iOs ok I will order 2 x 8g of memory once that is fitted and is showing up ok I will order a new battery that will be in the new year hopefully the it will be as good as new or will get terminated to the rubbish bin.

Looks like I am picking my som Guy up so we can get the rest of his belongings from the static home he lived in more than likely it will be Saturday in the morning rather than the afternoon hopefully all goes well .

FRIDAY - Five days off work don't go back until next Thursday will do for me .

SATURDAY - Picked up my  son up from his new home with Helen and we all went over to York to where he use to work and live to collect the rest of his stuff I am glad he took time out and was bothered to go there was somethings from his mother I knew he would miss if he hadn't got them back as he had been left well over six months he was lucky it had not been cleared out .

We got all his stuff apart from a bike and a old hi-fi unit which he gave to one of his neighbours who ia  still working there .

Monday, November 21, 2022


THURSDAY - We had snow at the end of last November I don't think it is cold enough yet but it could all change in the next couple of weeks I will be out with the cameras then I cant wait to get some white out photos , with my cameras and iPhone 

I think we are going to have a chilled out Christmas at home just us and the dogs as its on a Sunday I will be at home.  Next year I might  have to work it as its on a week day not sure what is on the menu we better decide time is flying .

FRIDAY - Went to Ikea at Sheffield to buy a new rug for the living room as  Rosie as chewed the one we have  we keep cutting the strands back and it is not looking too good  so Helen has the money for a new one its different than the one we have and the edges are over stitched hopefully will remain that way .

Helen also wanted to buy a new Christmas tree a green only one it is pre-lit with 300 lights we will need a bigger loft we have four tress to fit up there a slim one a 7ft green with snow effect on the branches a half tree and the new 7ft all green tree hopefully no more .

SATURDAY - Put the icicle lights up around the front of the house was just able to do it using step ladders and some stick on cable clips from our next door neighbour Adam took around thirty minutes twenty to untangle them and ten to hang them .

We then did the room tree or Helen did we know its early but wtf its up to us hopefully Rosie leaves it well along .

SUNDAY - Went out for Sunday dinner to the Fleece at Holme we have been there before the food is really good I once again had the steak and ale pie with roasties and a Yorkshire pudding it was was filling the pie was better than the one I had last week we meet Julie and her husband Peter we decided for Christmas dinner we would go to a Indian restaurant for a curry  in Wakefield we will cook a turkey either Christmas Eve or Boxing Day 

WATCHING -  House of The Dragon , Really enjoying the story line its as good as G.O,T.

Thursday, November 17, 2022


 Found a brand new pocket Filofax in my draw I bought of eBay a few years ago I am going to get a diary insert for it and some note pages and plastic wallets and start using it .

THURSDAY - The weather is wet and windy the last few days twicw it has been a no go taking the dogs out they miss their daily walk and to be honest I do , it wakes me up if I feel groggy which is most mornings I walk the dogs then home I have a coffee and cook breakfast its a broken routine if I don't do this .

Put the scaffold board shelving up in the bathroom the brackets came I cut the sboars to lenght using my chop saw it can cut up to a ten inch width .I stained them fixed the brackets positioned the shelves and screwed the shelfs to the brackets just over a hours job .They look good even If I do say so myself .The hollow wall is always suspect when it comes to fixing objects they sent some black inch and a quarter screws and white  plugs they where only a 6 diameter but they seem to tighten alright the holes in the brackets where not counter sunk hopefully they are secure enough in the weeks to come .One of the boards as the metal strap nd end strap left om and is also stamped at the end with a serial number into the edge of the wood I'm my opinion adding to the overall character .

Sunday, November 13, 2022


 SATURDAY  - Went to B&M bought some coffee pods for the Dolce Gusto its been a while since I bothered d, I also got a large jar of Kenco and some Nescafe cappuccino sachets alright for coffee for a while .Helen bought two white boxes for the toilet rolls one for each toilet I assembled them whilst I was cooking tea .

SUNDAY - Took the dogs on a long walk took my bridge camera out the battery went dead I only took twenty or so photos . For the picture below where from my iPhone a great back up and to be honest as good .

We went out for lunch for Sunday dinner at the Boshaw Trout we had booked it last week .We went with a couple of friends Julie and Peter I had steak and ale pie with tripled cooked chips and peas the rest  had the Sunday lunch option Helen had the roast beef brisket nd we all had desert it was £90 for the four of us.

WATCHING - 28 Days Haunted and House of The Dragon .

Friday, November 11, 2022


 FRIDAY - It's been a uneventful few days take the dogs out every morning go to work come home , shower go to bed when it was Wednesday I thought was  Thursday and Thursday  I thought it was Friday and Friday I am thinking its Saturday not sure why there is a glitch in the matrix perhaps .

Yesterday we shared some great fish and chips we ate them in the car I bought us a bread cake each that was the high point of yesterday . the low point Helen broke her rosary beads she has had them years since we first got together they where my mums we need to repair them the links are so fine my eyesight so not  .

Bought a new camera strap for my Lumix bridge camera its black and white canvas and its really cool it only cost me a fiver but the quality pretty good a greta find thanks Ebay .

LISTENING TO - Stormzy. 

WATCHING - Smile the latest horror film of 2022.

READING - Camera operating instructions ,

Tuesday, November 08, 2022


 MONDAY - Thinking of getting my Mac book upgraded have picked out a new ssd hard drive 480 gb along with  16 gb of memory and a new battery the total cost of the parts is coming in at just over £125.Thats if I fit it myself , i think I can , well hopefully I can if I fcuk up its a new laptop.

Cooked a slow joint of pork will have it around four o clock before I leave for work .

Me and Helen might eventually be getting married if we do it will be a very low key event Her , me and two witnesses and if the dogs could be witnesses would suite me fine .

This Christmas is the fifteen one that we have spent together from a city apartment in the centre of Leeds in 2007 to a stone built house in Holmfirth in 2022 , How the time has flown how things have change how events have occurred and the path we walk down has changed direction and branched off leading us where it will .

This will be the forth Christmas that my ex wife will not see how the time has flown its so fcuking scary there is not enough time if you live until a hundred never mind if live ends prematurely too much shit to do too many pictures to take .

TUESDAY - My camera from Ebay arrived it looks in  mint condition and works just fine I  will charge the batteries and read the manual hopefully I will learn how everything works  , I will get a better neck strap for it and might get a case but its ok for now I have taken some photos and they are good enough in fact they are excellent I am a happy snapper once again . It connects to my pc fine and downloads the photos pretty fast and if I upgrade my Mac book it will be a lot faster.

Sunday, November 06, 2022


 THURSDAY - The new kitchen tap is fitted it took just fifteen minutes more or less a straight swap no mess no fuss and its working fine most of all no more dripping or at least for now .


 SUNDAY - Went for a walk with the dogs both had their new harnesses on I walked fathe rthan I planned the sun was out and I went on a walk that Rosie had nor walked befor e, it was longer than I remembered .

But the sun was out the fields lush green and the trees changing to reds and browns to say it was a fantastic morning was an understatement an added bonus I had no cats following me they where both at home .

These where taken on my iPhone I did not have the pocket Panasonic with me as I was not planning on walking this way I took loads more photos but cant put them all in this post a lot more photos on my Instagram at the following https://www.instagram.com/bobyea16/

Went over to Helens parents in Acaster Malbis on the way home I saw the first fireworks for the 5th of November I got engaged years ago on the fifth so if nothing else there would always be fire works , I was right 

Saturday, November 05, 2022


 FRIDAY - Bought a pay now camera of Ebay its a Panasonic Lumix DMC - FZ7 the box has been opened but the camera as hardly been used  it also comes with two batteries and a memory card it is only 6 million pixels with  12 x zoom and with delivery as well it was still  under forty pounds . It should be with me for Tuesday .I had a Lumix bridge camera years ago as well as a Fuji Finepix bridge camera which did excellent pictures .My first digital camera was a Canon A300 which I was very happy with .

SATURDAY - Went and bought the dogs new harnesses and collars we also bought them a new bed I was looking at getting a new extendable lead will look on Amazon .
Cooked a lasagne for tea with chips and home made garlic bread .

Wednesday, November 02, 2022


     MONDAY - Checked my lottery ticket for Saturday night I had won thirty pounds for three lucky numbers half way there its the highest amount I have won on lottery ticket since I started playing it in 1994 we thought it be so easy to win that it be just a matter of time lol how naive I was lol .

2 x beef mince. 

2 x onions 

I x cabbage 

3 x carrots 

1 x bag frozen scampi 

2 x fresh chicken curries .

I x large Lurpack  butter.

I x brown bread 

1x white bread 

1x 40 packet box dog food .

I x pouring cream {still got apple pie to eat }

I x fresh orange juice 

2 x lasagne sauce tomato 

2 x  lasagne sauce white 

I x frozen mash 

4 x canned tomatoes 

The above just over £50 prices keep going up every week money goes less further than the week before .

WEDNESDAY - Went to the hair dressers had my hair cut by Will it only takes fifteen minutes went to put the lottery on for the Euro Millions this Friday night £131 million its more than enough I would share it out if I won such a large amount be rude not to .

Got home my Lumix camera I won on eBay for £43 had arrived it came with two batteries and a 2gb sd card and its scratch free and works just fine highly impressed when new this camera cost £350 .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...