Sunday, December 31, 2017

HAPPY 2018

SATURDAY - Went over to Halifax Piece Hall , piece of crap what a white elephant it is no better than it was two years ago after all the money spent there are no more shops the empty shops are twice as many as shops selling goods the only good thing parking was easy no people are bothering to go , the council needs to reduce the cost of the  rents so more shop owners want to trade there .

SUNDAY - Went to Ilkley bought a light blue and white stripped shirt in the sale at Fat Face for less than half price .
Cooking a chicken roast dinner with all the trimmings Helen is not well we was supposed to be going out to a neighbouring van for New Years eve but I doubt we will go .

Happy new year to everyone who reads this blog ,  in all the countries around the world , here's wishing and praying that hopefully we will all be around for another year , so all the best to everyone for 2018 , lets stop the killing and stop all people dying of hunger and diseases , lets stop all the terrorist activity and the loss of innocent lives m do our best to save the planet and respect all living life Amen.

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