Thursday, June 29, 2017


From getting up it has rained all day it as not relented one little bit even the cats are feed up they have been house bound all day .
We went out late afternoon we visited Pc world to look at the tech just to get out they had some great 55' Samsung tv's the iPad Pro looks good too cheaper than a new Mac book .

Bought a spring assisted knife of the Internet it is only  a three inch long  blade , and I bought it because I wanted the nearest thing to a flick knife switchblade that I could legally buy in the U.K and not because I am some sort of knife fiend thug  , I can and could buy a lot sharper and more lethal butcher knife or skinner knife  at any kitchen ware shop including meat cleavers.

Bought four bottles of Jack Daniels cider for £6 from Asda I like the taste it is different you can taste the bourbon flavour as well as recognizing  that it's a cider .

Car trouble yet again the back tyres are wearing down yet again we only had new ones fitted in March this year I took the car into Kwik Fit for an inspection and  they said that my back axle is bent they can order one from Italy and fit it for a whopping £1250 plus the cost of two new tyres another £100 , I have booked the car into a proper garage to see what the issue is , I can't see how  I have bent the axle .

I am phoning my car finance up to see if I can have more money to swap the car and I will part ex it and get another motor if not I will look at repairing it but not at Kwik fit .

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Went to Pizza Express for a mid afternoon feast in the Trinity centre  at Wakefield .We had £50 worth of food and it cost us nothing I had a voucher for thirty pound from my Daughter as a gift on fathers day and 40% voucher from Vouchercloud .The posh pizzas and polenta chips went down with a bottle of coke and a portion of tiramisu it was very nice I usually have kebab meat on my pizza it was a nice change .
Have some Jack Daniel's cider  in the fridge , it is for the time being only available in the U.K and is nice it might not replace my taste for pear cider but its a refreshing change .

First day off went to Marks and Sparks bought some breaded cod and frozen chips for tea , Helen had a reading .

Raining again drove over to Meadow Hall at Sheffield I bought some cargo shorts from USC and a NY baseball cap in a similar washed out grey the cap was dearer than the shorts how do you work that out obviously there is more material in the shorts specially with my waistline but no ones head is as big as their waist .
Also bought some toiletries shower gel was on offer so I got two , hair gel , shaving gel and deodorant , I also bought  ten pairs of socks in black and another four  more t-shirts two in a dark navy blue and two in a olive green , and just to put the final damper  on summer I bought a pair of shades .

In the evening we went to a local Inn the Kaye Arms I had the braised lamb with mash potatoes and red cabbage  with excellent tasting gravy obviously with a pint of cider  and Helen had the beer battered fish with hand cooked chips it was excellent food which matched the  service we have eaten there before and will  be going  back .

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Have been watching Glastonbury George Ezra and Lorde where both great the crowd immense it is live on the BBC , but you can use Iplayer and catch up o n most of the bands and artist playing .I want to see Liam Gallagher and the Kaiser Chiefs set.

We went over to Dob Cross at Saddleworth went to the baker's the have change the steak and onion pies the are more flatter and larger nice is not the word , carrot cake exceptionally tasty all for a couple of quid .
We drove back over the moor and went to the Fleece at  Holme sat out front and had a pint of Thatchers cider Helen her usual half lager and lime , to be honest it was cold we ended up going back inside .

Arriving back to the van late after noon I watered all the plants , hanging baskets and bags .
early evening we went to the Reindeer pub at Overton a few miles away with our good friends Sharon and Ken . Helen for a change had the scampi I had the chicken curry with triple cooked chips to be honest the food is 100% home cooked and is excellent Gordon Ramsey would eat there .
Country pubs there is nothing like them , they are welcoming friendly the food usually fresh and well cooked and fairly priced and sadly not very full of people .

Well I have two weeks leave plus I get paid Monday night think we are going to the coast Tuesday with my twin sister Anne .

Friday, June 23, 2017


TUESDAY - Back to my normal shift pattern of two - ten finishing at ten will be like the middle of the afternoon rest of the week should fly by , which means two weeks leave and pay day will arrive more quickly.

I was in the supermarket this morning at half past two buying salmon and tuna the tinned kind they are both nice in a freshly baked wholemeal loaf with mayonnaise and black pepper specially when it is hot .
I also bought tinned chili and baking potatoes .

For Fathers day my lovely Daughter bought me a gift card for Pizza Express a great gift  we might go to one of their restaurants this weekend maybe on Sunday for an afternoon tea .

It is Thursday already I break up Friday for a fortnight and it is payday Tuesday I can't wait for both I have enough petrol to get me to work today and tomorrow with a few miles left over .Helen has done very little work her phone readings have stopped and one to one readings have dried up it's been a hard month.
The cats and dog are on the cheaper tins of meat and are not happy we are making do with jacket potatoes  , tuna , pasta  , and the pork , sausages and bacon and eggs that we have in the fridge we won't starve I have plenty of coffee and milk , we might go to Pizza Express on Sunday at Trinity .

Monday, June 19, 2017


Went to my Nephews house at Newley Lane for a bbq the food was excellent caught up with my two sisters which was nice .Hopefully we are going to Scarborough next week one day after Monday it as been a while since I have been .We practical spent most Sundays in Scarborough when we was growing up and for us is a magical place , love the harbour light house and piers love the fish and chips and the ice cream it always taste better when you can smell the sea air .

Today is red hot will be slightly cool when I start at six which is a good thing even the cats are off their food and are lying in bushes in the shade Bentley finally got it sussed  .

We have every available window open in the van there is a gentle breeze blowing through outside it is burning , red hot we need to be on a beach in the sea eating local caught seafood drinking ice cold drinks and ices .

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Well finished my week doing the six - two shift it went ok it is a little bit more tiring and loosing out on sleep and it is weird getting up around ten in the morning it seems like the day as gone but not starting until six makes up for it .
I am doing six - two again for Monday only , and then  on Friday I break up for two weeks .

It is hot sunny got to be the hottest day yet , I always get the urge to be near water when the days are like this .

Helen took the plants out of the glass orb and bought some aquarium gravel and  a fake plastic tree and two small goldfish they reside on the worktop in the corner of the kitchen out of direct sunlight .

Went over to my sister's house chilled in the garden her husband Alan bought a Bmw motorbike he gets it delivered next week he has traded in two other motor bikes both Yamaha Bandits the rest he put on his credit card 0% for three years balance transfer.

Whilst we was there my daughter asked if we were busy , she asked us to baby sit her regular sitter let her down we drove over the little one was already in bed we ordered a Chinese take away special meat fried rice curry sauce chips and sweet and sour chicken balls was better then the last one we had .

Happy Fathers Dad , I got a lovely card from my Daughter and a voucher for Pizza Express , wicked gift we are always up for food and do like a proper cooked Italian pie .
Break up next Friday one more shift tomorrow six - two then back to my regular hours of two - ten what a shitter break up Friday for two weeks , will be day tripping to the coast .

Friday, June 16, 2017


Cant believe how bad the fire in Grenfell tower block London the videos and photographs are very harrowing I can only imagine what was going through the minds of the residents that were trapped inside , with nowhere to go.  It was a sad , sad day there is going to be loads of questions that need answering , as  the conspiracy theories are already being discussed . May the death toll remain low but with no sprinkler system fitted and inadequate escape routes it is not good the plastic cladding fixed on the outside when it was refurbished it  was a death trap it was no better than a giant candle .

I would like to work the six two shift I am currently doing permanently it is a great shift makes my day more enjoyable I have more time through the day setting off at 17.00 each day is good specially when the weather is sunny .Yesterday I spent three hours on the sun lounger doing nothing but getting hot I was cat napping and was totally relaxed .
Emptied the chest freezer and defrosted I was amazed by how much water was at the bottom once it had defrosted , I dried it out it's a pity that  I can't put anything in until I get paid , at least it will be full of new food .

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Finishing at two in the morning is good , the last couple of hours drag a bit but on the hold I reckon working six pm until two am is good for me .The drive home is quite hardly anything on the road going it is a bit more hectic as I Hit rush hour traffic when I come of the motorway , but parking is easy I am more or less guaranteed a place to park .
Another big plus is there are no bosses as  they are all heading home an hour before I start saying that they tend to leave you alone any way.

The other day I was able to cut the grass and clean the fishes out and still had time to chill out before work , today I spent four hours laid out on the sun lounger dropping in and out of cat naps which suited me catching up on sleep .It was a little bit too warm even in the shade will do something similar tomorrow .
The rest of the week should all be down hill then I have Monday to do then normal hours then off for two weeks the two weeks back six two then who knows .Fingers crossed I get more  really up for it.

Bentley in a box 

Monday, June 12, 2017


Had enough of work this week I have not stopped I carry a bleep and radio and I can be reached by phone there is always someone wanting something I am really glad its Friday , and I don't have to be back at work until six o clock Monday night which suits me fine , although I know it will fly by and begone in a blink of an eye.

Two weeks more at work and then  a whole two weeks off which I am more than ready even though I had seven months off sick leave after my operation my hip is doing fine no pain or any discomfort  ,Two weeks off will be a godsend really  hoping  it is sunny we need to have a barbecue to sit out in the garden  to relax on the sun loungers that I bought with my head phones on and plenty of cider on hand .

Lazy day even got up late we chilled all day until five in the early evening went over to my daughters house Helen was getting her hair cut and coloured and Was getting mine cut .She bought us a Chines for our tea had curried duck and fried rice the duck could have been cooked a tad longer but it was nice sauce and it was overkill on the onions but it went down.

Went visiting we went to Helen's sons house stayed as long as it was classed as a visit , after we went on to her parents last of all to see my Nephew Mark .

Thursday, June 08, 2017


Took Helen to the doctors surgery to pick up some Iron medicine that they ordered for her yesterday .
When she came out I started the car it was totally dead not a flicker beep or light it was completely dead .
I called the AA I am a member they came out I tracked them on the AA app they was with me in just over a hour it was windy and wet it had been raining all morning they checked the battery it was totally useless it was a brick the AA engineer said he carries new batteries did I want one fitting the cost £106 I told him I was skint , he said I had fourteen days to pay they fitted me a new battery , what happens in fourteen days when they want paying I don't know , the car is useless without a battery I can't get to work , I can't catch the bus and I can't walk without a car I am up the creek without a paddle I had little choice but agree to the new battery being fitted , I got to work fifteen minutes late .

Going to the polling stations in the current climate if you want change it would be silly wasting a vote by not using my voting right I can't man about any outcome , England needs new policies and needs to move with the what is happening in the world and the events that are happening week in week out .

There was a chance I was not going to be working my late shift next week and the coming weeks ,  I have had confirmation that I can , it is rarely that I get any chance for over time and the next two months I should be getting a some what decent wage , and who knows I might get more weekly shifts of 18.00 - 02.00 to do , two weeks a month would be good.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017


Watched the "One Love Concert Manchester" of course  it was very moving  and obviously we can't have a concert every time there is a terrorist attack but one thing it does prove is this they are more decent people living in the world than haters which is very nice to know .

Have been given another two weeks plus one day working 18.00 - 02.00 which really suits me plus its a wad of extra cash which is a nice feeling , I am thinking my manager who is on holiday and is back Thursday will block it be totally pissed if he does.

Watched some of Apple's wwdc and it seems to me Apple products are getting dearer than ever they are no longer aiming at the average user they are selling to professional people and companies apart from the iPad and the bottom end air book I am priced out of the market £5000 for a Mac with the power graphics and storage would be a waste of time be like owning a Ferrari on the Island of Jersey with it's 360 miles of road and a top speed limit of 40 mph .
All I need Apple is a Mac book similar to what I have now that allows me to use the Internet save photos and music blog , Instagram and watch You Tube .Your new iMac is too much for me and my needs .
The new speaker dubbed Home Pod maybe but the price is the cost of three Amazon Echo's I would have to hear one before buying .

Sunday, June 04, 2017



Totally out of the blue we went out with the couple over the road Sharon and Ken in his Land Rover Discovery which is an excellent way to travel .We went over  to Thorpe Arch  near Wetherby we looked around the Decorporium second hand shop can't really class it as selling antiques but some of the stuff was well old . We  had a hot roast beef sandwich with onions and gravy at the Bistro next door excellent then we went on to York .

York is always an amazing city and I never get sick of going I have been going to York since my teenager years and there is always some new shop or street to discovery .It is forever evolving and anything you need is there if you explore and look .We parked near York Minister there were plenty of Japanese tourists with top quality cameras , I always get a bad case of camera envy.

The Invisible Man York 

A very old building approx 1443

Friday, June 02, 2017


The bitch Sharon and her yappy little dog  is moving out she has sold her van and I am over joyed to see the back of them both good fucking riddance . She is a supposed so called  friend of Helen bull shit she is nothing but a two face twat , bye bye .

On a different note I am getting some 18.00 to 02.00 shifts it is not until week after next and it is for a full week , if I get anymore offered to me I don't know this might be the thin end of the wedge or it might cease anyway either way it is a bit extra cash which always comes in handy .

Ordered a fidget spinner from bay how the prices have dropped a few months ago the I have ordered would have been four times the price .

Well today is Friday not sure what the weekend holds might go off somewhere don't think the weather is going to be great it is already cloudy and looks like it could rain any minute .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...