Friday, June 22, 2012

Went to the Sainsburys supermarket in the city , chicken reggae reggae pasties reduced to £1.28p then further reduced to 68p so i bought two it would have been rude not to , then i went to the local pound shop and bought two bottles of Pepsi for a pound the best thing about our shitty windowless minuscule office with the tatty carpet and out dated pc , is the fridge as it gets a bottle of coke or water well chilled and ice cold in just over a hour to two hours .

Went to WHSmiths to look at new releases in the paper back book section so i then can down load a sample on i-tunes to see if i want the book , a lady was buying three of the same books E.L.James "Shades of Grey" very strange obviously someone wanted her to get them a copy , a new James Patterson novel or two out for summer no surprise there plus a couple of books writing by him and other co author's , James Patterson must write every second of every day , i bet he cant get to sleep with all the ideas he as for crimes , murders and serial killers , i reckon there must be more than one James Patterson and its a brand not a person with fifty writers churning out books for future release.

I want to see a tablet operating windows 8 when it finally gets released also want to see the new i-phone we are two versions behind with the phone we have the 4 had just come out when we was due a upgrade but the cost on contract was a bit too much so we got the 3g version , so this time round it be nice to get the new i-phone 5 rather than the 4s depending on price.

More than that i want a decent weekend would like to do something different its ages since we have been to the movies to see a decent film on a full size mega screen with surround sound , i fancy seeing another one in 3d trouble is i do fall asleep cant help it its how i am .

Fancy a carbonarra tagliatelle with extra white wine and cream with fresh baked baguette's over the weekend for a tea or supper it would be nice to eat out in the garden on the patio if it wasn't for this crappy weather .

Kris, Helen's other son and his girlfriend are calling round to night for a sleep over be nice to have had a barbecue and chill out in the garden fat chance think this rain is going to last a few more days yet.

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...