Thursday, June 21, 2012

Not been listen to my i-pod for a while i have had a i-pod in some shape or form for a few years now , i started of with a electric blue nano then bought the newest nano i black after that then i got a i-phone so i gave my newest nano to my son when his packed in , and the second generation one ids permanently docked in the kitchen , we are due a up grade phone in September so i will get a i-phone 4 or 4s in white ,but this time i want a 32gb it will be the biggest disc space i have had ,i have had four and doubled up to eight so thirty two should be massive plus i want a decent dock for it , case and head phones .
And i think we should both safe our money up for Christmas and exchange i-pads or air books would be good .

think i will do my Christmas list now will get Helen to do hers if we list twenty things between fifty and one hundred pounds and compare lists , not to buy all twenty items but to buy one to three items depending on cost .

Helen's reading last night went really well the woman was in tears she couldn't believe what Helen was telling her she told her names of people that have passed , pets that have passed things in her life Helen had no way of knowing she had the woman's uncle with her in spirit who was passing this information on to Helen and it was 100% accurate , the woman so over come Helen had to get the tissues out.
The woman was on the phone to her mother once they had finished whom she insists sits down with Helen for her own reading , even Helen said when she opened up before hand knew it was going to be a good reading because the spirits where there head of the woman with her Mayan guide , the woman said once she saw Helen's business card advertising her services that she was compelled to see her , or more or less forced to see her and all she understood is that she had to see Helen for a Reading asp , needless to say Helen as a new biggest fan.

Helen got her first weekly pay cheque for working her first full week she was happy and i was happy for her , i do love her and i do want her to be happy . i know she works hard and has not had it easy over the years hopefully things are improving and keep on improving .

Had kebab meat onions and chips for tea/supper went out to drop some cd's off all readings get burned to disc , so it was well after eleven when we got back home after i finished work at ten makes for a long day.

still wet grey and cold fcuking crappy English weather roll on a Indian summer.

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...