Thursday, June 14, 2012

Want to buy this Vw camper van model of eBay until i can afford the real thing and go travelling in it , this will help me to focus on my goals and dreams , even if its only for us use at the weekends and we go no further than around England Scotland and Wales and on the ferry to Ireland .

was back home just after seven after dropping Helen off , i thought about going back to bed but didn't once i got home i thought about a coffee than got my laptop out two hours later i am still here online.

David Bowie ^The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust" is forty years old i remember seeing it the records shops when i was at school unbelievable seems like only yesterday , we use to seek out at dinner time , go get fish and chips from the side of the market in Leeds city centre and go to Kennedy's record shop to browser the charts and new releases .

spoke with my daughter again on skype the sun is making appearance its the first bit of sun we have had in days , the dog Pip is still in her house fed up because Helen is not her she didn't even come out when i cooked some bacon she will like the rest of us look forward to the weekend we are getting out no matter what the weather is doing and hopefully we are doing it early .

Want to buy this robot above of EBay simple because i had a few wind up robots as a kid and i like it and can live on my bedside drawers i think .

Listening to :- David Bowie "Rise and fall of Ziigy Stardust"

Surfing :-

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...