Friday, April 21, 2023


 MONDAY - Boring took thew dogs out did nothing much got an appointment at work on Thursday regarding my sickness absence I am still waiting for results from my Msi scan I had on the 1st of April .

THURSDAY -  A lady I use to work with years ago on the children's ward at the hospital when I worked there on the weekends  has sadly passed away. She was a wonderful lady and was well liked I have not seen her for a few years .We did visit her a few times at her home and she visited us . Hopefully she is reunited with her husband who died a few years sad news .

She helped me and Helen get together she got me Helen's phone number one Saturday when she went on break she came back with it on a piece of paper. I started texting Helen the same day and we started seeing each other out of work the the following Monday the  rest a they say is history , so a big thank you Rose .Thats three of my friends who have sadly passed away in a matter of weeks .

Went to work had meeting it went fine  , I explained I want to come back to work but not until I have my results in I checked online still no results posted .The weather in Leeds was hot it was 17.5 degrees .

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3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...