Wednesday, February 01, 2023


SUNDAY - Slow cooked two massive pieces of braising steak with carrots , swede and potatoes plus a massive cup of red wine and other herbs and stock .After six hours I made some dumplings and transferred it to the oven to cook for another 25 minutes we had it with pancakes today it was filling was an understatement .

MONDAY - Woke up early so had a shave and jumped into the shower before taking the dogs out fo their morning walk.

It is my sons 30th birthday and I cant understand the position he is in .He is at rock bottom no employment no possessions and no food and its wearing me down. My income does not support him as well as me yet he does not seem to realise this as he is constantly phoning me saying he has no food nothing to do he's bored hungry no electric and  he seems to believe its my job to keep him as well as  to entertain him . To some how source  him a tv and buy him comfort food like cake , chocolate,  biscuits and  fizzy pop to keep him in tobacco and to  top up his phone which I have on numerous occasions. He does not understand that it is  his war and his  battle he is chief of command and should be fighting for a better life  he needs to start climbing out of the hole he has got himself into from today so his next birthday and Christmas are th best ever  .He needs a plan to focus  to get a job and go to work he needs to keep the job he gets and pay his way and prove his standard of life . He is a responsible able body adult . I though by now at the age he is at  he would have a loving partner nice house and car and be inviting us over for Sunday dinner taking me for  a curry and a pint the way his life is going its never going to happen .

Picked up Helens Michael Kors perfume they forgot to include the tote bag so they removed it off the display stand .

Went to Asda bought more bacon , sausages , canned baked beans and tomatoes as well as potatoes waffles along with two trays of beef mince and two fresh chickens won't starve this week .If you always have a enough food for a decent breakfast you will be sorted best part of the day .Need to get mushrooms and black pudding .

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