Thursday, April 02, 2020


Still not washed the car and then it rained and I thought fcuk as we are under lock down and as I still don't have any car wash soap , and it did look kind of less dirty after the rain , plus we are not going out in it all seemed pointless .

Baked some plain home made scones and to be fair they was pretty good I which I had some fruit sultanas and cherries etc but just had the flour and other ingredients , still they tasted pretty good be better with some clotted cream but never mind .

Bought some curries for tea two chicken Kormas I was suppose to get one Korma and something different for me totally messed up and got two kormas never mind will eat it .
Had the slow cooker out threw in some braising steak with mushrooms , leeks , swede , carrots and potatoes it was cooking all day , we will have it with pancakes and roasted sweet and roast potatoes .

Took the photo this morning whilst I was walking Bailey on my iPhone , I think I walked past this building  the other day no neighbours shops or passing vehicles think it is a forestry building for those managing the trees and land what a job that must be .

Received a call from my Line manager he wants me to do some of my staff appraisals whilst I am at home self isolating , I am due back at work next Wednesday I have started to do the basics and will email him when they are completed .Going back to work is going to be testing specially for Helen all I can do is keep washing my hands sanitising changing clothes washing clothes and generally keeping  not putting myself in harms way , there is cover -19 patients on wards and yes people are dying I think there has been twelve deaths this is sad but it could be worse hopefully when it peaks the death rate does not increase too much if at all .

My Daughter is doing ok she is surviving well with her son she must be missing adult company but she is glad she is not on her own I ring her every day to check she is fine she is doing learning with her son and going for walks and doing the odd trip to go shopping for essential items .

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