Friday, April 03, 2020


Did something I have not done for years the last time I can remember I did this was when we lived at Green Hill Road must at least eight years ago if not longer what is it well I ahd  a bath I have made do with showers ,  the van bath we use to live in was only 3/4 size so I never bothered  but now we have a proper full size bath I decided to have a leisurely soak , filled with radox muscle relax it was nice and did  feel relaxing specially on my shoulders and hips but unless it is winter I am really not that into it after I had let the water out I turned on  the shower and showered as normal no doubt twice as clean .

I am starting to hate being indoors days are boring I took the bath panel off and adjusted the hot water restrictor so the water from the bath tap runs hotter then what it was set up for before we moved in this is to prevent scalding , but it was way too cold .anyway I adjusted it before I had my bath .

Am I missing things yes simple things like going to the shops and doing a normal shop  unafraid it  is high on my list meeting family members free travelling to their houses .I am missing ice cream and chocolate fudge cake as well as pizza , I could have bought pizza the other day but didn't , I did buy chocolate  goodies I an also craving banana milk shake .
I have loads of cider in the boot of the car I won't run out for a while which is nice to know .
Bought some binoculars I keep forgetting to take them out with me I shall go hang them up with my coat ready to take out in the morning .

Had two deliveries today we ordered a wooden garden shed that came early this morning I was going to leave it until tomorrow but I though we really shouldn't put off what we can do today so I assembled it with the help of Helen .I assembled one gabled  panel and one side panel then did the other end panel then the side panel with the door opening next I did the two roof panels then did the roofing  felt next I hinged the door fixed the rest of panels with all the screws including to the base put on the fillets on the sides and on the roof took around four hours to complete .

Its big enough to store the gardening equipment and gardening tools as well as some compost and a few other bits and pieces put some hooks inside and a solar pull cord light the panel for which is on the shed roof it is the first shed i have ever constructed which is weird amount of sheds I have had and it just fits on the paving slabs .

The second thing delivered today was an incinerator dustbin for burning house hold waste as we are still waiting for our black and green bins to be delivered  its been over a month ,  council a fcuking joke .

Home made fish and chips for tea can't wait pan fried with bread and butter and pear cider bliss .

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