Sunday, July 07, 2019


My twin sister got a speeding ticket for driving  forty eight  miles an hour in a forty zone checking online she should receive three  points and a fine guessing it be around £120  , She has at the moment zero points on he license once you hit twelve in a three year period its a ban ,  the points will stay on for three years then they are removed .
I know been there three times myself  , never mind where all going to get three points one day everyone I know at sometime has been flashed by a speeding camera sometimes you are lucky and don't get a N.I.P letter from the police (notice of intended prosecution ) not proud but been there three times usually when the speed changes down  from forty  to a thirty usually on a downward hill where you tend to pick up speed some cameras are situated on bends or  on traffic lights its just the way it is . Good revenue for the police , money  which hopefully funds them fighting  crime no good bitching .

Drove over to Ilkley just over a two hour round trip we went to buy a Helen a ladies Pendelton Ashwell bike in black with a wicker basket mounted on the handle bars we just manage to get it in the car  and close the boot , it wasn't easy and part of the handle bar stuck through the window but it wasn't  dangerous we got it home without incident  .

When home I adjusted the seat height making it lower to do so I  had to take off the rear carry rack to lower the seat the seat springs which was preventing it from going lower , then I was able to but the rack back on , I also dropped the handle bars and straightened the basket although it is over two years old it is in mint condition .

Need to get a bike rack for the rear of the car I also need to get a bike once my hip is fully recovered from surgery there is no reason I can't pedal a bike , we are going to ride on canals which are usually pretty flat the odd lock in places causing small hills but nothing too strenuous

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