Monday, July 15, 2019


Went into the centre of Wakefield Helen had to get her nails re-done which usually takes a good hour.
I went to the e-cig shop and bought her a top filling tank for her e-cig it makes life a lot easier as you don't have to unscrew it from the tank to refill it .
Also filled the car up it has been a while since I have had to put petrol in I even think the price has dropped at the pump but if if it has  not by much.

Catching up o n season two of Stranger Things Helen has already watched it but now season three is out I need to get up to speed. so we can watch it together .

My son is in dire straights he lost his job mainly because  his workmate quit as they are a two man team he got laid off which seems unfair but that is what he is telling me .
The cottage he lives in  is rented he lives there with his step dad  and is not affordable if he does not pay his way , which means if he has no income their tenancy on the cottage will have to go which if it does it will make him homeless.
Not only that he in his stupidity not sure why he decided to take a log book loan out on his car if he does not make the payments which of course he cant he will probably loose it for a third of its value , so no job , and no home and looking like no car  , also because he has not paid his mobile phone contract I can't even speak to him , it is not looking good for him .No doubt when he needs to speak to me he will get the use of a phone .

WEEKEND - Had two barbecues each afternoon bought a pack of meat had sausages , burgers , chicken breast , and pork did some chicken kebabs with peppers and onion  we cooked it on throw away grills had salt and pepper bread and cheese baps and of course pear cider excellent food at its tastiest . The photo shows the food cooking as the chicken is still raw in parts it took longer than the rest of the food which we ate whilst the kebabs finished cooking , when it was fully cooked they was delicious , next time will Brush on some chill oil .

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 SUNDAY -  Went over to a school in Huddersfield for a Spiritual and well being event you can buy various spiritual objects tarot cards ince...