Wednesday, July 03, 2019


My feet need washing the rest of me is ok overall  washing is fine but my feet need re freshing but getting these pesky support socks on and off  is a bloody nightmare bending down is not a option and they are they are super tight ,
I am no longer taking any pain killers just the blood thinning tablets  , three weeks tomorrow I can sleep my side walking up sleeping on your back is fine until you wake up if I could turn on my side I would go back to sleep .But I can't so I watch You Tube Netflix or play solitaire the I am wide awake its pointless staying in bed .

I bought some pencils pencil sharpener , erasers  , and various sized nibs black ink drawing pens , I am downloading images of Pinterest then trying to draw them myself I am very medico at best need to practice , I am using a old book once I have mastered an image will re- do it in a new journal so it will only have decent drawings in hopefully .

The parking war is still ongoing with my grumpy neighbour he told me if I park on my drive he will block me in so I can't leave he says never park there again or else , I really doubt it I will reverse in to the side of you , or I will open my double gates and slam the gates into your car  , so please yourself either way you will loose stop me exiting or leaving my property then the consequences for being a fulled paid up cunt is head .

Just because my daughter parked behind me he kicked off saying we was blocking him from leaving bullshit loads of room , if he came to my door and asked like any normal person we would have moved the car but not when he is constantly ob his horn shouting and cursing trying to intimidate us then no fucking way the car stayed put  , after his rant and near heart attack he got his motor out being a twat does not work .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...