Thursday, January 17, 2013


Went in to computer exchange shop they was selling a second hand i-pod for £110 they are only £124 new crazy no wonder Hmv ,Jessop's are going to the wall when people are buying second hand to save £14 whats it all coming to.

We are finding it impossible to go to bed before two am its a hard habit to break before you know it the clock as hit two thirty.

Helen thinks she gets a raw deal from my blog she thinks i say things that are not true about her and paint her in a bad light as if , she knows all about my blog and reads it usually before its published as she is a nosey Parker and as her former name was Parker and she is nosey so she cant moan over that statement ,  not that she moans much ,well not when she is sleeping , then its snoring and talking gibberish but then that is not always a sign that she is asleep she could be wide awake and in the vertical position.

Another chain of stores have called the receivers in Blockbusters DVD rental guess another business hit by online trading and downloading

Listening to OMD

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3 IN 1

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