Thursday, January 03, 2013


Went straight to be this morning when i got home , Helen was still up and was waiting for me in the porch ready to go straight upstairs to bed.

I had a dream about my Mum and Dad , i can every remember having a dream where both have been in it together.
And  i have never had that many dreams with my Dad in them he has been dead nearly twenty seven years , We was all back home in our terrace house and he was cooking tea for me and my mother pork chops and a toad in the hole  ,whilst my mother and i was watching TV ,  Top of the pops was on and we was watching it  in the dark .
 Bob Marley it on  the TV he was in a  duet with someone white British singer but i cant remember who ,  this was not a real record it was just a collaboration for my dream.

I used to listen to a lot of Bob Marley records when my Dad was alive so this was quite appropriate for my dream  , i felt sad and tearful when i woke up not sure why ,other than the fact is that they are both not here to talk to face to face so they both appeared to me this way , i dreamt this at around one o clock in the afternoon , my Mother use to work nights at the hospital doing weekends working both Saturday and Sunday nights , form seven till seven  , and my father use to be a porter at the  same hospital  working Monday to Friday ,  i will be at that same  hospital next week doing some training , they might be both watching me that would be a nice thought .

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