Sunday, January 20, 2013


Some fool took our for sale sign down  from the front of our property and we don't know if it was the estate agents fault giving the wrong instructions to the person who's job it is to erect and take down the signs or someone loves us that much they don't want us to leave and have done a runner with it.

Would settle for the for sale sign being swapped  with one saying sold subject to contract  that would be a great start to the new year.

I called  the Estate agents to complain and to see if we can cancel their services as we don't think we are getting a decent service from them as we have not had that many viewings and we wanted the sign putting up again , our cancellation date is 12th of January which is way past ,with in a hour the estate agents Secretary   was calling us back they have got us a viewing on Sunday at two , me being skeptical yes right who is it your Mum and Dad , anyway if nothing else the house as had a spring clean top to bottom.

We are going to bed now it is only just gone half past ten and the electric blankets will be switched on full  it will be the warmest that  we have been all day , cosy comfy relaxing bed and  plenty of sleep and hopefully some sweet dreams to boot.

Helen's readings cancelled Friday Night and one has cancelled tonight if the two don't appear that are booked in for Sunday night  we are deep in the shit hardly any cash not much food will be another early night
i guess i am working two in the afternoon until two the following morning least i will be warm and it will be a day nearer to pay day.

Finished cleaning the house did some dusting hide the cats litter tray and baked some bread rolls that we had in the freezer once baked we had them with some Turkey breast and cheese and cranberry sauce that was  left over from Christmas
A couple did came round to view the house ,Helen showed them around we had all  the lights on and the heating and gas fire so it wasn't cold i couldn't wait for them to go ,as  i went round switching everything off to save our payment meters from zeroing out. ,
my Nephew's house got burgled not sure how many robbers broke in , we don't live to far from him but i think we will be alright as  i don.t think any one would stay in our house longer enough to rob it it's way to cold , we have been opening  the fridge door to warm the room up.
if we do sell the house next place i want to live in will be all electric least its only the one bill .
Helen's readings turned up we heat and eat again.

Watching - "The Walking Dead"

Listening to - Bruno Mars "unorthodox jukebox"

Playing "Temple Run 2" and  "Subway Surfers" free games really good

Wanting - Pear cider . chocolate Fudge cake a cream wait till payday.

Bidding on  Ebay - Pilot parallel pen 2.4 nib 12 black cartridges and 12 turquoise cartridges , a white Lamy Safari fountain pen and A Dell  laptop power lead and a bluetooth Asus Nexus wireless keyboard

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3 IN 1

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