Monday, January 28, 2013


We were supposed to be cooking a joint of beef and all the trimmings  but we decided to roast it tomorrow instead , need to get some Horse radish sauce , anyway Helen as a reading tonight and it would have been pushing it to get it cooked eaten and the house cleaned  ,  she is in bed at the moment to catch up on sleep and because its warmer.I tend not to feel the cold as much as her.

Its grey ,cold , wet and freezing  and we don't have the Central heating on  until it's later in the afternoon  until its dark when the temperature will drop even further.

We have to  live like this because  the price and  cost of natural gas and that we owe over £850 for gas we previously used and not paid for , hence the reason we are on a meter , now we have to pay up front pay before we use and burn so  no money no gas , not enough pounds credited then it shuts off no fuel coming through , so  that then means there is no hot water for washing shaving etc  we can still cook as the oven is electric its only the hobs that are gas , another reason to invest in a George Foreman grill and a microwave oven least we have the Internet and cups of coffee to keep me from going insane.

I have done very little today  i been watching "The Walking Dead" i have finished season one and are about to start on season two in between making cheese and chicken tikka toasted sandwiches and surfing Tumblr and You Tube when Helen's reading turns up at around half past seven tonight the heating will be on and  i will go upstairs to our bedroom  out of the way get on top of the bed and watch a episode or two from season two on my Nexus 7 using my headphones.

When i lived at home i spent each evening at home up in my room Listening to music or watching tv i use to take a flask of coffee with me so i wouldn't have to venture down , my tv was colour and my parents was monochrome black and white , i had tv console i connected through the tv ariel that allowed me to play the tennis video game Pong , that had been available in arcades but was no available for home use too , via a top box and hand held controllers it was high tech , i also had a decent stereo with a Rotel amp and tuner which i four speakers wired speakers in to it along with  my cassette deck to get a half decent play back.

When i got older and lived in my first house i spent a lot of time in the bed room rather than the living room i ad my Sony sound system and decent tv up in my room where down stairs had a crappy television and stereo , so i don't mind chilling in the bed room one thing we don't have since i have lived with Helen is a tv in the bedroom nor do we drink coffee in the bedroom i use to always take a coffee upstairs to bed and watch tv for a hour or so before going to sleep.

Its getting darker now it will be dark soon it is twenty minutes to four raining and still windy only difference is the heating will be coming on soon and it will be inky black outside rather than grey and the street lights will be on and tomorrow will be another day .

Listening to -  "The Water boys"

Watching - "Waking Ned " a film set in the Isle of Mann

Wanting - Asus Lamborghini laptop

Needing - Heat and Warmth and a long hot summer

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