Tuesday, October 24, 2006

This is my wife's baby girl she is adorable and today she went to the vets to get her booster injection we have another chiahuhua called chico who is a dog. But Tia is the boss and leads him a merry dance anything he as she wants although they both get treat the same they can be both can be given identical chews,dinners and toys etc she will always want what he as got once she as got her own way she wants to swap again.

It is not very often he will put her in her place and he is more than happy to give in to her wishes most of the time just like being married i guess.

Anyway she was brave at the vets and didn't make a single sound when she had her injection she might be small but she is tuf 'n' nuf what you have to remember if you all did not know is that chiahuhua's are the only breed of dog that cry real tears........

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