Sunday, October 22, 2006

FRIDAY ...........Got notification that the new pc was ready to pick up so of i went to CCL to collect it i added to the build a 108 mbps netgear range max adsl wireless router and two netgear usb wireless adaptors for the laptops. Waited for them to bring it all out went to pay for it with my visa card when they phoned up to get authorization it was well over £1000 it was refused why idon'tt know i phoned my wife to make sure the funds had beentransferredd and the money had been credited to ouraccountt and they was more than enough to cover the cost.
Had the guy from CCL to try it again to go through with the sale using my visa card you've got to remember this as far as i know on the other end of the phone is a guy in India processing this transaction and he is asking me stupid security questions that i just cant get right like what direct debts come out on what days, to which i have no idea i just earn the money what comes out when icouldn'tt answer if my life depended on it,ask me my date of birth my Mums maiden name my post code phone number something i know he finally asked me what none utility bills are paid using direct debt i guessed the mortgage then he asked where my building society branch was then asked me to spell Leeds hehe anyway it finally gotauthorizedd and i got my pc

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3 IN 1

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