Wednesday, March 25, 2020


MONDAY - Went to work as I work in a major hospital I am allowed to go to work , have to admit in these uncertain times I wished I worked in a lighthouse. One advantage the motorway were virtually clear of other road users and getting to work without the congestion was twenty minutes quicker .

I walked the perimeter of the hospital instead of walking through it was sunny and warm the Tesco express was open which is good , hopefully it will stay open .

Inside the hospital all looked normal there was only one ambulance parked up out front of the A&E department usually there are around four to six or more. Inside some patients had face masks on given to them at reception when they booked in on the whole it was quiet . If it stays like this and gets no worse then working here won't be too bad .

 There is an uncertainty that the worse is yet to come and it might only take days rather than weeks . All shift I washed and sanitised my hands even so home time at 02.00 a.m could not come fast enough. After a week off  at home doing odd jobs the first day back was ok  but it was very  nice to see my shift end and I could go home .

The local farm shop sent out an email saying no more walk in trade that you now MUST place your order for meat and veg etc via email , they will then ring  you and you can pay over the phone and collect it in a couple of days when the order is made up which makes sense .Within a hour they had emailed me back instead of a mince beef pie I could have meat and potato or steak I was also told I could collect Friday which is fine .I did not go over board in fact there was stuff I could and should have ordered that I didn't I think I will order eggs of the milk man .

TUESDAY - Back on nights but I ended up leaving my shift just after midnight  Helen is  not well we are both self isolating for 14 days and social distancing ourselves from others we are not going near anyone , even though  I am ok Helen has a temperature and is coughing and her anxiety is high its through the roof and her heart is also racing she is seriously panicking over the coronavirus and is worried sick to the point making me get undressed outside before coming in to the house she is so worried  I will bring something home with me and pass it on .Undressing outside bagging my clothes and then showering and washing my hair is the best thing to do leaving my clothes outside if the have the virus on them this will die after twelve hours of course will leave it longer to be safer .

WEDNESDAY - I phoned work spoke to my manager I am off for fourteen days at least . So I cleaned all the touch points in the house all drawer and cupboard handles , the light switches , door handles  , window handles , taps on the sink shower and bath , around the wash area sink , kitchen sink and drainer , banisters and handrails , push areas on doors , microwave and kettle and numerous other items better to be safe than sorry ,even did the X-box controller . I really can't believe people are still going to work on the Tube do they think they ar immune this virus will get you if you let it and it will kill you don't think you are immune or it won't happen to you it is so easy to become a statistic .  Death is around the next corner bump in to the wrong person and you loose .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...