Saturday, March 28, 2020


SATURDAY - Hope everyone is safe and well and doing their bit to be virus free I do think we are being lied to big time and I do believe there is a lot of fake news as nobody knows for sure I think we all agree New York as been hit  bad which is sad very sad feel like crying and for the big part I think Trump is to blame he is totally dealing with this wrong dead wrong. We was supposed to fly there with my daughter be lucky if we ever go .

Bt sent me another hub it came yesterday I wiped it down before opening the box , this is hub number three.
 I called them the other day and they sent me out two digital phone handsets which have to be registered to the hub using WPS they both wouldn't connect  hence a new hub.was dispatched .

I connected the new BT smart hub of course all the devices need the new password , as well as the T.V , Fire stick , Macs and iPhones and then I tired to connect the digital handsets  at first the first phone wouldn't register I tired twice no joy .  I went and got the second handset from the upstairs bedroom and that registered first time so I then tired the first  handset once again and and low and behold that then also registered so both he phones are sorted .Which is great because if I get to a stage where I am only paying essential bills because lack of money I can still have people call us or we can ring out paying BT is five times cheaper than paying for the mobile phones .

I am cancelling my car service plan seeing as they are not opening the garages its only £20 put every penny counts . Do I cancel my car repayments for the time being and sort out it out after this pandemic is over the main thing that we all need to concentrate on is to  beat this virus and save money for essential items and bills .

I consider my ISP bill highly important then it as to be gas and electric , electric over gas I guess .Hopefully one will loose their house or get evicted for none payment of rent due or mortgage holiday for all same for car repayment the whole of the world is on lock down can't see what they can do .

Every morning I wipe down all the touch points door handles light switches everything it helps me feel safer and I think clean surfaces help my safety bubble we all should be living in this time to be clean is essential . What ever you do please don't forget you're mobile phones , keyboards laptops the lot the full Monty so better safe than sorry .

My daughter seems to be doing fine we video chat and talk each day I know she is being very brave but i also know she is putting on a brave front she must be strong she is on her own with her young son and getting them both through this then they will survive anything .

My son was more or less homeless but at the last hour he has manage to secure a room in a house with his friend  he was lucky , he needs to repair broken bridges with everyone including the ones with his girlfriend if that is at all possible , he also needs a job and to stick with it , he needs cash to survive as we all do .

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