Tuesday, March 31, 2020


MONDAY -Woke feeling optimistic I think w all have to be optimistic in the present situation being on Lock down makes the days drag if this is like retirement God forbid .

I got up and had a shower then took Bailey out for his morning walk came home did all the touch points again better safe than sorry .

Went for Helen's prescription on the way stopped at the co-op bought some essentials including cat and dog food , white and brown sugar , toilet rolls , tinned fruit , tea bags ,bread and of course more cider and three packets of chewing gum for Helen  . Next time I need to buy chocolate and biscuits we have two Easter eggs that unbelievably at the moment untouched .

Got a parasol for the garden table it was delivered this afternoon which we had ordered  online a few days ago from the Range . I also got another X-Box game Call of Duty Modern Warfare trying to win a copy of Red Redemption 2 which I am currently the highest bid on eBay it end soon fingers crossed.

Some items that I think we need -
Toilet block freshener  cleaner
Chocolate Easter eggs
Coca Cola
Fresh orange juice
Hair gel
Disposable J-clothes
Chili sauce
Tinned fruit pineapple , clementines ,and peaches
Biscuits various malted milk , coconut rings and Nice
Triple Choc muffins
double cream
Kit Kats
Fly spray
Cheddar and Red Leicester cheese
Beef stock pots
Beef gravy granules
Dolco Gusto coffee pods
Big jar of coffee


Monday, March 30, 2020


Hoping Italy pulls through they are a strong nation its devastating and cant believe the shit the Italian nation  are going through it is heart breaking we should all pray and shed a tear for this great and proud nation and for those who have passed away ,

It makes me wonder what is in store for the U.K I believe we have not seen the worse by far I don't believe Boris Johnson is infected with  covid-19 i feel it is made up to make everyone living in the U.K believe its no big deal ,the same with Prince Charles although he stopped being my prince when princess Diana passed and all the shit came out how he treated her .

I am with Helen every day i am looking after her her anxiety and providing for her i have cooked all meals done al the cleaning if she needs or wants anything i am here for her there is nothing i wont do if she gets infected i will get infected with her and we will both either recovery or die together that is my wish if it comes to that i will transfer all my money to my son and daughter I can dot his online  , i will max out my credit card , over draught the lot so they might have a little bit of financial security even if its only for three or four  months ,  if I have it and Helen is clear i will transfer her all my money so she can have it easy for a while , that is all i can do to provide if i am not going to be here .
We need the deaths to cease we certainly need a day where they are none , only then will i believe that maybe things will get better and return to normal .

What else , kicking arse on Tomb raider on the x-box it does distract you takes your mind of things .
Still walking Bailey and Pip if someone is on my side of the pavement i cross the road saying that the other morning i saw no one .
Hitting 50 mbps on the fibre broadband best connection speed that i have ever had the new hub has made it a lot better the seven antennas  inside are supposed to be better .

Need to wash the car it looks like it has been driven through a desert its covered in like sand and dried mud I have no car shampoo might have to use shower gel either way it needs sorting .

The young man in a few houses up from us knocked on my door he was panic strickened he was putting shelves up in a bedroom and he had drilled through a water pipe for ten minutes he had been looking for the stop tap , they are located out on the road at the front of the property they are not inside of the house , water was running down the walls and even into the entrance hall did not look good hopefully it will all dry out .I called round the following morning to see if he needed any water or portable heaters he said no was fine he had the pipe repaired and the water was back on .

Saturday, March 28, 2020


SATURDAY - Hope everyone is safe and well and doing their bit to be virus free I do think we are being lied to big time and I do believe there is a lot of fake news as nobody knows for sure I think we all agree New York as been hit  bad which is sad very sad feel like crying and for the big part I think Trump is to blame he is totally dealing with this wrong dead wrong. We was supposed to fly there with my daughter be lucky if we ever go .

Bt sent me another hub it came yesterday I wiped it down before opening the box , this is hub number three.
 I called them the other day and they sent me out two digital phone handsets which have to be registered to the hub using WPS they both wouldn't connect  hence a new hub.was dispatched .

I connected the new BT smart hub of course all the devices need the new password , as well as the T.V , Fire stick , Macs and iPhones and then I tired to connect the digital handsets  at first the first phone wouldn't register I tired twice no joy .  I went and got the second handset from the upstairs bedroom and that registered first time so I then tired the first  handset once again and and low and behold that then also registered so both he phones are sorted .Which is great because if I get to a stage where I am only paying essential bills because lack of money I can still have people call us or we can ring out paying BT is five times cheaper than paying for the mobile phones .

I am cancelling my car service plan seeing as they are not opening the garages its only £20 put every penny counts . Do I cancel my car repayments for the time being and sort out it out after this pandemic is over the main thing that we all need to concentrate on is to  beat this virus and save money for essential items and bills .

I consider my ISP bill highly important then it as to be gas and electric , electric over gas I guess .Hopefully one will loose their house or get evicted for none payment of rent due or mortgage holiday for all same for car repayment the whole of the world is on lock down can't see what they can do .

Every morning I wipe down all the touch points door handles light switches everything it helps me feel safer and I think clean surfaces help my safety bubble we all should be living in this time to be clean is essential . What ever you do please don't forget you're mobile phones , keyboards laptops the lot the full Monty so better safe than sorry .

My daughter seems to be doing fine we video chat and talk each day I know she is being very brave but i also know she is putting on a brave front she must be strong she is on her own with her young son and getting them both through this then they will survive anything .

My son was more or less homeless but at the last hour he has manage to secure a room in a house with his friend  he was lucky , he needs to repair broken bridges with everyone including the ones with his girlfriend if that is at all possible , he also needs a job and to stick with it , he needs cash to survive as we all do .

Friday, March 27, 2020


It's hard  to know what to do some day soon  hopefully all this will be resolved the main trouble is we don't know what that date will be when the end is in sight if we had a date be great trouble is we don't it could be weeks even months  , I hope we are all praying it will be sooner rather than later like tomorrow that would be fine .

I wish people had common sense and do what their government advises them to do and I do wish that people would behave in a proper manner with kindness and respect I guess when all this is over nothing will have changed we will have learned nothing and carry on in the same old ways if that is the case we are certainly  doomed .

I still believe that there are more good people in the world than bad people hopefully if there is a God he will intervene and change the tide of this coronavirus  out break maybe at a set hour on a set date we should all kneel and all pray together and hopefully our prays will be answered , or we will all be storming Heaven together .

A watering can got delivered yesterday it was smaller than I thought but will do the job we live in a new build and we don't have an outside tap the hose does not fir the kitchen tap and we don't have a plumber we also need our dishwasher plumbing in but that seems low on our list of priorities , most of all we need our green and black bin don't look like it is going to be this week although I did phone them earlier in the week and they said I should recieve them this week sometime .

We are doing nothing much we had some more deliveries today a giant white mirror for the bedroom was delivered it got to us in one piece as well as a smaller one for the bathroom which also arrived intact , but  the mirror which was sent as a replacement because the first one was smashed also arrived smashed  I have requested a refund .

I have some braising steak cooking away in the slow cooker with some diced swede , carrot , potatoes and leek the longer it takes to  cooks the better I also have some ice cold cider in the fridge and ice in the freezer

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Once we get back to normal we will eventually have some normality I will appreciate the country side , I will discover new walks with my dogs, Pippa the Jack Russell who has decided that she now wants too go out for walks she was never bothered but now she is rearing too go out in the great  beyond which is really good . I cancelled the pet plan on both dogs saving £26 the vets that we pay the money to won't see any animals at the surgery so I have stopped paying them bet they phone me up once they realise I have cancelled the direct debit .

Managed to get some food I bought some pork and tomato sausages , bacon , half doz eggs and a small loaf of bread and a pound of minced beef.

We are both doing fine Helen still has a sore throat and aches and pains specially her ribs she doesn't have a sky high temperature but does feel warmer than normal she goes to bed with the fan on .
The pets have plenty off food and are also all fine the two cats are coming and going as they please and return to either the back patio or front windows when they want letting in .

Have been cleaning the house each morning again doing all the obvious touch points we have had deliveries come by courier and Royal Mail all packages we are wiping down with a bleach solution then letting them dry if you have not the means to do this leave them out of the way for 24 hours so the virus can die if you have to touch them before this then wash your hands .

Took Bailey out this morning went for a long walk through the tree forest and woods the walk wa longer than I thought the sun was out the landscape loads of trees and old buildings stone walls and water took my mind of everything looking at all the beauty the wild live and vegetation its so sad the world is in such a mess .

Been doing a few hours each day on the X-box one I am not a serious gamer in any shape or form and I have ordered some more games  Call Of Duty WW2 and Call Of Duty Modern Warfare .

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


MONDAY - Went to work as I work in a major hospital I am allowed to go to work , have to admit in these uncertain times I wished I worked in a lighthouse. One advantage the motorway were virtually clear of other road users and getting to work without the congestion was twenty minutes quicker .

I walked the perimeter of the hospital instead of walking through it was sunny and warm the Tesco express was open which is good , hopefully it will stay open .

Inside the hospital all looked normal there was only one ambulance parked up out front of the A&E department usually there are around four to six or more. Inside some patients had face masks on given to them at reception when they booked in on the whole it was quiet . If it stays like this and gets no worse then working here won't be too bad .

 There is an uncertainty that the worse is yet to come and it might only take days rather than weeks . All shift I washed and sanitised my hands even so home time at 02.00 a.m could not come fast enough. After a week off  at home doing odd jobs the first day back was ok  but it was very  nice to see my shift end and I could go home .

The local farm shop sent out an email saying no more walk in trade that you now MUST place your order for meat and veg etc via email , they will then ring  you and you can pay over the phone and collect it in a couple of days when the order is made up which makes sense .Within a hour they had emailed me back instead of a mince beef pie I could have meat and potato or steak I was also told I could collect Friday which is fine .I did not go over board in fact there was stuff I could and should have ordered that I didn't I think I will order eggs of the milk man .

TUESDAY - Back on nights but I ended up leaving my shift just after midnight  Helen is  not well we are both self isolating for 14 days and social distancing ourselves from others we are not going near anyone , even though  I am ok Helen has a temperature and is coughing and her anxiety is high its through the roof and her heart is also racing she is seriously panicking over the coronavirus and is worried sick to the point making me get undressed outside before coming in to the house she is so worried  I will bring something home with me and pass it on .Undressing outside bagging my clothes and then showering and washing my hair is the best thing to do leaving my clothes outside if the have the virus on them this will die after twelve hours of course will leave it longer to be safer .

WEDNESDAY - I phoned work spoke to my manager I am off for fourteen days at least . So I cleaned all the touch points in the house all drawer and cupboard handles , the light switches , door handles  , window handles , taps on the sink shower and bath , around the wash area sink , kitchen sink and drainer , banisters and handrails , push areas on doors , microwave and kettle and numerous other items better to be safe than sorry ,even did the X-box controller . I really can't believe people are still going to work on the Tube do they think they ar immune this virus will get you if you let it and it will kill you don't think you are immune or it won't happen to you it is so easy to become a statistic .  Death is around the next corner bump in to the wrong person and you loose .

Sunday, March 22, 2020


I think we are all being lied to and I really think the virus is worse than we are being lead to believe .
I also reckon more people are dying than what's being reported on , and I do mean a lot more.

 I also believe things will get ten times worse before they get any  better . I also reckon it will take years to recover from the knock on effects from this virus for people businesses and most of all peoples lives . it is scary times we just have to remember act and do  the very best we can and do what we can to help all people regardless  the virus does not discriminate neither must we .

On a brighter note did the longest walk yet was up at seven a.m, had a shower and coffee before taking Bailey out for his morning jog .I had my Anger ear pods in my ears listening to The Weekends latest album which is mega , the sun was out and I walked down the hill to the reservoir another forty minutes and I could have walked round it next decent morning I will .

On my walk I came across only one other person we talked from eight foot away of each other their is an atmosphere everyone thinks everyone else is infected yet people are still ignoring the message to stay at home and are going to pubs clubs and restaurants hopefully any left open will be forced to close and have their gas and electric cut off so they can't open.

When you see the open spaces and the water and green fields and tress and plants etc its hard to imagine how fucked the world is we need to act now to save the planet if we all beat this virus . Then it must be the worlds first objective to save all living things and of course save the planet as well as  the oceans and the rainforest all the beaches and without a doubt the coral reefs. We must also learn  to put in more than we take out to give more than we take to cultivate rather than devastate  , to stop over fishing and wasting food and natural resources stop being greedy give to those who are needy and act quickly , before there is no u-turn available and we cant undo our wrong doings  and we reap what we sow .

Hope everyone and their loved ones are well and everyone is coping the best they can in these troubled times depending on your own situation , hopefully less people will die each day and we awill ll win the war against this virus .

Tomorrow I go back to work at the Nhs in Leeds city centre Hospital hopefully all my colleagues are well and fine , and its more or less normal , I do pray it is .

Saturday, March 21, 2020


THURSDAY - I have been off this week on annual leave I work for Leeds teaching hospital all my colleagues battle on to help overcome the coved 19 pandemic I have been reading my work emails at home staff are already going on sick leaving the staff that are in work to pick up extra duties the next few months are going to be hard and scary fingers crossed things get better quickly .

I fixed two hanging lights one in each bedroom both have wicker shades the first one was a pain the shade was too small had to re-wire the hanging pendent from the ceiling my eyes are shagged the second one was a lot easier and id it in half the time .

Resealed the bath using white sealant there was a grap all way round the side and end .

Went to the local tip should be the last time .Went to the garden centre bought plants shrubs and bushes for both the front and rear gardens , and four solar lights , I also bought two padlocks for the plastic shed I built the other day they are more of s deterrent than security end of day the handle and hasp are both made of plastic , also got Helen a new spade and garden fork as we left the old ones behind .

Fixed one of the hanging baskets at the front of the house I cant drill the stonework had to go in the cement joints my drill even on hammer won't touch the stone why too hard .

Bought a cherry blossom tree I have always liked these they have some large ones near work when they shed their petals leaves it leaves a blanket on the ground until they all blow away.

Have been getting our milk delivered three times a week and it is not much dearer than going out in the car and getting it yourself and it is supporting local business which in these harsh times all helps  , we also got some fresh orange delivered not sure at what time he comes but we have never heard him or his van a Yorkshire Ninja milkman .

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Bought a new x-box S 1TB got the full games 1-5 go Gears of War voucher codes to download  as well as The Division 2 which came as a disc with the console and of course I had to buy Lara Croft in Shadow Of The Tomb Raider .If I have to self isolate I ain't being bored .

Coronavirus has hit the shops near us ,  at first it was not noticeable today there was a huge difference not just the supermarkets but local farm shops there was just less produce chicken breasts at one farm shop had sold out other meat was plentiful like bacon and sausage lets face it if you have food for a decent breakfast you won't starve tomatoes and mushrooms and other fresh veg was ok not many swedes but plenty of eggs baked beans was still available and tinned spaghetti .

Manage to buy toilet rolls not to stock pile them because we need them ,  and not forgetting the animals I bought extra cat and dog both wet food and biscuits we have four mouths to feed .
Also bought paraocetamols cough medicine and ibubrofen as well as flu remedies not sure if they will do any good better to have them than not I guess .

Had a email from Cineworld saying it was closing all venues till further notice I think also the Vue and others are also closing their doors .A new pub opened down the road from us a cool one million pounds that they spent on  refurbishment ,  it opened its doors last Thursday shit timing or what it is called The Bowshaw Trout hope it survives ok and I just might get to go in for a pint or two hopefully .

Been using coffee pods for my Nescafe Dolce  Gusto  machine for quite a while but bought some Nescafe ground barista coffee and brown sugar as well as more tea bags for Helen other stuff I bought was a couple of curries and pizzas as well as bread and laundry detergent pods and fabric softener, some of the shelves where empty canned meat there was none , soup and dried pasta was in stock dried powdered milk none yeast and bread flour none Helen can't live without bread she wanted the ingredients to bake her own we finally got a couple of bags of bread flour and packets of yeast oil and eggs that we have , just add a bread baker machine £129 if she only uses it once its going to be an very expensive loaf .

Did no jobs around the house today I went to the tip early in the morning with more rubbish we are still waiting for our green and balk bins from the council they still have not delivered them .

We have gone to council tax band B which is a few pounds a month more than what we paid for the static home but gas and electric have dropped by £50  and it is a warm house so it might drop even further.

Another thing we have is a milkman who not only delivers milk but potatoes and eggs and of course fresh orange juice .

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


The last few weeks are finally paying off , as every day our new home gets a little bit more finished a little bit tidier a bit more neater as things  and items  get a new place to live and are put away.
Our bedroom completed finished to day putting the tie back hooks in place  and the wooden heart aboveour bed .

Spare bedroom curtain pole fixed in to place curtains hanged and tie back hooks fixed , also two bedside cabinets made for either side of the bed .condenser dried took up and paced in the corner of the room .

entrance hall sign over door re -fixed and shoe rack made also fitted some coat hooks to the side wall now finished .

Harry Potter room under the stairs fitted another two shelfs moved the router hub under stairs now finished .

Bathroom new sink traps to fit waiting a date from our  plumber will also get new bath taps fitted need to buy some ,
downstairs toilet wall unit to assemble and fix to wall hand towel and toilet roll holder to fix .

Outside build plastic shed it will fit two wheelie bins or all our garden stuff and some of my tools .

Need to get a couple of padlocks for it but it’s safe around here the side gate is locked and the fences are quite high pluse we are cured on all sides by our neighbours which is good as well as having two dogs that will bark if anyone comes in to our property.

Friday, March 13, 2020


Went to the tip again with more cardboard no sign of the new waste bins arriving its a pain having no means of disposing of household waste as everything comes with packaging specially Ikea flat packs .
Unpacked the Shark cordless vacuum its ok think like Dyson they are over hyped it could do with a spare battery not sure of the cost of buying one will look online .

Went to Ikea  bought a few more things for the house including a rug to go under the coffee table , as well as a couple of paper lights , and a hurricane type light for the kitchen as well as another pair of shelves and brackets for under the stairs , I really need to sit the Bt hub on a shelf at the moment it is dangling .

We also got more plants some artificial and some real ones more space more green needed .

Went to bed this afternoon for an hours sleep it does make a difference I feel less sleepy .Why I am waking up after a few hours sleep is beyond me I called in at Asda last night for some food items so it was four a.m when I got home. But  I was still up at half past eight walking Bailey .

THURSDAY - Started to build the sliding door wardrobes with glass panel doors in the spare bedroom was ok couple of hitches one being time the other fitting the glass panels and side pieces of the door frame one side didn't want to fit had to take it apart and redo it got there in the end .

My Anker soundcore life p2 ear pods came pretty good easy to pair sound quality seems good impressed will use these when I take Bailey out for his walks .

FRIDAY - Another trip to the skip after went to buy new sink and kitchen taps the kitchen one is a flexi hose attachment the bathroom taps just nicer than the ones we have at the moment .

Went to Sainsbury's bought some new pans saucepans and frying pans and a griddle what happened to ours not sure anyway new cooker new pans .
Also went to the farm shop bought some fresh mice and sausages a swell as chicken enchiladas and eggs .

The cats went out for the first time the both returned together safe and well which is a major relief .

Got the wardrobes all erected fixed in place the pull out shoe rack and rails for the hangers , getting the second door on to the track was impossible had to slide it on by undoing the track finally done and sliding as they should .

A whole nine days off work going to chill out finish the outstanding jobs and then sit down relax watch some t.v and enjoy the new house .

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Living in a proper stone built house again instead of a caravan which is what basically our old home was , yes I had done various improvements and work on the property , moved walls made a bigger bedroom and kitchen but no way is it a house , a home yes a house no. Having an upstairs is eventfully as Bailey cant manage the stairs he refuses to go up or down and has to be carried both ways .

Today I built another set of drawers for the spare bedroom six drawers to hold some of Helen's things .
We also got our new BT Hub for our fibre connection this time it was straight forward and set up a couple of minutes I easily reconnected all our devices having missed Alexa and You Tube on the tv .

The Samsung T.v got delivered I set it up but was going to work so never really got to mess with it saw the picture the quality and colour brightness looked ok to me .

Monday, March 09, 2020


SATURDAY -Second weekend in the house so another busy day first job assemble and fit  a kitchen plate rack it was easy to assemble and ok to fix I screwed a baton onto the wall for the unit to sit on then I drilled six holes through and used them as makers for my fixings .

I also  started to put up the curtain poles over some off the windows .I also fixed the entrance way mirror on the wall as you walk through the front door .and a white carved shelf .The mirror was quite heavy yet  It only had one fixing point hopefully it will stay put .Got a Stanley tool box that is on wheels will make life easier than working out of a tool bag it was delivered by Amazon .We had another Indian take away delivered think this is the forth one in nine days .

SUNDAY - 07.00 a.m a delivery came other units ordered from Ikea a triple wardrobe and bathroom unit and two sets of drawers for the bedrooms going to be busy few days .Went over to my daughters house my grandson's fifth birthday time does fly by .On the way bought some supplies just in case not panic buying but being prepped cause you never know , bought extra cat and dog food and coffee pods , cant run out of coffee .Assembled  the cabinet for the t,v it has three drawers and three shelve compartments for a x-box , dvd player etc it is white with black pull handles .

Went to the Fox House Inn for a roast beef Sunday dinner we had booked so we did not have to wait as always the food was excellent and filling we ate at seven I was in bed for half past eight woke up at midnight thinking I had a full nights sleep .

MONDAY -Went to the local tip at Meltham took a few bags of kitchen waste and broken down Ikea boxes as well as some old cups and other rubbish .
I also assembled  a six  bedroom chest of drawers it took a while but although it is Ikea it is quite a good build quality  .I also finally put the curtain pole up in our bedroom not that we really close the curtains .

Friday, March 06, 2020


FRIDAY - I know I keep mention buying and ordering items , of course we are trying to do it all on a budget and we try and save and get discount or buy items that have been reduced in store .We are only buying what we need and not things for the sake of it this is our forever home and its a new build house of course we want it to look right and feel right and project a nice cosy home .Ikea is a good send for us apart from the flat pack and number of boxes the build quality is fine for us and of course end of day we realise you get what you pay for better people than us shop at Ikea .

I really need a good nights quality sleep don’t seem to be getting more than four hours I get home at around quarter to three a.m.  and get up at around half past six seven o clock it is catching up and I am constantly yawning and doing my best to get motivated at work it aint easy .
Left to build one double bed , two bed side cabinets and a drawer unit all in the spare bedroom .
two plate racks that got delivered to day for the dining area  . A chest of drawers for our bedroom which  once assembled will make it complete .
The bathroom is complete  when we get delivered a wall cabinet unit and towel ladder , we do need to buy a bigger blind for the kitchen Helen's measuring aint great .
for the living room t.v cabinet big enough to sit the t.v on  top it is going next to the side of the stairs.
We are lucky and extremely grateful for all we have  we have a new home in a great location , there is numerous reservoirs and moor land farms and forests to walk through , there are numerous farm shops , inns and restaurants serving really great tasting food , we wont ever get feed up of living where we live and will appreciate every day spent here , it has took us years to get to our destination we have had lucky breaks and there as been a load of what ifs but we made it we are happy and we are living our dream cant get better than that.
We have our front of house back the skip got lifted this afternoon its a mazing how much stuff I got into such a small skip 40 cubic metres I think it hold made use of every square inch it was nice to see the back of it .

Put two long shelves under the stair case using eight brackets and four shelves I supported them with wood underneath clued into with liquid nails to help the hollow fixings support the weight more easily so far they are solid .

The router I was on to BT about  not turning up Tuesday came today I was out they are supposed to go through your letter box I have to pick it up from the Royal mail  sorting office on the Saturday morning , assuming that is what they tried to deliver not sure if it is will have to wait and see .

Bought a white metal twin recycle bin for the kitchen it as separate compartments for your  domestic household waste and our recycled waste items .

Took Bailey out this morning the sun was out we walked down to Hade Edge Reservoir  the country side and forests looked nice with the sun out need to get a back pack and some walking boots and do some exploring .The cats are both still under house arrest might leave it another week before even considering letting them go out , the person behind us keeps chickens hopefully the cats wont bother them .

Thursday, March 05, 2020


TUESDAY - Went back to Ikea and bought some drawers a tall wall unit for the bath room as well as a t.v cabinet which a 65 inch Samsung smart  t.v will sit on . Visited Next retailers bought hand towels and bath mats as well as toilet and towel holders for both w.c and upstairs bathroom

WENESDAY - I Went to our doctors in Flockton to get Helen's prescription then went to B&Q bought some gorilla tape and glue and some cavity wall fixings and a Makita drill set I have had one before and they are a God send. I also bought a wireless door charm and a rotary airy and ground spike .

After I drove over to Pc World  bought a Shark cordless vacuum cleaner having no lead a big plus and it not being a Dyson a even bigger plus .The vacuum I took with me the condenser dryer getting delivered next Thursday .
Today we altered the corner sofa so it was the opposite hand it was not that bad but when I have loads of stuff to do , doing things twice is a major pain , it is now altered and in its place on the wall opposite the stairs .
The fridge freezer came today along with the dishwasher and washing machine are all up and running the washing machine plays a tune when it finishes it wash .
ordered a condenser dryer it will go in the storage cupboard in our bedroom or in the spare bedroom .
Having cold pear cider and ice a must we went food shopping and bought all the sauces that we had to throw out as well as shower gels , Radox bubble baths and various shampoos and hand wash lotions .
Went to the local farm shop bout some rib eye steak and Barnsley lamb chops , bacon and sausage and other bits and pies .

Went back to work really tired absolutely shattered how I will survive till 02.00 in the morning I don't really know .

THURSDAY - Was up just after half past six not sure why cant seem to sleep even though I am shattered . Finally ordered a Samsung 65inch smart t.v it comes Tuesday by then I will have assembled the t.v cabinet , found out today it might be Monday before we can access  the internet they are posting a new router out the previous one did not appear through my letter box ,

Put the bathroom cabinet up and the other pine unit above the toilet they are the  ones that we took from the van the day we left  ,I also fitted a slow close toilet seat in white as well as a toilet roll holder and towel ring .  Bought some plaster board hollow fixings and a big selection of screws , and liquid nails cant be too sure . Also bought HSS drill bits and a new hand saw as well as a stud detector better safe than sorry it is a new house cant break it .
Checked out the local fish and chip shop they open every dinner time and tea time Monday to Friday , no late evenings or weekends .

Wednesday, March 04, 2020


Friday 28th Feb - We exchanged contracts and we got the keys late afternoon I had picked the hire van up that morning it was snowing the person buying our van called round to transfer £85k into my bank using his mobile app , it wasn’t allowed so he did £10k and it allowed it , he had to go to the bank to do the rest , by one pm it was in I had to go to my local bank to transfer 60k to my solicitor so they could transfer it to Yorkshire Housing buying. 35% share of a house it was all finally by the close of business, and it was 03.00 Saturday morning before we got to bed a mattress on the floor of our bedroom .

SATURDAY - Up very early the move is completely done we have Ikea bags every room it’s one big dumping ground we don’t have gas so no hot water or rads are on it’s going to take time went to Ikea whilst I have the hire van it goes back Monday it’s a price of shit but it did it’s job from Ikea we bought king size bed for us and a double for bedroom two , a new mattress, bed side cabinets x4 , a six large bedroom drawers white with black handles , dressing table and a massive corner sofa and a lounging chair for me , it just went into the van of course it adds to the chaos and ness but we will get there I have Monday and Tuesday annual leave next week which I booked last minute and got it granted . Best achievement today discovering we can get fibre broadband order it with BT goes live next Thursday getting the equipment sent out Tuesday next week.

SUNDAY - A local butcher Flowery Fields what a name Hippy or what opens at eight a.m and does a take away breakfast which includes des 3x bacon and sausage, mushrooms, egg , tomato, black pudding, hash brown , and baked beans plus a bread cake for £4.50 and it’s a two minute drive 

I have ordered a skip to get rid of a lot of waste and items we don’t longer want we should fill it today and get it off our drive .
We have the internet going live this Thursday the router and equipment comes Tuesday we have a fibre connection, missing our Amazon echo and You Tube on our T.V.

Went to Curries / Pc World and ordered new fridge freezer , washing machine and dishwasher and are are getting delivered midweek I  got £75 off the price for spending over £750 it all helps .

Sunday, March 01, 2020


MONDAY - after going to the tip with the first load of rubbish we then drove over to Ikea bought one  box of AA batteries and 40 blue large Ikea shopping bags you can't beat the bags from Ikea the are strong light and last forever I don't think I have ever had one break ,they are good for garden rubbish we bought them to move belongings out of our home into our new house 40p a bag £16 you cant go wrong , we did get some weird looks when I stacked the convey belt at the till with forty bright blue bags , in my opinion Ikea bags are iconic wonder if buying 40 bags in one go is a record if you have bought more let me know and why.

TUESDAY -Another three trips to the local tip cleared out all the out buildings and tin shed .
Why do solicitors never answer their phone or call you back they are always in fcuking meetings .

Went Asda bought Helen a bottle of Baileys and myself some cloudy apple cider after emails to all solicitors phone calls  etc we cant do any more but drink otherwise going to sleep a big no no stress head .
Killing Zombies in the game  Into The Dead helps a lot in getting rid of the daily grind .

If all goes to plan February 28th we will be leaving our static home and moving into our Holmfirth home it will be upstairs to bed we have two off them , we have a full size bath a downstairs toilet a massive living room and a rear and front garden with parking for two cars bliss .


The purchase went through last Friday I received the funds into my account the person buying our van transferred in to my bank account 10k , then I  knew that we had sold our static home he couldn't transfer the full amount he had to go to his bank to transfer the remaining money that was owed for the sale off our static home . The money finally was released into my account just after 14.00.  I too had to go my  bank so in turn they could transfer part of the money on to my solicitor to send the payment for our new home . It was touch and go that they would receive and complete  by close of business as they  in return had to  forward it on to the solicitors selling the new build , plot 45 no 20 was ours we got  the keys the contracts where completed it was just after 16.00 the deal was done we emptied our belongings into the hire van and at 03.00 Saturday morning we was fully moved we was tired and aching put happy the move complete .My Nephew was a great help without him we would not have got moved as quickly as we did .


 THURSDAY - Highlight of today was cooking Ikea meatballs with fires peas and Ikea gravy I also baked some baguettes I had a pear cider to g...