Sunday, December 09, 2018


My daughter phoned me she was distraught she was on the way to York Hospital her Mother had been taken there by ambulance she had collapsed and was unresponsive they thing she had a stroke .
When she got to hospital she was asleep she stay asleep until she dies or wake up or wake up but not be herself.

I really hope she wakes up so that my daughter can spend one last Christmas with her it is unlikely that this will happen but Christmas is a time for miracles or so we are lead to believe so fingers crossed and hopefully prays are answered .

SUNDAY- her mother is doing better she is talking and acknowledging that they are there she is also asking about Christmas and her shop in Pocklington and Jenson her grandson and her cannabis oil  , a

 Her blood pressure is good and she is on a drip but most of all she is battling on and hopefully she will continue to improve and get home for Christmas which would be the best Christmas present that she could give to everyone around her and that knows her.

People say you leave this world with what you come with I have the above tattooed on my right lower leg , I will take my tattoo's with me when I die .

As the day progressed she was given Morphine my daughter stayed with her think she is staying at the hospital I know she laid on her hospital bed by her side she texted me to say her mother held her face and gave her loads of kisses , she said she was happy and peaceful and was in no pain , my daughter told her when ever she wanted to go it was ok to let go I said similar words holding my mothers hand whilst she died , She also rubbed cream into her feet and legs and face which she greatly enjoyed  .Someone said to me today "ain't life crap"  , and I replied  "life ain't crap it's dying that is shit" and cancer is the devil .

I know sometimes people improve they seem  get an extra lease of life a last hurrah , they can get out of bed unaided , watch tv and communicate normally and remember things from their past , but this can also be a sign that death is not too far away .

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