Thursday, April 19, 2012

Another grey wet rainy day so depressing need summer to kick in was only a few weeks ago the water authorities was enforcing a hose pipe ban on a island surrounded by water it beyond believe.
Helen has another two readings tonight last nights went brilliantly she is getting every reading spot on , and most of the people are leaving astounded by what she relays to them from the world of spirit.

My daughter and her friend have leased an apartment for six months in Dockside Lane Auckland very modern one bedroom on the first floor it has a central courtyard with grass and water feature's looks like there will be plenty of young people to get to know and party with .At least it will mean she can leave the hostel and start organising her belongings , one of her friends she has in Australia is buying her a laptop as a house warming present and is sending it to the salon she is working at , they move at the beginning of May wish i had friends like that.

As for me well work is going ok the team i look after are not that bad and generally do whats asked of them .After half past seven i am on my own its still going fast the eight hours i am there flies by but i do a lot of walking as the night goes on until i leave at ten.

Nothing planned for the weekend if its a bad as the last couple of days will be inside watching dvd's drinking coffee and burning gas .
Still hanging out for payday a week today kept thinking it was Wednesday today and its Thursday so its over midweek want to buy a book my daughter as been reading "In my skin " by Kate Holden think i will buy it as a e-book desperately need short sleeved shirts and some trainers for everyday wear.
Want to get lots of things but i wont i know i will have to wait as i always have done.

Listening to - John Mayer "Battle Studies".

P,S - The photo is the apartment complex my daughter and Shanelle will be renting

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